ARC-AGI by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
This one goes all in the following themes:
  • few examples to learn from. You have to carefully inspect the input examples to deduce the output rules. Rules can require specific It application ordering, so you actually generate an algorithm. It tends to be easy for humans, but sometimes not so easy!
  • extensive use of geometric concepts, notably "contained inside", "adjacent to", "connected"
This is an update to the section: Section "Base58 messages".
While self Googling a bit, I found this paper Bitcoin Burn Addresses: Unveiling the Permanent Losses and Their Underlying Causes by Mohamed el Khatib and Arnaud Legout briefly cited Cool data embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain.
In that paper, they attempted to find Base58 Bitcoin addresses that looked as if they were fake and used only in order to contain Base58 data.
While we had previously explored a few Base58 messages, this was something that had been done mostly ad-hoc simply by looking at transactions with large amounts of unspent outputs. As a result, any smaller messages were missed.
By looking through the data produced by the those researchers, we managed to find many new Base58 messages, and highlighted many of the most interesting early messages at: Section "Base58 messages".
The cutest new example is tx dea183908e40e0cebfee6a0d8362b299e07cf193fbc02ffd3308b43781eca208 (2011-11-24) containing Eric Lombrozo's minimalistic wedding contract to Sandra Sandic:
1969SandraSandicXXXXXXXXXXXXXvdEiU by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created was presumably an inscription service that allowed people to pay to have Base58 messages inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain.
The service failed to gain popularity and not much is known about it. marks the domain as having expired on 2013-02-03.[ref].
The first known mentions of the service date back to December 2011, when it started self-advertizing in the blockchain around tx 8ffacbb18f63576fe323cbf2acc6c4c01c86aadf13d8352cfdd39d91916d98c8 block 156164 (2011-12-05) by repeating the following 3 messages 80 times:
decoding to: gives you blockchain immortaility. Visit now.
The website was down as of 2021, and there are were decent archives unfortunately:*/
Some surviging online mentions include:
  • Gold, Silver, and Bitcoin spot prices are now only a call (or text) away (2012-04-14) suggests that the creator is a "Jonathan Ryan Owens" since user jonathanryanowens comments:
    Aside from Bitcoinduit, which was the first project we worked on for the purpose of investigating the inner workings of the bitcoin network and double spend threats? Ok.. here's a few: We developed custom bitcoin signing agents (, we did the first facebook bitcoin wallet (, we have our own custom c++ libraries that completely reimplement bitcoind for our own applications, we have an actual working double spend detection and alerter infrastructure, and also a coming slew of apps related to microlending and fixed exchange services..
    Some profiles:
  • says on 2011-12-15:
    by user TT.
  • has a random looking commented out mention of on the SQL
By Mohamed el Khatib and Arnaud Legout.
Both autors were at Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur, Mohamed the intern and Arnaud the Inria researcher employee.
Cool, this method could reveal novel P2FKH images:
We propose a methodology to automatically detect burn addresses. We manually classified
208,656 addresses suspected to be burn addresses because they have a low Shannon entropy
Our model identified 7,905 true burn addresses from a pool of 1,283,997,050 addresses with only 1,767 false positive.
Unfortunately their method might not be well suited for finding images, later on:
Storing images for fun and posterity. We did not observe plain text messages encoded in Bech32 addresses. As our methodology is designed to identify burn addresses with a human-readable structure or easily identifiable patterns, we are not supposed to detect images encoded in burn addresses.
Data for their results can be found at:
Colin Hughes by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
TODO: real name? Occupation?
Claude says he's from the UK and has a background in mathematics. Oxbridge feels likely. How I Failed, Failed, and Finally Succeeded at Learning How to Code says he started off on the ORIC computer, which is British-made, so he is likely British. by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Article by James Somers by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Expired domain tracker by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
AGI interest group by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Autoformalization by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
"Autoformalization" refers to automatically converting a traditional human readable mathematical proof to a formal proof.
SWE-bench by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
By Princeton people.
This one aims to solve GitHub issues. It appears to contain 2,294 real-world GitHub issues and their corresponding pull requests
The dataset appears to be at: in Parquet format.
Mathematical olympiad by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Bitcoin Inscription service by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Knowledge olympiad by domain of knowledge by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Inscription service by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
We define an "Inscription service" as a website that easily allows you to pay to have arbitrary data inscribed on a blockchain.
The most notable early example of such a service on the Bitcoin blockchain was
Inscription system by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
We define an "inscription system" as a software or service that facilitates the creation of inscriptions.
Apache Parquet by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created

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