JSON Updated +Created
Journal by Elsevier Updated +Created
Josephson phase Updated +Created
A function defined by the second of the Josephson equations plus initial conditions.
It represents an internal state of the junction.
Dan Abramson Updated +Created
Dan, if you ever Google yourself here, please contact Ciro Santilli: Section "How to contact Ciro Santilli" to do something with OurBigBook.com. Cheers.
Position and momentum space Updated +Created
One of the main reasons why physicists are obsessed by this topic is that position and momentum are mapped to the phase space coordinates of Hamiltonian mechanics, which appear in the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics, which offers insight into the theory, particularly when generalizing to relativistic quantum mechanics.
One way to think is: what is the definition of space space? It is a way to write the wave function such that:
  • the position operator is the multiplication by
  • the momentum operator is the derivative by
And then, what is the definition of momentum space? It is of course a way to write the wave function such that:
  • the momentum operator is the multiplication by
physics.stackexchange.com/questions/39442/intuitive-explanation-of-why-momentum-is-the-fourier-transform-variable-of-posit/39508#39508 gives the best idea intuitive idea: the Fourier transform writes a function as a (continuous) sum of plane waves, and each plane wave has a fixed momentum.
Unitary group of degree 2 Updated +Created
Diffeomorphic to the 3 sphere.
Golden Triangle (Southeast Asia) Updated +Created
K-12 Updated +Created
Kaaba Updated +Created
Jumper (computing) Updated +Created
Allows you to connect two adjacent pins of a pin header. Sometimes used as a hardware configuration interface!
karlcow/markdown-testsuite Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli was contributing to this, when CommonMark left private mode and killed it, thus wasting many hours of Ciro's time.
Energy operator Updated +Created
Appears directly on Schrödinger equation! And in particular in the time-independent Schrödinger equation.
Complementarity (physics) Updated +Created
Country in Southeast Asia Updated +Created
Leitmotif Updated +Created
Kernel (algebra) Updated +Created
JetBrains Updated +Created
Keyhole Inc. Updated +Created
Khômiss Updated +Created
The Khômiss was a Binet that had 12 undisclosed participants every year.
They intentionally projected the idea of a semi scary and cool secret society/cult/Fascist/Gestapo/non-racist Ku Klux Klan-like organization
Khômiss members would wear a face cover whenever they would go out "on duty", notably to break a student's door with a fire axe when some student had fucked up particularly bad.
The Khômiss had an ambivalent character: while on one hand they would punish students that they felt had fucked up, they were actually semi approved by the school's head.
And conversely, they could also play pranks on the school head, e.g. vandalizing their office with funny objects if they had made some decision that was particularly unpopular to the students. This also likely with tacit approval, and as a way to be a "cool independent organization that also represents the students".
As such, the Khômiss aimed to be a sort of a "conscience" of the cohort, punishing the evil deeds of either side.
They were apparently unfortunately disbanded by the school in 2013 it seems, just after Ciro Santilli left. They took some poor student out by car and left him more than 1km outsie of the school for some reason. But he had a cell phone and walked came back, so doesn't feel that serious. Likely the political correctness of the times just caught up with them.
Figure 1.
The logo of the Khômiss
. Source.
Figure 2.
Low resolution image of Khômiss members standing on top of a roof in Paris
. Source. They are wearing their official unmasked clothing in that photo. It appears that ex-Khômiss are allowed to reveal their identities from this. The one with a French military cap is the their leader, and is known as the "GénéK" in their jargon.

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