Harish-Chandra's Ξ function 1970-01-01
Heaviside step function 1970-01-01
Herglotz–Zagier function 1970-01-01
Heun function 1970-01-01
Holonomic function 1970-01-01
Hough function 1970-01-01
Hyperbolastic functions 1970-01-01
Incomplete Fermi–Dirac integral 1970-01-01
Incomplete polylogarithm 1970-01-01
Inverse tangent integral 1970-01-01
Jacobi elliptic functions 1970-01-01
Jacobi zeta function 1970-01-01
Kontorovich–Lebedev transform 1970-01-01
Kummer's function 1970-01-01
Lambert W function 1970-01-01
Lamé function 1970-01-01
Legendre chi function 1970-01-01
Legendre form 1970-01-01
List of eponyms of special functions 1970-01-01