- paywall: www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.abq8184 A gyroscope-free visual-inertial flight control and wind sensing system for 10-mg robots by Fuller, Yu and Talwekar from the University of Washington, more precisely the Autonomous Insect Robotics Lab. TODO vs RoboFly also from Washington?
The best way to learn about them as of 2020 is to Google into Know Your Meme.
Non-technical skills were moved to: Ciro Santilli's skills.
This has not been updated since 2016 after Ciro got a job, because it is too hard to put a number on any skill.
What really matters are the most important projects done by Ciro Santilli.
Ciro Santilli's TODO there:
- robotics simulation with control theory focus, and in particular with a model of uncertainty of measurements and commands. For example, imagine making a robot that plays golf, with the terrain fully known. And it is harder as you cannot control the arm with 100% precision.
These people are serious.
From the abstract:
Much money, his student went on to say, is spent by various Governments in attempting to discover those people whose thorough education may be expected to bring in a return of value to the State, and the question how best to discover latent genius is an eminently practical one. After cogitation, Prof. Ostwald came to the conclusion that it is those students who cannot be kept on the rails - that is, who are not contented with methodical teaching - who have within them the seeds of geniusCiro Santilli couldn't agree more... notably students must have a flexible choice of what to learn.
Does deliver good concise ideas. Now we need something on the less concise side of it.
Great chemistry content. Well detailed setups, notably substance extraction from off-the-shelf products.
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.