Greatest common divisor Updated +Created
The "greatest common divisor" of two integers and , denoted is the largest natural number that divides both of the integers.
For example, is 4, because:
  • 4 divides both 8 and 12
  • and this is not the case for any number larger than 4. E.g.:
    • 5 divides neither one
    • 6 divides 12
    • 7 divides neither
    • 8 divides only 8
    and so on.
Euclidean algorithm Updated +Created
Spin (physics) Updated +Created
Spin is one of the defining properties of elementary particles, i.e. number that describes how an elementary particle behaves, much like electric charge and mass.
Possible values are half integer numbers: 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, and so on.
The approach shown in this section: Section "Spin comes naturally when adding relativity to quantum mechanics" shows what the spin number actually means in general. As shown there, the spin number it is a direct consequence of having the laws of nature be Lorentz invariant. Different spin numbers are just different ways in which this can be achieved as per different Representation of the Lorentz group.
Video 1. "Quantum Mechanics 9a - Photon Spin and Schrodinger's Cat I by ViaScience (2013)" explains nicely how:
Video 1.
Quantum Mechanics 9a - Photon Spin and Schrodinger's Cat I by ViaScience (2013)
Video 2.
Quantum Spin - Visualizing the physics and mathematics by Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky (2016)
Video 3.
Understanding QFT - Episode 1 by Highly Entropic Mind (2023)
Source. Maybe he stands a chance.
Ranger (file manager) Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli considered it before he stopped using file managers altogether, it is not bad.
Magic the gathering's banning of 7 cards due to "racism" (2020) Updated +Created
  • Invoke prejudice: depicts the Ku Klux Klan. Card's title clearly criticizes them "prejudice".
  • Stone-Throwing Devils: not sure about this one:
  • Cleanse: it does not seem to have any reference to black people, image depicts fantastic animals. There are hundreds of cards that talk about black since it is one of the 5 colors of magic.
  • Pradesh Gypsies: does not appear to suggest any bad things about gypsies, on the contrary
  • Jihad: does not appear to suggest any bad things about Islam, on the contrary
  • Imprison: depicts a black slave. Let's pretend it never happened.
  • Crusade: pretend it never happened
This is unlike atomic systems like trapped ion quantum computers, where each atom is necessarily exactly the same as the other.
Info-ZIP Updated +Created
The dominant Linux implemenation, e.g. default zip command on Ubuntu 23.04.
So dominant that it is usualy called just "zip".
Authy Updated +Created
Einstein coefficients Updated +Created
Server Side Public License Updated +Created
Created by MongoDB, attempts to be even more restrictive than AGPL by more explicitly saying that indirect automatic requests are also included in the "you must give source" domain:
The base use case is:
which is what MongoDB is trying to ensure, which sounds fair.
Game AI Updated +Created
Game AI is an artificial intelligence that plays a certain game.
It can be either developed for serious purposes (e.g. AGI development in AI games), or to make games for interesting for humans.
DeepMind RoboCat Updated +Created
Diamond Updated +Created
Graphite Updated +Created
The layered one.
3D rigid body dynamics benchmark Updated +Created
Photon absorption Updated +Created
Entity creating AI games Updated +Created

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