Closurism is a term invented by Ciro Santilli to refer to content moderation policies that lock threads in online forums, preventing people from adding new comments from that point onward.
This is similar to deletionism but a bit less worse, as the pre-existing content is maintained. But new relevant content that comes up cannot be added in the future, so it is still bad.
The outcome of closurism is that new forum posts must then be made about up-to-date aspects of the topic. But then those may fail to reach the same PageRank, so most people never get the new information, or create new posts leading to useless duplication of work.
In 2017 apparently they've started making their own Web Graphs, i.e. they parse the HTML and extract the graph of what links to what.
This is exactly what we need for an open implementation of PageRank.
Edit: actually, they already calculate PageRank for us!!! Fantastic!!! Main section: Section "Common Crawl web graph official PageRank".
The graphs are dumped in BVGraph format.
A quick exploration of the graph can be seen at:
Their source code is at:
As of 2025 Common Crawl web graph also dumps its own PageRank for each release. See e.g. the file so quite plausible, except for
from at: The first 20 rows are:#harmonicc_pos #harmonicc_val #pr_pos #pr_val #host_rev
1 3.4626736E7 3 0.005384977821460953 com.facebook
2 3.42356E7 2 0.007010813553170503 com.googleapis.fonts
3 3.007577E7 1 0.008634952900502719
4 3.0036014E7 4 0.004411782034463272 com.googletagmanager
5 2.9900088E7 5 0.0036940035989790525
6 2.9537252E7 6 0.0032959808223701 com.instagram
7 2.9092556E7 9 0.0027616338842143423 com.twitter
8 2.7346152E7 7 0.0032101332824200743 com.gstatic.fonts
9 2.6818654E7 11 0.0017699438634060259 com.linkedin
10 2.5383126E7 8 0.0027849243241515574 org.gmpg
11 2.3747762E7 12 0.0016577826631867043
12 2.3514198E7 15 0.0013399414238881337 com.googleapis.ajax
13 2.3504832E7 16 0.0012791339750445332
14 2.337092E7 47 3.794876113587071E-4 be.youtu
15 2.2925148E7 14 0.0013857916784687163 com.cloudflare.cdnjs
16 2.2851038E7 18 0.0012066313543285154
17 2.2833728E7 13 0.0015745738381307273 org.wordpress
18 2.2830926E7 36 6.02400471665468E-4 com.pinterest
19 2.27056E7 45 4.001342924757244E-4
20 2.2687704E7 24 9.381217848819624E-4 net.jsdelivr.cdn
. What the fuck is that and why is it ranked so high? Is it a quirk with the hosts inside subdomains?Perhaps a more relevant dump might be the domain-only one But nope,
:#harmonicc_pos #harmonicc_val #pr_pos #pr_val #host_rev #n_hosts
1 3.1238044E7 3 0.01110707704411023 com.facebook 3632
2 3.0950192E7 2 0.016650558868491434 com.googleapis 3470
3 3.000803E7 1 0.01749148008448444 14053
4 2.7319046E7 5 0.00670112168785935 com.instagram 789
5 2.7020862E7 7 0.005464885844102939 1628
6 2.6954494E7 4 0.007740808154448889 com.googletagmanager 42
7 2.6344278E7 8 0.0052073382920908295 com.twitter 712
8 2.5414934E7 6 0.0058790483755603844 com.gstatic 171
9 2.4803688E7 11 0.0038589161241338816 com.linkedin 690
10 2.4683842E7 10 0.004929923081722034 org.gmpg 2
11 2.3575146E7 9 0.005111453489231459 com.cloudflare 951
12 2.2735678E7 14 0.002131882799792225 com.gravatar 98
13 2.2356142E7 12 0.002513741654851857 org.wordpress 1250
14 2.2132868E7 15 0.0019991529719988496 3261
15 2.2095914E7 31 0.0010706467268355303 org.wikipedia 2099
16 2.2057972E7 21 0.0015644264715267535 com.pinterest 360
17 2.1941062E7 40 8.52391305373285E-4 be.youtu 15
18 2.1826452E7 16 0.0018442726685905964 net.jsdelivr 40
19 2.1764224E7 34 9.747994384099485E-4 951
20 2.1690982E7 35 9.740295347556525E-4 com.vimeo
is still there! comments on it: so it appears to be a computer-readable ontology mechanism in the lines of Resource Description Framework which interlinks many websites. The article also mentions another interesting noise in
for instance, is the reference for a vocabulary that describes relationships
which every Chinese website is required to link to for their ICP license.This is the family of algorithms to which PageRank
PageRank was apparently inspired by it originally, given that.
