They are the finite projective special linear groups.
This was the first infinite family of simple groups discovered after the simple cyclic groups and alternating groups. The first case discovered was by Galois. You should understand that one first.
Ciro Santilli is very fond of this result: the beauty of mathematics.
How can so much complexity come out from so few rules?
How can the proof be so long (thousands of papers)?? Surprise!!
And to top if all off, the awesomely named monster group could have a relationship with string theory via the monstrous moonshine?
all science is either physics or stamp collecting comes to mind.
The classification contains:
- cyclic groups: infinitely many, one for each prime order. Non-prime orders are not simple. These are the only Abelian ones.
- alternating groups of order 4 or greater: infinitely many
- groups of Lie type: a contains several infinite families
- sporadic groups: 26 or 27 of them depending on definitions
The orthogonal group has 2 connected components:
- one with determinant +1, which is itself a subgroup known as the special orthogonal group. These are pure rotations without a reflection.
- the other with determinant -1. This is not a subgroup as it does not contain the origin. It represents rotations with a reflection.
It is instructive to visualize how the looks like in :
- you take the first basis vector and move it to any other. You have therefore two angular parameters.
- you take the second one, and move it to be orthogonal to the first new vector. (you can choose a circle around the first new vector, and so you have another angular parameter.
- at last, for the last one, there are only two choices that are orthogonal to both previous ones, one in each direction. It is this directio, relative to the others, that determines the "has a reflection or not" thing
As a result it is isomorphic to the direct product of the special orthogonal group by the cyclic group of order 2:
A low dimensional example:because you can only do two things: to flip or not to flip the line around zero.
NP-intermediate as of 2020 for similar reasons as integer factorization.
An important case is the discrete logarithm of the cyclic group in which the group is a cyclic group.
This is the discrete logarithm problem where the group is a cyclic group.
In this case, the problem becomes equivalent to reversing modular exponentiation.
This computational problem forms the basis for Diffie-Hellman key exchange, because modular exponentiation can be efficiently computed, but no known way exists to efficiently compute the reverse function.
The algorithm is completely analogous to Diffie-Hellman key exchange in that you efficiently raise a number to a power times and send the result over while keeping as private key.
The only difference is that a different group is used: instead of using the cyclic group, we use the elliptic curve group of an elliptic curve over a finite field.
Elliptic curves by Computerphile (2018)
Source. shows the continuous group well, but then fails to explain the discrete part.Variant of Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on elliptic curve cryptography.
In the classification of finite simple groups, groups of Lie type are a set of infinite families of simple lie groups. These are the other infinite families besides te cyclic groups and alternating groups.
A decent list at:, is just too unclear. The groups of Lie type can be subdivided into:
- Chevalley groups
- TODO the rest
The first in this family discovered were a subset of the Chevalley groups by Galois: , so it might be a good first one to try and understand what it looks like.
TODO understand intuitively why they are called of Lie type. Their names , seem to correspond to the members of the classification of simple Lie groups which are also named like that.
But they are of course related to Lie groups, and as suggested at Video "Yang-Mills 1 by David Metzler (2011)" part 2, the continuity actually simplifies things.
As per, unlike the Direct product, the semidirect product of two goups is neither unique, nor does it always exist, and there is no known algorithmic way way to tell if one exists or not.
This is because reaching the "output" of the semidirect produt of two groups requires extra non-obvious information that might not exist. This is because the semi-direct product is based on the product of group subsets. So you start with two small and completely independent groups, and it is not obvious how to join them up, i.e. how to define the group operation of the product group that is compatible with that of the two smaller input groups. Contrast this with the Direct product, where the composition is simple: just use the group operation of each group on either side.
Product of group subsets
So in other words, it is not a function like the Direct product. The semidiret product is therefore more like a property of three groups.
The semidirect product is more general than the direct product of groups when thinking about the group extension problem, because with the direct product of groups, both subgroups of the larger group are necessarily also normal (trivial projection group homomorphism on either side), while for the semidirect product, only one of them does.
Conversely, explains that if , and besides the implied requirement that N is normal, H is also normal, then .
Smallest example: where is a dihedral group and are cyclic groups. (the rotation) is a normal subgroup of , but (the flip) is not.
Note that with the Direct product instead we get and not , i.e. as per the direct product of two cyclic groups of coprime order is another cyclic group.
- why does one of the groups have to be normal in the definition?
- what is the smallest example of a non-simple group that is neither a direct nor a semi-direct product of any two other groups?