A common misconsception suggests that glass is a liquid of high viscosity. This not the case. Glass is its own distinct state of matter that doesn't coincide with any other classical one. Every liquid (except Helium) can be turned into glass, if a sufficiently rapid cooling takes place. This process is called vitrification. When a liquid is cooled (water for example) it normally goes through the process of crystallization. We say that the water is frozen as ice forms which has a very specific structure that is characterized by its stability (crystalline solid). If the cooling happens quickly enough, the water molecules don't have the opportunity to occupy the lowest energy sites and this is how the amorphous solids forms.
Annealing illustrates this phenomenon. When glass is cooled down in order to solidify, this process must be done during a specific time interval in order for the molecules to have enough time to position themselves in a more stable manner. If during the glass making process, the produced glass has been solidified too rapidly, then the stress present in the solid makes it too fragile to the point where it can rupture/shatter even during handling. By reheating the glass and slowly droping the temperature again, we ensure that the glass object has gained a much more stable structure.
As crystalline solids have a melting point, amorphous ones have a glass transition temperature which surprisingly depends on thermal history (how rapidly was the former liquid made into glass?). Around this temperature point, the viscosity of the glass increases rapidly and can be classified as a solid (under classical terms). It should be noted that the viscosity as well as other properties of the substance made into glass, present a continuous change as the temperature changes. This is not the case with "ordinary" freezing as liquid water turns spontaneously into a solid in a discontinuous manner (during the freezing process the temperature stays constant. Immediately below all the water has turned into ice).
The glass state is metastable and its transition to a crystalline solid is thermodynamically favoured although kinetically inert.
Created by the german chemist Carl Friedrich Claus, it makes it possible to convert hydrogen sulfide (from natural gas) to elemental sulfur.
The overall reaction can be descibed as follows:
The overall reaction can be descibed as follows:
The Claus' process served as a better replacement of the Frasch process, which obtained elemental sulfur from naturally found deposits underground.
The hydrated glass interface is conductive due to the presence of hydrogen cations.
In each interface of the membrane an equilibrium is established:
A potential difference is again caused due to the difference in ionization.
The equilibrium's position depends on the concentration of in each interface.
Before using the glass electrode, one must assure that it is hydrated. During hydration, single charged cations that are loosely placed in the glass lattice are overwhelmingly exchanged by hydrogen cations.
Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Edition Allen J. Bard, Larry R. Faulkner.
Principles of Instrumental Analysis 6th Edition by Douglas A. Skoog
Glass Electrodes make use of the ion-selective properties of glass and are used today in pH measurements.
The indicator electrode consists of a thin glass membrane that is contained inside a thick-walled glass or plastic tube. Inside the tube, there exists a solution of HCl (0.1M) satured with AgCl together with a silver wire. This is an internal Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The indicator electrode is connect with another refenrece electrode (the external one) and thus the cell is complete.
There are many types of ion-selective electrodes (often abbreviated as ISEs) whose design greatly varies. Nevertheless they are all based on the same principle: The membrane potential.
A membrane is any continuous layer made of a semi-permeable material, that separates two solutions. The membrane's characteristics cause the appearance of a membrane potential across the two solutions.
The membrane potential exists, due to the concentration difference (more accurately, activity difference) of the two solutions. Compounds from the denser mixture will diffuse through the membrane to the dilute solution, thus giving rise to a potential difference adjacent to the membrane. The present potential field opposes the movement caused by the diffusion, and a dynamic equilibrium is eventually established.
The membrane potential that is established due to this equilibrium can be calculated via the Nernst equation:, where and refer respectively to the activity of the compound of interest in the sample solution and in a standard/reference solution.
The role of the standard/reference solution is to contain a constant activity of the compound to be measured, therefore making it possible to solve the Nernst equation for the unknown .
The membrane is just a component of the two electrode cell, and we obtain useful data by measuring the potential difference across the whole cell.
