Not-for profit that took up OpenAI Gym maintenance after OpenAI dropped it.
It would be cool if they maintained their own list! seems to contain some implementations.
Suggested at:
OpenAI Gym development by OpenAI ceased in 2021, and the Farama Foundation not for profit took up maintenance of it.
gymnasium==1.1.1 just worked on Ubuntu 24.10 testing with the hello world gym/ works and opens a game window on my desktop.
sudo apt install swig
cd gym
virtualenv -p python3
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-python-3-12.txt
Lunar Lander environment of Farama Gymnasium with random controls
. This example just passes random commands to the ship so don't expect wonders. The cool thing about it though is that you can open any environment with it e.g.
./ CarRacing-v3
To manually control it we can use gym/
cd gym
Manual control is extremely useful to get an intuition about the problem. You will notice immediately that controlling the ship is extremely difficult.
Lunar Lander environment of Farama Gymnasium with manual control
. We slow it down to 10 FPS to give us some fighting chance.
We don't know if it is realistic, but what is certain is that this is definitely not designed to be a fun video game!A good strategy is to land anywhere very slowly and then inch yourself towards the landing pad.
- the legs of the lander are short and soft, and you're not supposed to hit the body on ground, so you have to go very slow
- the thrusters are quite weak and inertia management is super important
- the ground is very slippery
The documentation for it is available at: The agent input is described as:so it is a fundamentally flawed robot training example as global x and y coordinates are precisely known.
The state is an 8-dimensional vector: the coordinates of the lander in x & y, its linear velocities in x & y, its angle, its angular velocity, and two booleans that represent whether each leg is in contact with the ground or not.
Variation in the scenario comes from:
- initial speed of vehicle
- shape of lunar surface, but TODO can the ship observe the lunar surface shape in any way? If not, once again, this is a deeply flawed example.
The actions are documented at:so we can make it spin like mad counter clockwise with:
- 0: do nothing
- 1: fire left orientation engine
- 2: fire main engine
- 3: fire right orientation engine
action = 1
To actually play the games manually with keyboard, you need to define your own keybindings with Feature request for default keybindings:
There is no C API, you have to go through Python: Shame.
They have video recording support, minimal ex
TODO can they do historical reverse IP or not? I.e. determine which domains were hosted on a given IP at a given date in the past?
Very curiously, their reverse IP search appears to be somewhat broken, or not to be historic, e.g.We've contacted support and they replied:This is likely not accurate, more precisely it likely only works if it was the last IP address, not necessarily a current one.
- hits in 2011, later moved to others
- however does not contain
The reverse IP tool will only show a domain if that is it's current IP address.
This section is about Nvidia GPUs that are focused on compute rather than rendering.
Until 2020 these were branded as Nvidia Tesla, but then Nvidia dropped that brand due to confusion with the Tesla Inc. the car maker.[ref].
This is the most accessible DNS database online, as it does not require login or payment.
They have reasonable data. It's not fully complete as Ciro Santilli saw on CIA 2010 covert communication websites, but it is very valuable.
Tested as of 2025, they seem to have removed the pre-IP checks on web interface, and just instead use Cloudfare to check that you are human from time to time, which allows for a lot manual searching to be done! Awesome!
Previously, tou could only get about 250 queries on the web interface, then 250 queries per free account via API. They check your IP when you signup, and you can't sign in twice from the same IP. They also state that Tor addresses are blacklisted. They also normalize dots in gmail addresses, so you need more diverse email accounts. But they haven't covered the
vs .googlemail
trick.Their data is also quite disjoint from the data of the 2013 DNS Census. There is some overlap, but clearly their methodology is very different. Some times they slot into one another almost perfectly.
TODO is their database amazing?
TODO do they offer historical reverse IP?
- has some good comments:and
TORCS was apparently coded at the beginning of time for research into AI, car setups, etc. and is actually still actively developed today as people are still publishing papers and doing work with it. I think Speed Dreams was an attempt to improve the "game" aspect of it, but it looks like it has fallen off in terms of active development.
Downloaded TORCS and the physics feel pretty bizzaro. I can tell there are parts they are getting right, but they are overshadowed by some pretty ridiculous feeling behavior
Rigs of Rods 2022.12 had some promise as a fun simulator, and seems to have multiplayer and a way to find user created content online. But it is just too cluncky to get started with.
God can't we just have something that runs and is mildly fun to play with already? finally seems to have the focus of being immediately fun. And it runs on browser. But the physics are completely broken, you go through the floor basically everywhere, and going over any bump sends you flying no matter your speed.
He died of a an accidental drug overdose on the campus of UC Berkeley on February 13, 2024. He was on his second semester of the mathematics course. That's fucked up! His mother then died a of cancer a few months later on August 9, 2024:
- His father is also Jewish.
Marco Troper
. Some believe this to be a fundamental unit of the human brain.
TODO it would be cool to have a look at the JARs and see if they have anything in common that makes for a good fringerprint. Would not help find new ones, but would help to confirm possible hits. unzips to:so it is fully obfuscated.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Created-By: 1.5.0_17-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Other files whose existence might help to fingerprint include:
- empty
A quick:does not reveal any obvious cryptography calls.
find . -type f | xargs strings | sort -u is very similar looking.
is identical:Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Created-By: 1.5.0_17-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) is a bit different with tree:and:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5
Created-By: 1.5.0_12-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.