Infrastructure as a service Updated +Created
You SSH into a an OS like Ubuntu and do whatever you want from there. E.g. Amazon EC2.
The OS is usually virualized, and you get only a certain share of the CPU by default.
Inkscape Updated +Created
Inkscape is a a good software for editing/creating SVG files.
Its functionality is fundamental for as a software for drawing geometry diagrams, as it is a good middle ground between algorithmic generation, and raster graphics.
At 1.0.2, its UI is a bit terrible:
  • the way the menus open on the right with title below the window...
  • several defaults are atrocious, e.g. export drawing rather than page
And it crashes from time to time on Ubuntu 21.04. And it has some glaring bugs, e.g.:
But still, it is a very good initiative.
What would be really amazing is if they had constraints: like proper CAD software, it would make it possible to not have to redo entire diagrams when you want to change a small part of them.
JAVA_HOME Updated +Created
This ultimately determines which Java is used by a bunch of tools.
TODO is there a way to update it sanely in Ubuntu: to always match the default java executable?
Kdenlive Updated +Created
This seems like a decent option, although it has bugs coming in and out all the time! Also it is quite hard to learn to use.
To get started:
  • import a clip
  • drag it onto the track area
To set the video length, search for "set outpoint" on "monitor".
Add subtitles:
  • Effects
  • Dynamic text
then drag on top of the video track. To add only to part of the video, cut it up first.
Preview has no sound on Ubuntu 20.10. Fixed as of Ubuntu 22.04.
Sound worked on Ubuntu 21.04 though, but it then soon crashed with:
 = = SET EFFECT PARAM:  "rect"  =  0=1188 0 732 242
MUTEX LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!! slotactivateeffect:  1
Object 0x557293592da0 destroyed while one of its QML signal handlers is in progress.
Most likely the object was deleted synchronously (use QObject::deleteLater() instead), or the application is running a nested event loop.
This behavior is NOT supported!
qrc:/qml/EffectToolBar.qml:80: function() { [native code] }
On Ubuntu 22.04 haven't crashed yet.
Laucnh Amazin EC2 with existing EBS volume Updated +Created
The hot and more expensive sotorage for Amazon EC2, where e.g. your Ubuntu filesystem will lie.
The cheaper and slower alternative is to use Amazon S3.
Linux distribution buildable from source Updated +Created
As of 2020, no one knows how to build the major desktop distros fully from source into the ISO, and especially so in a reproducible build way. Everything is done in build servers somewhere with complicated layers of prebuilds. It's crap.
lujakob/nestjs-realworld-example-app Updated +Created
MySQL Updated +Created
Create user for further logins without sudo
sudo mysql -e "CREATE USER $USER"
Create test user with password:
sudo mysql -e 'CREATE USER user0 IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY "a"'
sudo mysql -e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO "user0"'
and login as that user:
mysql -u user0 -p
Login with password given on the command line:
mysql -u user0 -pmypassword
The IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password part is to overcome "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server" when connecting from Node.js.
List users:
sudo mysql -e 'SELECT * FROM mysql.user'
View permissions for each user on each DB:
sudo mysql -e 'SELECT * FROM mysql.db'
List databases:
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW DATABASES'
Create database:
sudo mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE mydb0'
Destroy database:
sudo mysql -e 'DROP DATABASE mydb0'
Show tables in database:
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW TABLES' mydb0
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW TABLES FROM mydb0'
Nvidia Updated +Created
Open source driver/hardware interface specification??? E.g. on Ubuntu, a large part of the nastiest UI breaking bugs Ciro Santilli encountered over the years have been GPU related. Do you think that is a coincidence??? E.g. ubuntu 21.10 does not wake up from suspend.
Video 1.
Linus Torvalds saying "Nvidia Fuck You" (2012)
Video 2.
How Nvidia Won Graphics Cards by Asianometry (2021)
Video 3.
