Gavin Andresen Updated +Created
2022 Brazilian general election Updated +Created
Five votes:
  • Deputado federal: total elected 513[ref]
  • Deputado estadual
  • Senador: total elected: 81[ref], [ref]
  • Governador: total elected: 1 per state
  • Presidente: 13 Lula. Total elected: 1
All but president are per state. Official list seems to be e.g. for Sao Paulo:
Toshiba MK1059GSM Updated +Created
Internal hard drive likely removed from some old computer I lost track of, kept in a crappy case, incredible stuff.
Ubuntu 20.04 gnome-disks benchmark, NTFS partition: 40MB/s.
Eigendecomposition of a matrix Updated +Created
Every invertible matrix can be written as:
Note therefore that this decomposition is unique up to swapping the order of eigenvectors. We could fix a canonical form by sorting eigenvectors from smallest to largest in the case of a real number.
Intuitively, Note that this is just the change of basis formula, and so:
  • changes basis to align to the eigenvectors
  • multiplies eigenvectors simply by eigenvalues
  • changes back to the original basis
Schwinger effect Updated +Created
Culture of Brazil Updated +Created
Clinton Engineer Works Updated +Created
Precursor organization to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, name that it took in January 1948.
Produced the enriched uranium used for Little Boy, located in the area/predecessor of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Figure 1.
Y-12 shift change photograph
. Source. At the back, a poster reads:
Make C.E.W. count: continue to protect project information
What a fantastic picture!
Spacetime diagram Updated +Created
Why should I care when I can calculate new x and new time with Lorentz transformation?
Answer: it can give some qualitative intuition on what is larger/smaller happens before/after based only on arguably more intuitive geometric considerations, without requiring you to do any calculations, see e.g. Figure "Spacetime diagram illustrating how faster-than-light travel implies time travel".
Ultraviolet catastrophe Updated +Created
Video 1.
What is the Ultraviolet Catastrophe? by Physics Explained (2020)
Soviet Union Updated +Created
Innovate UK Updated +Created
Cladogram Updated +Created
TODO vs Phylogenetic tree?
Cladograms and phylogenetic trees are functionally very similar, but they show different things. Cladograms do not indicate time or the amount of difference between groups, whereas phylogenetic trees often indicate time spans between branching points.
City in the Netherlands Updated +Created
Counties of the United Kingdom Updated +Created
There are few different versions. The most important as of 2020 are:
No one is capable of offering an official/more generalized (why can't Google Maps do this properly?) map than these people:,-4.500/zoom=7 So so be it.
Video 1.
English counties explained by Jay Foreman (2021)
Bicycles require too much maintenance Updated +Created
It is true, something Ciro Santilli often things about. One likely reason is that the world is broken and most cyclist are speed maniacs willing to put the time in. Unlike Dutch people where everyone cycles.
Blockchain wiki Updated +Created
This section is about wikis that are hosted on a blockchain of some sort.
Code golf Updated +Created

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