ARM architecture family Updated +Created
This ISA basically completely dominated the smartphone market of the 2010s and beyond, but it started appearing in other areas as the end of Moore's law made it more economical logical for large companies to start developing their own semiconductor, e.g. Google custom silicon, Amazon custom silicon.
It is exciting to see ARM entering the server, desktop and supercomputer market circa 2020, beyond its dominant mobile position and roots.
Ciro Santilli likes to see the underdogs rise, and bite off dominant ones.
The excitement also applies to RISC-V possibly over ARM mobile market one day conversely however.
Basically, as long as were a huge company seeking to develop a CPU and able to control your own ecosystem independently of Windows' desktop domination (held by the need for backward compatibility with a billion end user programs), ARM would be a possibility on your mind.
The Fourier transform is a bijection in Updated +Created
As mentioned at Section "Plancherel theorem", some people call this part of Plancherel theorem, while others say it is just a corollary.
This is an important fact in quantum mechanics, since it is because of this that it makes sense to talk about position and momentum space as two dual representations of the wave function that contain the exact same amount of information.
Riemann integral Updated +Created
The easy and less generic integral. The harder one is the Lebesgue integral.
Super-resolution microscopy Updated +Created
Super-resolution means resolution beyond the diffraction limit.
First you shine a lot of light which saturates most fluorophores, leaving very few active.
They you can observe fluorophores firing one by one. Their exact position is a bit stochastic and beyond the diffraction limit, but so long as there aren't to many in close proximity, you can wait for it to fire a bunch of times, and the center of the Gaussian is the actual location.
From this we see that super-resolution microscopy is basically a space-time tradeoff: the more time we wait, the better spacial resolution we get. But we can't do it if things are moving too fast in the sample.
Tradeoff with cryoEM: you get to see things moving in live cell. Electron microscopy fully kills cells, so you have no chance of seeing anything that moves ever.
  • initial illumination to saturate most fluorophores I think can still kill cells, things get harder the less light you put in. So it's not like you don't kill things at all necessarily, you just get a chance not to
  • the presence fluorophore disturbs the system slightly, and is not at the same Exact location of the protein of interest
Denominator Updated +Created
Laser cooling Updated +Created
Dean Kamen Updated +Created
Innuendo Updated +Created
Proof assistant Updated +Created
Real-time strategy Updated +Created
Inertial confinement fusion Updated +Created
Fermi gas Updated +Created
Android (operating system) Updated +Created
However, many, many, many terrible horrors come with it:
Functional equation Updated +Created
Exotic sphere Updated +Created
List of geographic information systems Updated +Created
Type of programming language Updated +Created

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