Not affiliated to the Open University apparently. But equally unopen which is funny.
Notably in STEM, not so interested in literature of course:
Here's a SPARQL sketch for Wikidata that can be run at It gathers all the relevant data, but TODO we don't know how to do the proper query yet:
# List of living Nobel Laureates sorted by date of birth
SELECT DISTINCT ?recipient ?recipientLabel $birthDate ?awardLabel ?nobelDate ?educatedAtLabel ?academicDegree ?academicDegreeLabel ?doctorateDate
?recipient wdt:P31 wd:Q5 ; # recepient is human (Peace prize can go to organizations)
wdt:P569 ?birthDate ;
p:P166 ?awardStat . # recepient was awarded something
?awardStat ps:P166 ?award .
?award wdt:P279* wd:Q7191 . # received any subclass of nobel prize (physics, chemistry, etc.)
?awardStat pq:P585 ?nobelDate .
?recipient p:P69 ?recipientEducatedAt .
?recipientEducatedAt ps:P69 ?educatedAt .
?recipientEducatedAt pq:P512 ?academicDegree .
?academicDegree wdt:P279* wd:Q849697 .
OPTIONAL{ ?recipientEducatedAt pq:P582 ?doctorateDate . }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
ORDER BY ASC(?birthDate) ASC(?nobelDate) ASC(?awardLabel)
This section is about hardcore people who don't have a PhD.
Paul's bastardness is more striking than his Nobel Prize and that is awesome.
Fun fact, in 2024 Ciro Santilli corrected John's place of birth on hist Nobel Prize page:, details: Getting a list of all currencies from Wikidata with SPARQL.
The cool think about Ramanujan is how British mathematicians heard about him and then just went crazy that someone they had never heard of before had come up with so many novel results. It is as if God had come down from the clouds and handed them those results. Without proof. But in that field of research, the statements are not easy to come up with, so much so that G. H. Hardy commented that:
they must be true, because, if they were not true, no one would have the imagination to invent them
They suffer extremely from Section "To talk about something without giving the real name to not scare off the audience". But they also have merits.
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.