An ion-selective electrode is an electrochemical sensor based on thin films or selective membranes as recognition elements.
They are the most commonly used types of indicator electrodes (electrodes in which the analyte is being studied/measured) in potentiometric measurements due to their accuracy, selectivity and fast response time compared to metallic ones.
When we boil rice for example, we observe the grains swelling and becoming much more soft. This manifests itself in the process of starch gelatinization.
At high temperatures, the intermolecular bonds of the starch molecules (for example the double helices formed by amylopectin) are broken down (new water-starch hydrogen bonds are formed) and thus the structure of the starch granules is altered. First the amorphous regions are disrupted and then the granule's whole structure gets effected. The granules lose their integrity and burst. Amylose (and a smaller amount of amylopectin) molecules leave the granule and contribute to the increased viscosity of the liquid.
When the temperature drops, recrystallization occurs. This is referred to as starch retrogradation and is responsible for bread staling.
The Sun's rays are not monochromatic and represent photons of various wavelength that may or may not be part of the visible light. In glass, some ions absorb particular wavelengths in the visible light and emit only the remaining wavelength. This is what contitutes the colour of an object. If an ion absorbs photons of red light, it appears bluish. These ions are normally transition metals as they can absorb photons of wavelengths that we can see.
The colour that we perceive by the glass is not only related to the ions contained in the glass but it also depends on the network-former/modifiers present. This is because the ions interact with them, which influences each ion's orbital energy levels and consequently the light that they can absorb. Lastly the colour also depends on the concentration of the ion, its nature (valency) and the heterogeneity of the glass. A portion of the light that arrives in the surface of the glass gets reflected and doesn't interact further.
A list summarizing some generally perceived colours and their associated ions:
- () yellow-brown
- () blue
- () blue
- () red
- () green
- () yellow
- () green
- () yellow
- () violet
Glasses can also be coloured by metal colloids or to coloured particles.
This type of glass accounts for 90% of commercially used glass. Its uses range from windows to even jars. It is typically made of (w/w) 70% silica (), 10% lime () and 15% soda ().
Silica is the network-former of the glass. Silica, is found in nature as quartz and its pure form is the ideal glass. Nevertheless, soda is added in order to reduce the temperature at which the glass is softened, thus making its production cheaper and better to work with. Since sodium cations are very soluble in water, lime is added in order to decrease the solubility of the glass.
Silica is obtained by sand and mixed with soda ash () and limestone (). These materials are mixed together to get a powder called batch which is later combined with cullet (recycled glass pieces) in order for the glass to once again soften at even lower temperatures. The mix is heated into an oven at temperatures around . Impurities that arise are removed and the melted mass is put into moulds to take its final shape. Annealing is also taking place at the end to ensure glass durability, which is the process of reheated the bottle and then slowly cooling it down in order to further stabilize the structure of the glass.
Soda lime glass is recyclable.
The works of Zachariasen and Warren (Network Theory and its verification by X-ray diffraction) resulted in big advancements in the study of glass structure. This theory can predict a large number properties of conventional glasses. His theory was later extended by Dietzel.
Zachariasen presented three types of cations that form a glass:
- Network-formers that have a high oxidation state with a coordination number (number of bonds they form) generally of 3 or 4 (for example: Si, B, P, Ge, As, Be). These are connected together with the help of anions present in the glass.
- Network-modifiers that are placed in order to disrupt the organized structure of the network. As they are cations they place themselves close to the anions (oxygen in for example) that connects the network. They break some bridging covalent bonds and "stick" to the broken ends electrostatically forming ionic bonds of lower energy. This reduces the viscosity so that the glass can be manufactured more efficiently, as it softens in a lower temperature.
- Intermediates which assist in glass formation by forming intermediate bonds to oxygen. They can't form glasses on their own.
