- web.archive.org/web/20150623011722/http://users.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/b6/psfiles/qft.pdf by Hagen Kleinert (2015). 1500 pages!
- The Quantum Theory of Fields by Steven Weinberg (2013) www.cambridge.org/core/books/quantum-theory-of-fields/22986119910BF6A2EFE42684801A3BDF
- Quantum Field Theory by Lewis H. Ryder 2nd edition (1996) www.amazon.co.uk/Quantum-Field-Theory-Lewis-Ryder/dp/0521478146
- Lectures of Quantum Field Theory by Ashok Das (2018) www.amazon.co.uk/Lectures-Quantum-Field-Theory-Ashok-ebook/dp/B07CL8Y3KY
- A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Michele Maggiore (2005) www.amazon.co.uk/Modern-Introduction-Quantum-Theory-Physics/dp/0198520743
Year 3 of the mathematics course of the University of Oxford Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
A list of reviews of such systems is maintained at:
This is the class of existing software the perhaps comes the closest to OurBigBook, in particular systems such as:
- Roam Research and its open source clone Foam
- Forester
While we believe that OurBigBook can hold its own against most of them as a personal knowledge base, there is one feature which we believe truly distinguishes OurBigBook from all others in a big way: trustless mind meld with the OurBigBook topic feature, which no other system seems to have.
Many such systems are also no publishing focused enough, and are more focused only in maintaining people's private knowledge bases. Some of them don't even have publishing at all, or its complicated. While publishing is optional in OurBigBook, it is a crucial feature and extremely well supported.
- Subtle is the Lord by Abraham Pais (1982) chapter III "Relativity, the special theory" has a good sketch as you may imagine.
Initial announcements by self on 2023-06-10:
- twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1667532991315230720. Follow up when more domains were found: twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1717445686214504830
- www.reddit.com/r/OSINT/comments/146185r/i_found_16_new_cia_covert_communication_websites/. Marked as SPAM 5 by mods days later. After reaching 92 votes, a very positive reply for that niche sub, and being obviously on topic. Weird. Anyways, did its job and likely kicked off hackernews.
- www.facebook.com/cirosantilli/posts/pfbid04KvRbEXghJakcD4AQz4379L5oVjPZ6vrBF1Eak3p81VnqRSXuXdvvYonCWPhGfQXl
Shared by others soo after:
- 2023-06-11:
- news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36279375#36280220 (212 points). Shame that this was published when we only had about 20 websites. As of writing we had 240. Might have been a greater hit then.
- Google Analytics backlink from lms.fh-wedel.de/ path unknown. Some shitty German university: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fachhochschule_Wedel_University_of_Applied_Sciences LMS stands for Learning management system, apparently a Moodle instance. Maybe they have some Open educational resources, but all in German so pointless
- www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/14705gp/cia_2010_covert_communication_websites/ failed attempt with bad link unfortunately
- a few days later:
- 2023-06-19 www.reddit.com/r/numberstations/comments/14dexiu/after_numbers_stations_vanished/ (30 points) off topic on that sub, but thankfully was not deleted, interesting sub topic
2023-10-26 twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1717445686214504830: announcement by self after finding 75 more sites
Second wave:
- 2023-12-01: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38492304 (65 points). Second submission but pointing to OurBigBook.com rather than cirosantilli.com: ourbigbook.com/cirosantilli/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites We take those. Reached only 65 points as of January 2024.
- 2023-12-02: buttondown.email/grugq/archive/december-2-2023/. "grugq" is the handle of a zero day dealer whose received some scrutiny in 2012 after a Forbes protile was written about him: archive.ph/7mUG5. He comments:presumably referring to DNS Census 2013.
I don’t think anyone anticipated that databases leaked by hackers would enable OSINT researchers to conduct counterintelligence investigations that rival the state security services.
Some more:/ny
- 2024-01-12: twitter.com/jeremy_wokka/status/1745657801584656564 (40k followers, mid of thread)
- 2024-01-15: Oleg Shakirov's findings, publication announced by Ciro Santilli at: twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1747742453778559165 two days later
- 2024-01-23: ipinf.ru gives 4 hits and 4 new suspects, announced at: mastodon.social/@cirosantilli/111807480628392615
- www.quora.com/How-is-a-voice-transmitted-from-one-phone-to-another
- www.quora.com/How-many-wires-does-a-telephone-use/answer/Peter-Yardley-1
Basic analogue phones connected to the public exchange use two wires mainly arranged as a twisted pair to reduce noise. The voice signal is differential (the voltage in one wire equal and opposite to the other) biased above ground by 48V. Using a twisted pair reduces induced noise because the noise signal will induce an equal voltage in each wire and because the signal is transmitted as the difference the effect of the induced noise will be dramatically reduced.
Phone Intercom by Make (2014)
Source. This video illustrates will the incredible simplicity of the connection of a telephone system. Compare that to the relative complexity of wireless communication, which requires modulation.A 2022 clone of phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/mediawiki.git gives first commits from 2003 by:
- Lee Daniel Crocker: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Daniel_Crockerso that gives a good notion of the last major rewrite.
