
UPSERT is extremely handy, and reduces the number of find, check on server, update loops. But RETURNING is a fundamental part of that (to get the updated/existing) ID. Can't believe SQL hasn't standardized it yet as of 2022. But both SQLite and Postgres support it with similar syntax thankfully.
It is mind blowing that this is not possible... the only way to avoid ambiguity in JOINs with column name conflicts is to give aliases to each column...
An example where SELECT FOR UPDATE is a good solution to an use case can be seen at: nodejs/sequelize/raw/parallel_select_and_update.js.
SQL's implementation of database triggers.
This feature is really cool, as it allows you to keep caches up to date!
In particular, everything that happens in a trigger happens as if it were in a transaction. This way, you can do less explicit transactions when you use triggers. It is a bit like the advantages of SQL CASCADE.
TODO what is the standard compliant syntax?
SQLite does not support SQL stored procedures at all, so maybe that's why they can't be standard compliant here: stackoverflow.com/questions/3335162/creating-stored-procedure-in-sqlite
SQL:1999 11.38 covers "Trigger definition". The Abstract syntax tree starts with the CREATE TRIGGER and ends in:
<triggered SQL statement> ::=
  <SQL procedure statement>
This is defined at 13.5 "SQL procedure statement", but that is humongous and I'm not sure what it is at all.
In this example we cache track the number of posts per user on a cache column.
Basic example tested on SQLite 3.40.1, Ubuntu 23.04:
sqlite3 :memory: 'select 1 union select 2'
Two columns two rows:
sqlite3 :memory: <<EOF
select * from (values (1, 2), (2, 3))
select * from (values (2, 3), (3, 4))
Note how duplicates are removed, to keep them we UNION ALL instead:
sqlite3 :memory: <<EOF
select * from (values (1, 2), (2, 3))
union all
select * from (values (2, 3), (3, 4))
This happens when you calculate a bunch of values on your program, and then want to save the to SQL.
Upsert is an option, but it fails if you have a NOT NULL column: Upsert with NOT NULL column
Dumping examples under nodejs/sequelize/raw/many_to_many.js.
Not possible without subqueries in the standard syntax, a huge shame: stackoverflow.com/questions/1293330/how-can-i-do-an-update-statement-with-join-in-sql-server


NO way in the SQL standard apparently, but you'd hope that implementation status would be similar to UPDATE with JOIN, but not even!

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