How Nvidia Won AI by Asianometry (2022)
Okular Updated +Created
This is generally good, especially compared to how crappy Evince, the default Ubuntu one, has been around 2014-2020.
OpenShot Updated +Created
Ubuntu 20.10 crash...:
  exceptions:ERROR Unhandled Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/openshot-qt", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('openshot-qt==2.5.1', 'gui_scripts', 'openshot-qt')()
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openshot_qt/", line 97, in main
    app = OpenShotApp(argv)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openshot_qt/classes/", line 218, in __init__
    from windows.main_window import MainWindow
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openshot_qt/windows/", line 45, in <module>
    from windows.views.timeline_webview import TimelineWebView
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openshot_qt/windows/views/", line 42, in <module>
    from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebView
ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: _ZN4QRhi10newSamplerEN11QRhiSampler6FilterES1_S1_NS0_11AddressModeES2_, version Qt_5_PRIVATE_API
randyscotsmithey/feathers-realworld-example-app Updated +Created
So once you install MongoDB, run with:
MONGODB_FEATHERS_REALWORLD=mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb npm start
Tests can be run with:
MONGODB_FEATHERS_REALWORLD=mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb npm run test
but there were 10 failures and 55 passes:
Rosegarden Updated +Created
shakacode/react_on_rails Updated +Created
Uses Redux, while reactjs/react-rails appears to do that more manually
Live instance: with source at: Not the most advanced web-app (a gothinkster/realworld-level would be ideal). Also has clear dependency description, which is nice.
Oh, and the guy behind that project lives in Hawaii (Ciro Santilli's ideal city to live in), has an Asian-mixed son, and two Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboards as seen at, Ciro Santilli was jealous of him.
ShotCut Updated +Created
Worked on Ubuntu 20.10.
The UI is a bit too buggy to bear.
How to unsplit, can't find on shotcut 21.05.01:
Background noise reduction: couldn't easily find out how, especially with automatic profile detected based on a selected region as mentioned at audacity profile-based background noise removal:
Silk Road (marketplace) Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli has become slightly obsessed with this story, and the main mastermind Ross Ulbricht.
Figure 1.
Ross Ulbricht's open laptop shortly after his arrest at the Francisco Public Library
. Source. He was running some GNOME based distro, could be Ubuntu from that photo, and likely is given that Ross once recommended Ubuntu to his flatmate.
The best article available so far is: (archive) which summarizes what one of the investigators said in a 2019 French computer security conference.
The key living posts are:
The big question is of course how libertarian free market ideologically motivated the website was, and how purely criminal greed it was.
The magnitude of the early operational security mistakes does make Ciro think that Ross did it "because he could" and "for the lolz" in a real world Breaking Bad way.
The entry in Ross' diary does resonate a lot with Ciro and any entrepreneur, full diary at: (archive).
[i]n 2011," [I believe I will be] "creating a year of prosperity and power beyond what I have ever experienced before,
Silk Road is going to become a phenomenon and at least one person will tell me about it, unknowing that I was its creator."
Having this kind of feeling, is the greatest thing any human can have, and what motivates all great things.
Capitalizing in illegal things though is a cheat, big things take longer than a few years to reach, but reaching them is that much more satisfying as well.
Other interesting quotes:
I hated working for someone else and trading my time for money with no investment in myself.
which Ciro also feels, see don't be a pussy, and:
Everyone knows I am working on a bitcoin exchange. I always thought honesty was the best policy and now I didn't know what to do. I should have just told everyone I am a freelance programmer or something, but I had to tell half truths. It felt wrong to lie completely so I tried to tell the truth without revealing the bad part, but now I am in a jam. Everyone knows too much. Dammit.
Also very worth reading is the San Francisco flat mate account: (archive).
The murder for hire allegations are also interesting:, he paid 80k dollars to undercover DEA agents!
