Login without password: askubuntu.com/questions/915585/how-to-login-mysql-shell-when-mysql-have-no-password
works on Ubuntu 20.10.
sudo mysql
Create user for further logins without
sudo mysql -e "CREATE USER $USER"
Run command from CLI stackoverflow.com/questions/1602904/how-do-you-run-a-single-query-through-mysql-from-the-command-line
Create test user with password:
and login as that user:
Login with password given on the command line:
sudo mysql -e 'CREATE USER user0 IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY "a"'
sudo mysql -e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO "user0"'
mysql -u user0 -p
mysql -u user0 -pmypassword
IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password
part is to overcome "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server" when connecting from Node.js.List users:
sudo mysql -e 'SELECT * FROM mysql.user'
View permissions for each user on each DB: serverfault.com/questions/263868/how-to-know-all-the-users-that-can-access-a-database-mysql
sudo mysql -e 'SELECT * FROM mysql.db'
List databases:
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW DATABASES'
Create database:
sudo mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE mydb0'
Destroy database:
sudo mysql -e 'DROP DATABASE mydb0'
Show tables in database:
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW TABLES' mydb0
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW TABLES FROM mydb0'
Dude's a legend. Sells company for a few million. Then forks the open source project next year. Love it.
PostgreSQL feels good.
Its feature set is insanely large! Just look at stuff like: stackoverflow.com/questions/1986491/sql-split-string-by-space-into-table-in-postgresql/1993058#1993058
Had a look at the source tree, and also felt good.
If Oracle is the Microsoft of database, Postgres is the Linux, and MySQL (or more precisely MariaDB) is the FreeBSD (i.e. the one that got delayed by legal issues). Except that their software licenses were accidentally swapped.
The only problem with Postgres is its name. PostgreSQL is so unpronounceable and so untypeable that you should just call it "Postgres" like everyone else.
On Ubuntu 20.10 PostgreSQL 12.6, login with
on my default username without sudo fails with: stackoverflow.com/questions/11919391/postgresql-error-fatal-role-username-does-not-existThis is the one that worked on Ubuntu 21.04: stackoverflow.com/questions/11919391/postgresql-error-fatal-role-username-does-not-exist/38444152#38444152
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $(whoami)
createdb $(whoami)
sudo -u postgres
uses thepostgres
user via peer authentication-s
increateuser -s
: make it a superusercreatedb
: TODO why do we have to create a table with the same name as the user? Otherwise login fails.
You can now run
shows that peer authentication is available to all users apparently:
without any password. This works without password due to peer authentication,
sudo cat /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf
local all postgres peer
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all peer
List users:
psql -c '\du'
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
ciro | Superuser, Create role, Create DB | {}
owning_user | | {}
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
Delete user later on:
psql -c 'DROP USER username;'
Create a database:
createdb testdb0
Help toplevel:
Get help for Postgres commands such as
and so on:
List supported SQL commands:
Show syntax for one type of command:
List all databases:
which shows:
psql -c '\l'
Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
ciro | postgres | UTF8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | en_GB.UTF-8 |
postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | en_GB.UTF-8 |
template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +
| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +
| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
testdb0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | en_GB.UTF-8 |
(6 rows)
Delete a database:
psql -c 'DROP DATABASE "testdb0";'
If you didn't give a database from the command line e.g.:
you can do that afterwards with:
\c testdb0
Let's create a table and test that it is working:
psql testdb0 -c 'CREATE TABLE table0 (int0 INT, char0 CHAR(16));'
List tables, no special tables:
psql testdb0 -c '\dt'
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | table0 | table | ciro
(1 row)
View table schema: stackoverflow.com/questions/109325/postgresql-describe-table
psql testdb0 -c '\d+ table0'
Table "public.table0"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
int0 | integer | | | | plain | |
char0 | character(16) | | | | extended | |
Insert some data into it and get the data out:
psql testdb0 -c "INSERT INTO table0 (int0, char0) VALUES (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (5, 'five'), (7, 'seven');"
psql testdb0 -c 'SELECT * FROM table0;'
int0 | char0
2 | two
3 | three
5 | five
7 | seven
(4 rows)
Delete the table:
psql testdb0 -c 'DROP TABLE table0;'
- output one column per line: stackoverflow.com/questions/9604723/alternate-output-format-for-psql-showing-one-column-per-line-with-column-name
- PostgreSQL does not automatically index foreign keys! stackoverflow.com/questions/970562/postgres-and-indexes-on-foreign-keys-and-primary-keys
In order to create a test user with password instead of peer authentication, let's create test user:
createuser -P user0
createdb user0
makes it prompt for the users password.Alternatively, to create the password non-interactively stackoverflow.com/questions/42419559/postgres-createuser-with-password-from-terminal:Can't find a way using the
psql -c "create role NewRole with login password 'secret'"
helper.We can then login with that password with:which asks for the password we've just set, because the
psql -U user0 -h localhost
option turns off peer authentication, and turns off password authentication.The password can be given non-interactively as shown at stackoverflow.com/questions/6405127/how-do-i-specify-a-password-to-psql-non-interactively with the
environment variable:PGPASSWORD=a psql -U user0 -h localhost
Now let's create a test database which
can access with an existing superuser account:createdb user0db0
psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE user0db0 TO user0'
We can check this permission with:which now contains:The permission letters are explained at:
psql -c '\l'
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
user0db0 | ciro | UTF8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | =Tc/ciro +
| | | | | ciro=CTc/ciro +
| | | | | user0=CTc/ciro
can now do the usual table operations on that table:PGPASSWORD=a psql -U user0 -h localhost user0db0 -c 'CREATE TABLE table0 (int0 INT, char0 CHAR(16));'
PGPASSWORD=a psql -U user0 -h localhost user0db0 -c "INSERT INTO table0 (int0, char0) VALUES (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (5, 'five'), (7, 'seven');"
PGPASSWORD=a psql -U user0 -h localhost user0db0 -c 'SELECT * FROM table0;'
Ubuntu 21.10 has a certain default level of logging by default to:
but it does not log everything, only/mostly errors it seems.
