One of the main reasons why physicists are obsessed by this topic is that position and momentum are mapped to the phase space coordinates of Hamiltonian mechanics, which appear in the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics, which offers insight into the theory, particularly when generalizing to relativistic quantum mechanics.
One way to think is: what is the definition of space space? It is a way to write the wave function such that:And then, what is the definition of momentum space? It is of course a way to write the wave function such that:
- the position operator is the multiplication by
- the momentum operator is the derivative by
- the momentum operator is the multiplication by gives the best idea intuitive idea: the Fourier transform writes a function as a (continuous) sum of plane waves, and each plane wave has a fixed momentum.
Absorption (electromagnetic radiation) by
Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
Can ISPs deanonymize Tor users based on timestamps of public posts? by
Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
There's nothing like seeing the hypocrisy of the "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" people destroyed.
Interesting how Algeria now supports China's Xinjiang policy in 2019. But of course, dictatorships tend to work together
Ciro Santilli's father, an avid history reader, and in particular interested in the military dictatorship in Brazil through which he lived, once told Ciro how the French torture doctrine was directly adopted by Brazillian military, e.g. then even invited general Paul Aussaresses who had served in Algeria, to help them out with intelligence operations and give courses. Bro, fuck that.
But of course, the Americans weren't too far behind in Guantanamo.
Let's do a sanity check.
Searching for "H" for hydrogen leads to:
From there we can see for example the 1 to 2 lines:
- 1s to 2p: 121.5673644608 nm
- 1s to 2: 121.56701 nm TODO what does that mean?
- 1s to 2s: 121.5673123130200 TODO what does that mean?
We see that the table is sorted from lower from level first and then by upper level second.
So it is good to see that we are in the same 121nm ballpark as mentioned at hydrogen spectral line.
TODO why I can't see 2s to 2p transitions there to get the fine structure?
Split in the spectral line when a magnetic field is applied.
Non-anomalous: number of splits matches predictions of the Schrödinger equation about the number of possible states with a given angular momentum. TODO does it make numerical predictions? contains the hello world that everyone should know: 2p splits into 3 energy levels, so you see 3 spectral lines from 1s to 2p rather than just one.
p splits into 3, d into 5, f into 7 and so on, i.e. one for each possible azimuthal quantum number.
It also mentions that polarization effects become visible from this: each line is polarized in a different way. TODO more details as in an experiment to observe this.
Well explained at: Video "Quantum Mechanics 7a - Angular Momentum I by ViaScience (2013)".
Experimental physics - IV: 22 - Zeeman effect by Lehrportal Uni Gottingen (2020)
Source. This one is decent. Uses a cadmium lamp and an etalon on an optical table. They see a more or less clear 3-split in a circular interference pattern,
They filter out all but the transition of interest.
- passes the lines through a polarizer, which shows how orbital angular momentum is carried by photon polarization
- says they are looking at 1D2 to 1P1 changes.
Zeeman Effect - Control light with magnetic fields by Applied Science (2018)
Source. Does not appear to achieve a crystal clear split unfortunately.A subset of Spacetime diagram.
The key insights that it gives are:
- future and past are well defined: every reference frame sees your future in your future cone, and your past in your past coneOtherwise causality could be violated, and then things would go really bad, you could tell your past self to tell your past self to tell your past self to do something.You can only affect the outcome of events in your future cone, and you can only be affected by events in your past cone. You can't travel fast enough to affect.Two spacetime events with such fixed causality are called timelike-separated events.
- every other event (to right and left, known as spacelike-separated events) can be measured to happen before or after your current spacetime event by different observers.But that does not violate causality, because you just can't reach those spacetime points anyways to affect them.
Animation showing how space-separated events can be observed to happen in different orders by observers in different frames of reference
. Source. Discrete quantum system model that can model both spin in the Stern-Gerlach experiment or photon polarization in polarizer.
Also known in quantum computing as a qubit :-)
Claims provably fair. clarifies what that means: they prove fairness by releasing a hash of the seed before the bets, and the actual seed after the bets.
As mentioned in, it functions basically as cryptocurrency tumbler in practice.
Join two SVG side-by-side from the command line by
Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
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