Connected components of the orthogonal group Updated +Created
The orthogonal group has 2 connected components:
It is instructive to visualize how the looks like in :
  • you take the first basis vector and move it to any other. You have therefore two angular parameters.
  • you take the second one, and move it to be orthogonal to the first new vector. (you can choose a circle around the first new vector, and so you have another angular parameter.
  • at last, for the last one, there are only two choices that are orthogonal to both previous ones, one in each direction. It is this directio, relative to the others, that determines the "has a reflection or not" thing
As a result it is isomorphic to the direct product of the special orthogonal group by the cyclic group of order 2:
A low dimensional example:
because you can only do two things: to flip or not to flip the line around zero.
Note that having the determinant plus or minus 1 is not a definition: there are non-orthogonal groups with determinant plus or minus 1. This is just a property. E.g.:
has determinant 1, but:
so is not orthogonal.
Indefinite special orthogonal group Updated +Created
Like the special orthogonal group is to the orthogonal group, is the subset of with determinant equal to exactly 1.
Lie group Updated +Created
The key and central motivation for studying Lie groups and their Lie algebras appears to be to characterize symmetry in Lagrangian mechanics through Noether's theorem, just start from there.
Notably local symmetries appear to map to forces, and local means "around the identity", notably: local symmetries of the Lagrangian imply conserved currents.
The fact that there are elements arbitrarily close to the identity, which is only possible due to the group being continuous, is the key factor that simplifies the treatment of Lie groups, and follows the philosophy of continuous problems are simpler than discrete ones.
Video 1.
What is Lie theory? by Mathemaniac 2023
. Source.
Lecture 1 Updated +Created
Bibliography review:
Course outline given:
Non-relativistic QFT is a limit of relativistic QFT, and can be used to describe for example condensed matter physics systems at very low temperature. But it is still very hard to make accurate measurements even in those experiments.
Defines "relativistic" as: "the Lagrangian is symmetric under the Poincaré group".
Mentions that "QFT is hard" because (a finite list follows???):
There are no nontrivial finite-dimensional unitary representations of the Poincaré group.
But I guess that if you fully understand what that means precisely, QTF won't be too hard for you!
Notably, this is stark contrast with rotation symmetry groups (SO(3)) which appears in space rotations present in non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
Special unitary group Updated +Created
The complex analogue of the special orthogonal group, i.e. the subgroup of the unitary group with determinant equals exactly 1 instead of an arbitrary complex number with absolute value equal 1 as is the case for the unitary group.
Symplectic group Updated +Created
Intuition, please? Example? The key motivation seems to be related to Hamiltonian mechanics. The two arguments of the bilinear form correspond to each set of variables in Hamiltonian mechanics: the generalized positions and generalized momentums, which appear in the same number each.
Seems to be set of matrices that preserve a skew-symmetric bilinear form, which is comparable to the orthogonal group, which preserves a symmetric bilinear form. More precisely, the orthogonal group has:
and its generalization the indefinite orthogonal group has:
where S is symmetric. So for the symplectic group we have matrices Y such as:
where A is antisymmetric. This is explained at: They also explain there that unlike as in the analogous orthogonal group, that definition ends up excluding determinant -1 automatically.
Therefore, just like the special orthogonal group, the symplectic group is also a subgroup of the special linear group.