45 1 hour lessons. The Indian traditional music opening is the best.
10 2-hour lessons.
Lecturer: Leonard Susskind.
14 1 hours 20 minute lectures.
The video resolution is extremely low, with images glued as he moves away from what he wrote :-) The beauty of the early Internet.
This is a bit "formal hocus pocus first, action later". But withing that category, it is just barely basic enough that 2021 Ciro can understand something.
Lecture notes transcribed by a student: github.com/avstjohn/qft
18 1h30 lectures.
Bibliography review:
Course outline given:
Non-relativistic QFT is a limit of relativistic QFT, and can be used to describe for example condensed matter physics systems at very low temperature. But it is still very hard to make accurate measurements even in those experiments.
Defines "relativistic" as: "the Lagrangian is symmetric under the Poincaré group".
Mentions that "QFT is hard" because (a finite list follows???):
There are no nontrivial finite-dimensional unitary representations of the Poincaré group.
But I guess that if you fully understand what that means precisely, QTF won't be too hard for you!
Notably, this is stark contrast with rotation symmetry groups (SO(3)) which appears in space rotations present in non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
  • something about finding a unitary representation of the poincare group
Dirac field.
Dirac equation.
When the word "advanced" precedes QFT, you know that the brainrape is imminent!!!
Big goal: explain the Standard Model.
Gaussian path integrals.

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