Unlike SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein, these are not needed for test tube reproduction. They must therefore be for host modulation.
Uses Redux, while reactjs/react-rails appears to do that more manually
Lots of focus on Heroku deployability, which is fantastic: shakacode.gitbooks.io/react-on-rails/content/docs/additional-reading/heroku-deployment.html
Live instance: www.reactrails.com/ with source at: github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial Not the most advanced web-app (a gothinkster/realworld-level would be ideal). Also has clear dependency description, which is nice.
Trying at github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/tree/8e656f97d7a311bbe999ceceb9463b8479fef9e2 on Ubuntu 20.10. Got some failures: github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/issues/488 Finally got a version of it working at: github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/issues/488#issuecomment-812506821
Oh, and the guy behind that project lives in Hawaii (Ciro Santilli's ideal city to live in), has an Asian-mixed son, and two Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboards as seen at twitter.com/railsonmaui/status/1377515748910755851, Ciro Santilli was jealous of him.
- stackoverflow.com/questions/1206872/go-to-previous-line-in-gdb/46996380#46996380
- stackoverflow.com/questions/1470434/how-does-reverse-debugging-work/53063242#53063242
- stackoverflow.com/questions/3649468/setting-breakpoint-in-gdb-where-the-function-returns/46116927#46116927
- stackoverflow.com/questions/27770896/how-to-debug-a-rare-deadlock/50073993#50073993
- stackoverflow.com/questions/522619/how-to-do-bidirectional-or-reverse-debugging-of-programs/50074106#50074106 link only, marked as duplicate of go to previous line
- softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/181527/why-is-reverse-debugging-rarely-used
Framework built on top of React.
Officially recommended by React[ref]:
Recommended ToolchainsIf you’re building a server-rendered website with Node.js, try Next.js.
gothinkster/realworld blog example by Ciro Santilli: node Express Sequelize Next.js realworld example app.
Basically what this does is to get server-side rendering just working by React, including hydration, which is a good thing.
Next.js sends the first pre-rendered HTML page along with the JavaScript code. Then, JavaScript page switches just load the API data.
Next.js does this nicely by forcing you to provide page data in a serialized JSON format, even when rendering server-side (e.g. the return value of
). This way, it is also able to provide either the full HTML, or just the JSON.Some general downsides:
- it does feel like they don't document deployment very well however, especially non-Vercel options, which is the company behind Next.js. I'm unable to find how to use a non Vercel CDN with ISR supposing that is possible.
- Next.js is very opinionated, and like any opinionated library it is sometimes hard to know why something is/isn't happening, and sometimes it is hard/impossible to do what you want with it unless they add support. They have done good progress, but even as of 2022, some aspects just feel so immature, some major-looking use cases are not very well done.
In theory, Next.js could be the "ultimate frontend framework". It does have a lot of development difficulties that need to be ironed out, but the general concepts, and things it tries to integrate, including e.g. webpack, TypeScript, etc. are good. Maybe the question is when will someone put it together with an amazing backend library and dominate and finally put an end to the infinite number of Js Frameworks!
In-tree examples at: github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/examples
In order to offer its amazing features, Next.js is also extremely opinionated, which means that if something wasn't designed to be possible, it basically isn't.
No prerender with custom server? It forces you to write your API with next as well? Or does it mean something else?
TODO can it statically generate pages that are created at runtime? E.g. if I create a new blog post, will it automatically upload a static page? It seems that yes, and that this is exactly what Incremental Static Regeneration means:However, Ciro can't find any mention of how to specify where the pages are uploaded to... this is pat of the non-Vercel deployment problem.
- github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/25410
- vercel.com/docs/next.js/incremental-static-regeneration
- github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/17711
- www.reddit.com/r/nextjs/comments/mvvhym/a_complete_guide_to_incremental_static/
- github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/11552#discussioncomment-115595
- stackoverflow.com/questions/62105756/how-to-use-aws-with-next-js
- github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/17080
- github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/16852
Can't ISR prerenter by URL query parameters:
That plus the requirement to have one page per file under
leads to a lot of useless duplication, because then you are forced to place the URL parameters on the pathnames."Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs'" Hell. The main reason this happens seems to be the that in a higher order component, webpack can't determine if callbacks use the require or not to remove it from frontend code. Fully investigated and solved at:
- www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/8evy5d/what_are_the_downsides_to_nextjs/ 2017 What are the downsides to Next.js?
Examples under python/sklearn
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install sklearn matplotlib seaborn
A more photon-specific version of the Bloch sphere.
In it, each of the six sides has a clear and simple to understand photon polarization state, either of:
- left/right
- diagonal up/diagonal down
- rotation clockwise/counterclockwise
The sphere clearly suggests for example that a rotational or diagonal polarizations are the combination of left/right with the correct phase. This is clearly explained at: Video "Quantum Mechanics 9b - Photon Spin and Schrodinger's Cat II by ViaScience (2013)".
Google's quantum hardware/software effort.
The AI is just prerequisite buzzword of the era for any project.
According to job postings such as: archive.ph/wip/Fdgsv their center is in Goleta, California, near Santa Barbara. Though Google tends to promote it more as Santa Barbara, see e.g. Daniel's t-shirt at Video "Building a quantum computer with superconducting qubits by Daniel Sank (2019)".
- 2022: $15 million www.orcacomputing.com/blog/orca-computing-completes-15-million-series-a-funding-round
- 2021: $14.5 million for an Innovate UK project
This doesn't do a hole lot. Ciro Santilli wouldn't really call it a web framework. It's more like a middleware. Real web frameworks are built on top of it.
Examples under: nodejs/express:
- nodejs/express/min.js: minimal example. Visit localhost:3000 and it shows
hello world
. It is a bit wrong because the headers say HTML but we return plaintext. - nodejs/express/index.js: example dump with automated tests where possible. The automated tests are run at startup after the server launches. Then the server keeps running so you can interact with it.
A live example on Heroku can be seen at: github.com/cirosantilli/heroku-node-min
A Three-Dimensional Model of the Myoglobin Molecule Obtained by X-Ray Analysis (1958) by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated 2024-12-15 +Created 1970-01-01
Quite good, Ciro Santilli played this a lot in 2021/2022, his user ID: ofo5fNy7wRNC1Cw94YVB4KMOW5f2.
The physics not as good as the original Mario Kart 64, and it is notably missing jump gliding, and generally not as sharp! But it is really not bad.
Some of the weapons were too useless that you are just better firing them straight away at wall immediately to get something better, they could have a little better balancing there. I'm talking about you gatling that takes 10 seconds to finish firing, and does not kill enemies immediately. You are better off just firing that gun immediately when you get it to be able to get another gun ASAP. They seem to have done some balancing there however.
It had no chat option, but in a way it was cool to be forced to communicate non-verbally with people whose usernames you got familiar with. Funny you can love people like that, without ever talking to them. The best way of doing so being tea-bagging by going back and forth on a player after winning.
Performance was sometimes a problem. When Ciro tried it again on December 2022, it was unplayable due to the impossibly large lag. Tiings were much better again in 2023 however it seems.
www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/03/07/a-journey-to-the-center-of-our-cells A Journey to the Center of Our Cells (2022) by James Somers comments on M. genitalium in general, and in particular on the JCVI strains.
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.