Collatz-like problem Updated +Created
Hive mind Updated +Created
Arecibo message Updated +Created
SMIC Updated +Created
Video 1.
SMIC, Explained by Asianometry (2021)
Descriptive statistics Updated +Created
Differentiable manifold Updated +Created
TODO find a concrete numerical example of doing calculus on a differentiable manifold and visualizing it. Likely start with a boring circle. That would be sweet...
Dirac Lagrangian Updated +Created
Remember that is a 4-vetor, gamma matrices are 4x4 matrices, so the whole thing comes down to a dot product of two 4-vectors, with a modified by matrix multiplication/derivatives, and the result is a scalar, as expected for a Lagrangian.
Like any other Lagrangian, you can then recover the Dirac equation, which is the corresponding equations of motion, by applying the Euler-Lagrange equation to the Lagrangian.
Erdős' conjecture on powers of 2 Updated +Created
Described at: where a relation to the Busy beaver scale is proven, and the intuitive relation to the Collatz conjecture described. Perhaps more directly:
TSMC Updated +Created
One of the companies that has fabs, which buys machines from companies such as ASML and puts them together in so called "silicon fabs" to make the chips
As the quintessential fabless fab, there is on thing TSMC can never ever do: sell their own design! It must forever remain a fab-only company, that will never compete with its customers. This is highlighted e.g. at from Video "How Nvidia Won Graphics Cards by Asianometry (2021)".
Video 1.
How Taiwan Created TSMC by Asianometry (2020)
Source. Some points:
  • UCM failed because it focused too much on the internal market, and was shielded from external competition, so it didn't become world leading
  • one of TSMC's great advances was the fabless business model approach.
  • they managed to do large technology transfers from the West to kickstart things off
  • one of their main victories was investing early in CMOS, before it became huge, and winning that market
DNA sequencing company Updated +Created
DNA methylation Updated +Created
The first found and most important known epigenetic marker.
Happens only on adenine and cytosine. Adenine methylation is much less common in mammal than cytosine methylation, when people say "methylation" they often mean just cytosine methylation.
It often happens on promoters, where it inhibits transcription.
Division algebra Updated +Created
SQL REPEATABLE READ isolation level Updated +Created
nodejs/sequelize/raw/parallel_create_delete_empty_tag.js is an example which experimentally seems to be solved by REAPEATABLE READ, although we are not sure that this is truly the case and why. What is clear is that that example is not solved by the SQL READ COMMITTED isolation level.
In PostgreSQL, this is the first isolation level which can lead to postgreSQL serialization failures, this does not happen to SQL READ COMMITTED isolation level in that DBMS. You then have to retry the transaction.
Discretization Updated +Created
DNA amplification Updated +Created
DNA amplification is one of the key DNA technologies:
  • it is one of the main ways in which DNA detection can be done.
  • it is the first step of Illumina sequencing, since you need multiple copies of several parts of the genome for the method to work
Double-slit experiment Updated +Created
Amazingly confirms the wave particle duality of quantum mechanics.
The effect is even more remarkable when done with individual particles such individual photons or electrons.
Richard Feynman liked to stress how this experiment can illustrate the core ideas of quantum mechanics. Notably, he night have created the infinitely many slits thought experiment which illustrates the path integral formulation.
Dojo learning model Updated +Created
k-nearest neighbors algorithm Updated +Created
One of the most simply classification algorithm one can think of: just see whatever kind of point your new point seems to be closer to, and say it is also of that type! Then it is just a question of defining "close".

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