The only reason why Ruby exists.
This web framework is pretty good as of 2020 compared to others, because it managed to gain a critical community size, and there's a lot of basic setup already done for you.
it is just big shame it wasn't written in Python or even better, Node.js, because learning Ruby is completely useless for anything else. As of 2020 for example, most Node.js web frameworks feel like crap compared to Rails, you just have to debug so much there.
Used in GitLab, which is why Ciro Santilli touched it.
Leading RISC-V consultants as of 2020, they are basically trying to become the Red Hat of the semiconductor industry.
DRAM is often shortened to just random-access memory.
- by Hagen Kleinert (2015). 1500 pages!
- The Quantum Theory of Fields by Steven Weinberg (2013)
- Quantum Field Theory by Lewis H. Ryder 2nd edition (1996)
- Lectures of Quantum Field Theory by Ashok Das (2018)
- A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Michele Maggiore (2005)
What does it mean that photons are force carriers for electromagnetism? by
Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
TODO find/create decent answer.
I think the best answer is something along:
- local symmetries of the Lagrangian imply conserved currents. gives conserved charges.
- OK now. We want a local symmetry. And we also want:Given all of that, the most obvious and direct thing we reach a guess at the quantum electrodynamics Lagrangian is Video "Deriving the qED Lagrangian by Dietterich Labs (2018)"
- Dirac equation: quantum relativistic Newton's laws that specify what forces do to the fields
- electromagnetism: specifies what causes forces based on currents. But not what it does to masses.
A basic non-precise intuition is that a good model of reality is that electrons do not "interact with one another directly via the electromagnetic field".
A better model happens to be the quantum field theory view that the electromagnetic field interacts with the photon field but not directly with itself, and then the photon field interacts with parts of the electromagnetic field further away.
The more precise statement is that the photon field is a gauge field of the electromagnetic force under local U(1) symmetry, which is described by a Lie group. TODO understand.
This idea was first applied in general relativity, where Einstein understood that the "force of gravity" can be understood just in terms of symmetry and curvature of space. This was later applied o quantum electrodynamics and the entire Standard Model.
From Video "Lorenzo Sadun on the "Yang-Mills and Mass Gap" Millennium problem":
- mentions this idea first came about from Hermann Weyl.
- mentions that in that case the curvature is given by the electromagnetic tensor.
- Symmetry and Quantum Electrodynamics (The Standard Model Part 1) by ZAP Physics (2021)
- The Symmetry and Simplicity of the Laws of Nature and the Higgs Boson by Juan Maldacena (2012). Meh, also too basic.
I think they are a tool to calculate the probability of different types of particle decays and particle collision outcomes. TODO Minimal example of that.
And they can be derived from a more complete quantum electrodynamics formulation via perturbation theory.
At Richard Feynman Quantum Electrodynamics Lecture at University of Auckland (1979), an intuitive explanation of them in termes of sum of products of propagators is given.
- The Secrets of Feynman Diagrams | Space Time by PBS Space Time (2017)
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