Enzyme Updated +Created
A protein that is a catalyst for some chemical reaction.
For an initial concrete example, consider e. Coli K-12 MG1655 gene thrA.
Video 1.
How Enzymes Work by RCSBProteinDataBank (2017)
Source. Shows in detail how aconitase catalyses the citrate to isocitrate reaction in the citric acid cycle.
Quaternary Updated +Created
Video game difficulty Updated +Created
Good video game Updated +Created
Multi-factor authentication Updated +Created
Condensed matter Physics bibliography Updated +Created
NLab Updated +Created
Decent encyclopedia of mathematics. Not much motivation, mostly statements though.
Created by:
Unlike Wikipedia, they have a more sane forum commenting system, e.g. a page/forum pair:
Doping (semiconductor) Updated +Created
Semiconductor industry bibliography Updated +Created
Crystal radio Updated +Created
This was the first generation of commercially successful radios.
It uses a crystal detector as its diode, which is a crucial element of the radio, thus its name.
They were superseded by transistor radios, which were much more reliable, portable and could amplify the signal received.
Video 1.
How a Crystal radio Works by RimstarOrg
. Source.
2009 Nobel Prize in Physics Updated +Created
This one took a while! Major developments were from the 70s! Perhaps it took the Internet revolution to make its importance clear.
Leanpub Updated +Created
Founder: Peter Armstrong
The general idea is publishing entire books with usual copyright, but with gradual updates.
ruboss.com/ documents their stack, a somewhat similar choice to OurBigBook.com as of 2021, notably Next.js. But backend in Ruby on Rails. They actually managed Apollo/GraphQL, which Ciro Santilli would have liked, but din't have the patience for.
The founder/CEO Peter Armstrong www.linkedin.com/in/peterburtonarmstrong/ He looks like a nice guy.
Psi4 Updated +Created
Quantum computing research institute Updated +Created
Linear map Updated +Created
A linear map is a function where and are two vector spaces over underlying fields such that:
A common case is , and .
One thing that makes such functions particularly simple is that they can be fully specified by specifyin how they act on all possible combinations of input basis vectors: they are therefore specified by only a finite number of elements of .
Every linear map in finite dimension can be represented by a matrix, the points of the domain being represented as vectors.
As such, when we say "linear map", we can think of a generalization of matrix multiplication that makes sense in infinite dimensional spaces like Hilbert spaces, since calling such infinite dimensional maps "matrices" is stretching it a bit, since we would need to specify infinitely many rows and columns.
The prototypical building block of infinite dimensional linear map is the derivative. In that case, the vectors being operated upon are functions, which cannot therefore be specified by a finite number of parameters, e.g.
For example, the left side of the time-independent Schrödinger equation is a linear map. And the time-independent Schrödinger equation can be seen as a eigenvalue problem.
Supernatural Martial Arts Updated +Created
Shame that the Chinese in the lat 20th early 21st like that bullshit so much. It just weakens everything. Just imaginge those works with more realistic fighting! Would be amazing.
Edward Teller Updated +Created
Video 1.
Witnessing the test explosion Edward Teller interview by Web of Stories (1996)
Video 2.
Edward Teller, An Early Time
. Source. Comissioned by the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1979. Producer: Mario Balibreraa.
PySCF Updated +Created

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