Electric motor Updated +Created
Semiconductor device fabrication bibilography Updated +Created
Group of Lie type Updated +Created
In the classification of finite simple groups, groups of Lie type are a set of infinite families of simple lie groups. These are the other infinite families besides te cyclic groups and alternating groups.
A decent list at: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_finite_simple_groups, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_of_Lie_type is just too unclear. The groups of Lie type can be subdivided into:
The first in this family discovered were a subset of the Chevalley groups by Galois: , so it might be a good first one to try and understand what it looks like.
TODO understand intuitively why they are called of Lie type. Their names , seem to correspond to the members of the classification of simple Lie groups which are also named like that.
But they are of course related to Lie groups, and as suggested at Video "Yang-Mills 1 by David Metzler (2011)" part 2, the continuity actually simplifies things.
Ordinary differential equation Updated +Created
Nintendo Updated +Created
Sony Updated +Created
Software-based artificial life Updated +Created
Some of the software-based artificial life simulators can be used as AI training game.
Ciro Santilli just always feels that what can be classified as "artificial life" simulators have too much focus on beating more continuous population mechanics, and lack the discrete elements which he feels could be important to AGI: Section "The missing link between continuous and discrete AI".
There is great interest in this direction of research however quite clearly.
Multivariable chain rule Updated +Created
Polonium isotope Updated +Created
There are no stable isotopes.
Monstrous moonshine Updated +Created
TODO clickbait, or is it that good?
python/infer.py Updated +Created
Ubuntu 22.04 Updated +Created
PostgreSQL spatial index Updated +Created
SQL:1999 Updated +Created
Strategy game Updated +Created
Stack Overflow user Updated +Created
Misc tech Updated +Created
MNIST database Updated +Created
60,000 28x28 grayscale images of hand-written digits 0-9, i.e. 10 categories.
Playing with it is the de-facto computer vision hello world.
But it is important to note that as of the 2010's, the benchmark had become too easy for many application.
The dataset can be downloaded from yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/:
wget \
 http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz \
 http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz \
 http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz \
but doing so is kind of pointless as both files use some crazy single-file custom binary format to store all images and labels. OMG!
Figure 1.
MNIST image 1 of a '0'
Figure 2.
MNIST image 21 of a '0'
Figure 3.
MNIST image 3 of a '1'

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