How to develop Ciro Santilli's website before the OurBigBook migration Updated 2025-03-25 +Created 1970-01-01
The website moved from AsciiDoctor to OurBigBook Markup in 2020, making this section mostly useless. But hey, history!
Ciro's website is powered by GitHub Pages and Jekyll Asciidoc.
The source code is located at:
Build locally, watch for changes and rebuild automatically, and start a local server with:
git clone --recursive
bundle install
npm install
.The website will be visible at: localhost:4000.
Tested on the latest Ubuntu.
Publish changes to GitHub Pages:
git add -u
git commit -m 'make yourself look sillier'
.GitHub forces us to use the master branch for the build output... so the actual source is in the branch
.Update the gems with:
bundle update
git add Gemfile.lock
git commit -m 'update gems'
His website was originally written in markdown, however those were deprecated in favour of AsciiDoctor when Ciro saw the light, rationale shown at: markdown-style-guideuse-asciidoc
GitHub pages is chosen instead of a single page GitHub README.adoc for the following reasons:
- Ciro will want some unsupported extensions, notably mathematics, likely with KaTeX server side:
- when GitHub dies, Ciro's website URL still lives and retains the PageRank!
Just image being famous only for being 44 years too early to a party.
The downside of "Katz centrality" compared to PageRank appears to be that if if a big node links to many many nodes, all of those earn a lot of reputation, regardless of how outgoing links there are:
This section is about more "open" PageRank implementations, notably using either or both of:
- open source software
- open web crawling data such as Common Crawl
As of 2025, the most open and reproducible implementation appears to be whatever Common Crawl web graph official PageRank does, which is to use WebGraph. It's quite beautiful.
It would be really cool to have a PageRank-link algorithm that answers the key questions:However, Ciro has decided to leave this for phase two action plan, because it is impossible to tune such an algorithm if you have no users or test data.
- what is the best content for subject X.For example, if you are reading
and it is crap, you would be able to click the buttonwhich leads you to the URL: This URL then contains a list of all pages people have written about the subjectVersions by other authors
, sorted by some algorithm, containing for example:This URL would also contain a list of issues/comments that are related to the subject. - who knows the most about subject X. This can be found by visiting: "Top Mathematics users", which would contain the list of users sorted by the algorithm:
Perhaps it is also worth looking into ExpertRank, they appear to do some kind of "expert in this area", but with clustering (unlike us, where the clustering would be more explicit).
Other dump of things worth looking into:
Stack Exchange solves to a good extent the use cases:points of view. It is a big open question if we can actually substantially improve it.
- I have a very specific question, type it on Google, find top answers
- I have an answer, and I put it here because it has a much greater chance of being found due to the larger PageRank than my personal web page will ever have
Major shortcoming are mentioned at idiotic Stack Overflow policies:
- Scope restrictions can lead to a lot of content deletion: closing questions as off-topicThis greatly discourages new users, who might still have added value to the project.On our website, anyone can post anything that is legal in a given country. No one can ever delete your content if it is legal, no matter their reputation.
- Although you can answer your own question, there's no way to write an organized multi-page book with Stack Exchange due to shortcomings such as no table of contents, 30k max chars on answer, huge risk of deletion due to "too broad"
- Absolutely no algorithmic attempt to overcome the fastest gun in the West problem (early answers have huge advantage over newer ones):
- Native reputation system:
- if the living ultimate God of
upvotes you, you get10
reputation - if the first-day newb of
upvotes you, you also get10
- if the living ultimate God of
- Randomly split between sites like Stack Overflow vs Super User, with separate user reputations, but huge overlaps, and many questions that appears as dupes on both and never get merged.
- Possible edit wars, just like Wikipedia, but these are much less common since content ownership is much clearer than in Wikipedia however
Long story short, the project is so far a complete failure on the most important metric: number of regular users, which current sits at exactly one: myself.
There were notable users who found the project online and who actually tried to use the website for some content and provided extremely valuable feedback:Unfortunately after the period of a few weeks they stopped using it to follow their other priorities instead. Which is of course totally fine, however sad.