He is best known for rewriting the software upon which Wikipedia runs, to address scalability problems.
- Brion Vibber
Gospel of Matthew 4:4:
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God
Ciro Santilli's mother loves that one. Even though she was constantly worried that if Ciro had studied physics he would be poor and starve, a factor which led him to study engineering instead, one of the greatest mistakes of his life. don't be a pussy.
Classic theory predicts that the output frequency must be the same as the input one since the electromagnetic wave makes the electron vibrate with same frequency as itself, which then irradiates further waves.
But the output waves are longer because photons are discrete and energy is proportional to frequency:
The formula is exactly that of two relativistic billiard balls colliding.
Therefore this is evidence that photons exist and have momentum.
Compton Scattering by Compton Scattering (2017)
Source. Experiment with a caesium-137 source.L3.3 Compton Scattering by Barton Zwiebach (2017)
Source. Unfortunately, physicists and mathematicians keep using Greek letters in their formulas, so we just have to learn them.
A helpful way to remember is to learn a bit of their history/pronunciation: Section "Historical correspondence between Latin and Greek".
To learn the greek letters if you have a base latin alphabet, you must learn the sound of each letter, and which Latin letters they correspond to.
Symbols that look like Greek letters but are not Greek letters:
Is Ciro Santilli crazy (he is, but for this point specifically), or do many/most Greek letters represent the mouth position used in the pronunciation of the letter?
This notation is designed to be relatively easy to write. This is achieved by not drawing ultra complex ASCII art boxes of every component. It would be slightly more readable if we did that, but prioritizing the writer here.
Two wires are only joined if but the following are:
is given. E.g. the following two wires are not joined: |
Simple symmetric components:
: wireAC
: AC source. Parameters:e.g.:Hz
: frequencyV
: peak voltage
If only one side is given, the other is assumed to be at a groundAC_1Hz_2V
: capacitorG
: ground. Often used together withDC
, e.g.:means applying a voltage of 10 V across a 10 Ohm resistor, which would lead to a current of 1 ADC_10---R_10---G
: inductorMICROPHONE
. As a multi-letter symmetric component, you can connect the two wires anywhere, e.g.or:---MICROPHONE---
: resistorSQUID
: SQUID deviceX
: Josephson junction
Asymmetric components have multiple letters indicating different ports. The capital letter indicates the device, and lower case letters the ports. The wires then go into the ports:
: diodeSample usage in a circuit:a
: anode (where electrons can come in from)c
: cathode
Can also be used vertically like aany other circuit:--aDc--
We can also change the port order, the device is still the same due to capital| a D c |
:--cDa-- | Dac-- | Dca-- | --caD
DC source. Ports:E.g. a 10 V source with a 10 Ohm resistor would be:p
: positiven
: negative
If only one side is given, the other is assumed to be at a the ground+---pDC_10_n---+ | | +----R_10------+
. We can also omitp
in that case and assume thatp
is the one used, e.g. the above would be equivalent to:If the voltage is not given, it is assumed to be a potentiometer.DC_10---R_10---G
: transistor. The ports aresgTd
:Sample usage in a circuit:s
: sourceg
: gated
: gate
All the following are also equivalent:---+ | --sgTd--
| g --sTd-- | --Tsgd-- |
: electric current source. Ports:s
: electron sourced
: electron destination
: Voltmeter. Ports:If we don't need to specify explicit positive and negative sides, we can just use:p
: positiven
: negative
without any ports. This is notably often the case for AC circuits.---V---
Optionaly, we can also add the sides as in:
Numbers characterizing components are put just next to each component with an underscore. When there is only one parameter, standard units are assumed, e.g.:means:Micro is denoted as
| |
C_1p R_2k
| |
- a capacitor with 1 pico Faraday
- a resistor with 2 k Ohms
.Wires can just freely come in and out of specs of a component, they are then just connected to the component, e.g.:means applying a voltage of 10 V across a 10 Ohm resistor, which would lead to a current of 1 A
If you point a light detector to any empty area of the sky, you will still get some light.
The existence of this is quite mind blowing, since "there is nothing there emitting that light".
To make sense of how it is possible to see this light, you can think of the universe as the expanding raisin bread model, but it expands faster than light (thus the existence of the cosmological event horizon), so we are still receiving light form the middle, not the borders.
CMB is basically perfectly black-body radiation at 2.725 48 K, but it has small variations with variations of the order of 200 microKelvin: cosmic microwave background anisotropy.
Works at Caltech as of 2020.
Sean's series The Biggest Ideas in the Universe has some merit, but it's just to math-light falling a bit below the missing link between basic and advanced.
But as usual, it falls too close to popular science for Ciro's taste.
Kind of extends the complex numbers.
Some facts that make them stand out:
- one of the only three real associative division algebras in addition to the real numbers and complex numbers, according to the classification of associative real division algebras
- the simplest non-commutative division algebra. Contrast for example with complex numbers where multiplication is commutative
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.