and then restarting the server:
just works.
log_statement = 'all'
sudo service restart postgresql
Realtime monitoring for long queries instead: stackoverflow.com/questions/8597516/app-to-monitor-postgresql-queries-in-real-time
When using SQL REPEATABLE READ isolation level and SQL SERIALIZABLE isolation level, concurrent transactions may fail with a serialization failure, and then you might need to retry them. You server code or your ORM must always account for that.
A good way to explore when it happens is to use the example
Related questions:
- stackoverflow.com/questions/7705273/what-are-the-conditions-for-encountering-a-serialization-failure
- stackoverflow.com/questions/59351109/error-could-not-serialize-access-due-to-concurrent-update
- stackoverflow.com/questions/50797097/postgres-could-not-serialize-access-due-to-concurrent-update/51932824
Often known simply as SQL Server, a terrible thing that makes it impossible to find portable SQL answers on Google! You just have to Google by specific SQL implementation unfortunately to find anything about the open source ones.
The minimalism, serverlessness/lack of temporary caches/lack of permission management, Hipp's religious obsession with efficiency, the use of their own pure Fossil version control[ref]. Wait, scrap that last one. Pure beauty!
Official Git mirror: github.com/sqlite/sqlite
Create a table
sqlite3 db.sqlite3 "
CREATE TABLE 'IntegerNames' (int0 INT, char0 CHAR(16));
INSERT INTO 'IntegerNames' (int0, char0) VALUES (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (5, 'five'), (7, 'seven');
List tables:
sqlite3 db.sqlite3 '.tables'
Show schema of a table:
outputs the query that would generate that table:
sqlite3 db.sqlite3 '.schema IntegerNames'
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'IntegerNames' (int0 INT, char0 CHAR(16));
Show all data in a table:
sqlite3 db.sqlite3 'SELECT * FROM IntegerNames'
Python sequence test data generation: stackoverflow.com/questions/18219779/bulk-insert-huge-data-into-sqlite-using-python/76659706#76659706
Example: sqlite/ip.c, adapted from www.sqlite.org/loadext.html, also mentioned explained at: stackoverflow.com/questions/7638238/sqlite-ip-address-storage/76520885#76520885.
Sample usage in the test program: sqlite/test.sh.
The default isolation level for SQLite is SERIALIZABLE
It does not appear possible to achieve the other two levels besides SERIALIZABLE and READ UNCOMMITED
Includes its own copy of sqlite3, you don't use the system one, which is good to ensure compatibility. The version is shown at: github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/blob/918052b538b0effe6c4a44c74a16b2749c08a0d2/deps/common-sqlite.gypi#L3 SQLite source is tracked compressed in-tree: github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/blob/918052b538b0effe6c4a44c74a16b2749c08a0d2/deps/sqlite-autoconf-3360000.tar.gz horrendous. This explains why it takes forever to clone that repository. People who don't believe in git submodules, there's even an official Git mirror at: github.com/sqlite/sqlite
It appears to spawn its own threads via its C extension (since JavaScript is single threaded and and SQLite is not server-based), which allows for parallel queries using multiple threads: github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/blob/v5.0.2/src/threading.h
Hello world example: nodejs/node-sqlite3/index.js.
As of 2021, this had slumped back a bit, as maintainers got tired. Unmerged pull requests started piling more, and
Node.js package started pulling ahead a little.- github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/issues/1381
FATAL ERROR: Error::ThrowAsJavaScriptException napi_throw
with Node.jsworker_threads
Node.js package github.com/JoshuaWise/better-sqlite3/issues/237
As claimed on their README, their operation truly appears to be 10x faster than the node-sqlite package!! It is insane!! How can that other package still exist at all?
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