I still believe that the OurBigBook Web feature is a significant tech innovation that could make the website go big.
I also believe that the project gets many fundamentals of braindumping right, notably the infinitely deep table of contents without forced scoping, e.g.:does not make Calculus have an ID orr URL of
- Mathematics
- Calculus
, rather it's just calculus
.Internal cross file internal link uses only the leaf ID
.But there is a fundamental difficulty in reaching critical mass to that self-sustaining point, as people don't seem to be convinced by these logical "my system is better" argument alone, as opposed to having them Google into stuff they need now and then understand that the project is awesome.
A closely related critical mass issue is that existing big multiuser knowledge base websites such as Stack Overflow and Wikipedia have a tremendous advantage on PageRank. No matter how useless a Wikipedia article about something is, it will always be on top of Google within a week of creation for title hits. And since the main goal of publishing your stuff is to get it seen, it makes much more sense for writers to publish on such existing websites whenever possible, because anywhere else it is way way less likely to be seen by anybody.
Even I end up writing way more on Stack Overflow than on OurBigBook as a programmer. But I still believe that there is a value to OurBigBook, for the usual reasons of:
- it allows you to organize a more global view of a subject, i.e. a book. Even I write answers on Stack Overflow, I also tend to organize links to these answers in a structured ways here, see e.g. big topics such as SQL
- deletionism and overly narrowness of allowed topics/style
Perhaps what saddens me the most is that even on GitHub stars/Twitter/Hacker news terms there is almost no interest in the project despite the fact that I consider that it has innovations, while many other note taking apps as well in the thousands of stars. Maybe I'm just delusional and all the tech that I'm doing is completely useless?
Part of the issue is probably linked to the fact that most other note taking apps focus on "help me organize my ideas so I can make more money" and often completely ignore "I want to publish my knowledge", and stuff that helps you make money is always easier to sell and promote.
OurBigBook on the other hand a huge focus on "I want to publish me knowledge". It aims almost single mindedly in being the best tool ever for that. However this doesn't make money for people, and therefore there are going to be way less potential users.
I do believe strongly that all it takes is a few users for the project to snowball. For some people, once you start braindumping, it is very addictive, and you never want to stop basically. So with only a few of those we can open large parts of undergrad knowledge to the world. But these people are few, and so far I haven't been able to find even a single one like me, and on top of that convince them that I have created the ultimate system for their knowledge publishing desires.
Another general lesson is that I should perhaps aimed for greater compatibility with existing systems such as Obsidian. Taking something that many people already know and use can have a huge impact on acceptance. E.g. anything that touches Obsidian can reach thousands of stars: Note taking apps that aim for "markdown" compatibility also tend to fare better, even if in the end you inevitably have to extend the Markdown for some of your features. And WYSIWYG, which I want but don't have, is perhaps the ultimate familiarity.
Another issue compared to other platforms is that OurBigBook just came out late. Obsidian launched in 2020. Roam Research and Trillium Notes also came earlier. And it is hard to fight the advantage already gained by those on the "I'm going to take some personal notes" area. I do believe however that there a strong separation between "these are my personal notes" and "I want to publish these". Once you decide to publish your knowledge, you immediately start to write in a different way, and it is very hard to convert pre-existing "private" notes into ones suitable for public consumption. Previously at: but Stack Overflow fucking deleted the question.
I wanted to do a quick exploration of open PageRank implementation and data.
My general motivation for this is that a PageRank-like algorithm could be useful for more accurate user and article ranking on OurBigBook, see: Section "PageRank-like ranking"
But it could also be just generally cool to apply it to other graph datasets, e.g. for computing an Wikipedia internal PageRank.
A quick Google reveals only Open PageRank, but their methods are apparently closed source.
Then I had a look at the Common Crawl web graph data to see if I could easily calculate it myself, and... they already have it! See: Section "Common Crawl web graph official PageRank"
Their graph dumps are in BVGraph graph file format, which is the native format of the WebGraph framework, which implements the format and algorithms such as PageRank.
The only thing I miss is a command line interface to calculate the PageRank. That would be so awesome.
The more I look at it the more I love Common Crawl.
In cc-main-2024-25-dec-jan-feb-domain-ranks.txt:
was ranked
was at ~606k