This is the order in which you would want to transverse to read the chapters of a book.
Like breadth-first search, this also has the property of visiting parents before any children.
Has the property of visiting all descendants before the parent.
Ciro Santilli likes to learn astronomy a bit like he learns geography: go down some lists of "stuff that seems most relevant in some criteria to us!", possibly at different size scales e.g.:
Most important things to know:
- kill window: Ctrl + A K
Google 2FA app token can be updated without checking the old 2FA Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
Ermm, as of February 2021, I was able to update my 2FA app token with the password alone, it did not ask for the old 2FA.
So what's the fucking point of 2FA then? An attacker with my password would be able to login by doing that!
Is it that Google trusts that particular action because I used the same phone/known IP or something like that?
This is a list of video games that are good to watch other people playing, even if you don't play yourself. And often they are better to watch than to play as you don't have to waste your time as much!
Why are complex numbers used in the Schrodinger equation? Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
Why is there a complex number in the equation? Intuitively and mathematically:
Some good mentions at: Video "Where is Anatomy Encoded in Living Systems? by Michael Levin (2022)".
GitHub account:
It should be mentioned that when you start Googling for PDE stuff, you will reach Han's writings a lot under his GitHub Pages:, and he is one of the main authors of the FEniCS Project.
Unfortunately he died of cancer in 2016, shame, he seemed like a good educator.
He also published to GitHub pages with his own crazy markdown-like multi-output markup language:
Rest in peace, Hans.
As of 2023, working with DNS data is just going through a mish-mash of closed datasets/expensive APIs.
We really need some open data in that area.
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