Scanning transmission electron microscopy by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2024-12-31 +Created 1970-01-01
This is not a truly "fundamental" constant of nature like say the speed of light or the Planck constant.
Rather, it is just a definition of our Kelvin temperature scale, linking average microscopic energy to our macroscopic temperature scale.
The way to think about that link is, at 1 Kelvin, each particle has average energy:per degree of freedom.
For an ideal monatomic gas, say helium, there are 3 degrees of freedom. so each helium atom has average energy:
If we have 2 atoms at 1 K, they will have average energy , and so on.
Another conclusion is that this defines temperature as being proportional to the total energy. E.g. if we had 1 helium atom at 2 K then we would have about energy, 3 K and so on.
This energy is of course just an average: some particles have more, and others less, following the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
TODO can anything interesting and deep be said about "why phase transition happens?" on Physics Stack Exchange
The best scientific YouTube channels by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2024-12-31 +Created 1970-01-01
domain-specific language unfortunately, but at least it's on GitHub, looks promising.
How to play scores and save them to files is discussed at:
They have a nice looking IDE, but running anything from the command-line interface is super hard, much unlike Csound. How to get a decent hello world:
Sample composition with custom synths + notes: looks like a decent tutorial, it is basically the Csound FLOSS manual for SuperCollider.
Not a telephone-based system, needing its own network, and was killed particularly by fax which is. Telex evolved from the Telegraph, which is a binary system at the physical layer. Written in C++, which is, a plus.
Good Minecraft clone. On Ubuntu 21.10 did:which installed 5.4.1, and it worked, except it had no sound, to an error:
sudo snap install minetest
ERROR[Main]: Audio: Global Initialization: Failed to open device
TODO, come on, Internet!
The traffic is designed for cars, which makes many red stops for bicycles completely stupid.
In a bicycle you just have too much more control and awareness than in a car, so if the way is completely clear, you should be allowed to stop, look if the way is clear, and then run reds.
Of course, this does increase the chances of hitting pedestrians a little bit. But the risk change feels so little that it would be worth it. Studies quoted by Wikipedia corroborate. It just feels extremely unintuitive to make cyclists stop in certain places when the street is clear.
- Should cyclists be allowed to run red lights? by The Guardian 2015
This is the cutest product name ever.
Since 1992, Mr. SQUID has been the standard educational demonstration system for undergraduate physics lab courses.
YBCO device, runs on liquid nitrogen.
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.