In order for glass to form, the network-former should (although there are exceptions) form polyhedral groups in its simplest form. (For example silica, forms tetrahedrals). Each polyhedron should only connect with its neighbouring once via bonding bridges formed by the anions (in this example an Si-O-Si).
The network-former of silicate glass is which is
The most commonly used component of glass is silica, an element that is abundant in the Earth's crust (30% by mass). During the formation of our planet, rocks containing a high percentage of silica were melted and cooled rapidly under the hostile conditions of the environment (volcanic eruptions, lighting strikes), thus natural glass was made such as obsidian. Man-made glass was first produced about 4000 years ago and it was used mainly for jewellery. Then, glass couldn't be obtained in a pure/homogenous form and lacked transparency.
Glass continued to spread around the world and new techniques were invented but still, transparent glass could not be achieved until the middle ages.
This important step took place in the island of Murano. Cristallo was the first clear, colourless, transparent glass and was made by the Venetian glass blower Cesaro Barovier in the 15th century.
Another marking point in the glassmaking industry was the invention of crown glass, which was a simpler process that prevailed in the middle ages. The glass that was manufactured by this method is sometimes thicker in the bottom than at the top. That is not attributed to the viscosity of the glass (a common misconception) but rather to the glass making process itself. It was slowly replaced in the 19th century by cylinder blown sheet glass, another hand-blown technique.
It took many years for man to study the relation of glass composition and properties. The industry only saw very steep scientific progress in the 19th century.
After we became aware of the underlying science of the craft, the glass making process was automated and improved to accomondate all our needs. The mass production of glass objects is done with the help of machines that create the desired shapes of the products using moulds.
White is often seen as a symbol of purity and virtue (even the ancient Egyptians and Greeks shared this view ), thus there was a need for effective fabric whitening methods.
Since the ancient times, people used a widely available "bleaching product", the sun itself (the small amounts of UV radiation that reach the surface of the earth, break up bonds of stain molecules that are responsible for the colours that we perceive).
Later in ancient rome, before the invention of soap, other alkaline products were used as cleaning agents, such as urine (which breaks down to ammonia). These only removed the grease stains from the cloth, before it was left to dry and whiten in the sun.
Ultimately, from wood ashes a better cleaning product was made which was lye. Lye is used as the main ingredient is soap making.
In the 17th century, the Dutch were leading the bleaching market. They invented a new method of bleaching which involved additions of bases and acid to the cloth. Firstly, the fabrics were soaked in lye in order to remove grease stains and then washed clean. Then they were spread out in specific places, called bleachfields. There, on the grass, they got whitened under the sun. This process was repeated several times. Lastly, sour milk was placed on the fabric in order to neutralize the bases added prior and once again a wash took place. This process was not only physically demanding, but also took months to finish.
In the 17th century, the Dutch were leading the bleaching market. They invented a new method of bleaching which involved additions of bases and acid to the cloth. Firstly, the fabrics were soaked in lye in order to remove grease stains and then washed clean. Then they were spread out in specific places, called bleachfields. There, on the grass, they got whitened under the sun. This process was repeated several times. Lastly, sour milk was placed on the fabric in order to neutralize the bases added prior and once again a wash took place. This process was not only physically demanding, but also took months to finish.
Thankfully, after the discovery of elemental Chlorine by Karl Wilhelm Scheele, another scientist came up with a faster way to bleach clothes. He was Claude Berthollet, who made in 1789, what is known as "Eau de Javel" (commonly known as liquid bleach), which is a widely used bleach in laundry, cleaning and water treatment. That bleach consists of a solution of 3-6% NaClO.
Later, in 1798 Charles Tennant made a solution of known as bleaching powder. Peroxide-based bleach only became popular in the 20th century, after being made in a century ago.
Glass is a state of matter, characterizing amorphous solids. The structure of glass neither exactly resembles that of a crystalline solid nor that of a liquid.
The properties of glass vary depending on its composition (over 400.000 types of glasses have been manufactuered) and thus it has big range of uses.
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