Except for the fact that Ross was an 80 million Dollar drug lord, those accounts sound exactly like what you would expect from any other nerdy startup founder! The:
  • "just do it" strategy effectively going to a minimal viable product (manual transaction management!), while making many mistakes along the way, including hiring mistakes and successes when scaling is needed
  • the hardship of self bootstrapping your own social network (here with some kilos of mushrooms)
  • the variety of periods, from relatively calm, to hair pulling stress during big changes
It is also amusing to see very concretely the obvious fact that the FBI can get a subpoena for all accounts you ever had, e.g. they knew his laptop model from Amazon and brought a corresponding power cable to the arrest! If you are going to be a cyber criminal, don't use your real name, ever!
Should justice be blind? Maybe. But it does hurt for mere non-blind men to see it sometimes. Especially when drug liberalization is involved.
Video 1.
One Mistake Took Down a 29-Yr-Old Dark Web Drug Lord by Newsthink (2022)
Source. Wow nice video, covers most of the interesting annecdotes and the (alledged) investigation procedure.
Super Mario 64 reverse engineering project Updated +Created
OMG, both of those just fucking work on Ubuntu 20.04 with README instructions, it is unbelievable, those people don't have lives. And it builds the ROM byte by byte equal from source!
There are a few different versions:
Tested with the USA ROM at sha1sum 9bef1128717f958171a4afac3ed78ee2bb4e86ce (you need a ROM to extract assets, which the project automates), which is also documented in the project itself: Disclaimer: Ciro Santilli owns a copy of Super Mario 64.
The only dependency missing from Ubuntu packages is the IRIX QEMU user mode which they need for their tooling. The project also has a QEMU fork for that, and provide a working deb.
From this project it was also noticed that certain ROM releases were not compiled with optimizations enabled, presumably because as a release title the compiler had optimization bugs! But now they do have a working compiler, and by turning that switch FPS increases in certain levels!!!
It is good to know that this game will "never die".
Some quick stupid patches:
  • jump really high:
    diff --git a/src/game/mario.c b/src/game/mario.c
    index 5b103fa..83c9f40 100644
    --- a/src/game/mario.c
    +++ b/src/game/mario.c
    @@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ static u32 set_mario_action_airborne(struct MarioState *m, u32 action, u32 actio
             case ACT_JUMP:
             case ACT_HOLD_JUMP:
                 m->marioObj->header.gfx.unk38.animID = -1;
    -            set_mario_y_vel_based_on_fspeed(m, 42.0f, 0.25f);
    +            set_mario_y_vel_based_on_fspeed(m, 200.0f, 0.25f);
                 m->forwardVel *= 0.8f;
Interesting entry points:
  • src/game/game_init.c
TODO: enable the level select debug feature! They actually shipped quite a few debug features into the retail game, and they have been reversed too. I tried this but it didn't work (or I don't know how to enable the level select menu):
diff --git a/src/game/main.c b/src/game/main.c
index 9e53e50..b7443a8 100644
--- a/src/game/main.c
+++ b/src/game/main.c
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ s8 sAudioEnabled = 1;
 u32 sNumVblanks = 0;
 s8 gResetTimer = 0;
 s8 D_8032C648 = 0;
-s8 gDebugLevelSelect = 0;
+s8 gDebugLevelSelect = 1;
 s8 D_8032C650 = 0;

 s8 gShowProfiler = FALSE;
The enhancements/ folder contains a few sample patches.
Figure 1.
Screenshot of mupen64Plus running on Ubuntu 20.04 emulating Super Mario 64 with the title screen hacked by Ciro Santilli based on the Super Mario 64 reverse engineering project
. The title was on a string, so the hack was trivial! The patch used was:
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
index 749179b..626f87e 100644
--- a/include/
+++ b/include/
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 // Main Screens
 #define TEXT_MARIO _("MARIO") // View Score Menu
Some tutorials of hacking it:
Video 1.
FIXING the ENTIRE SM64 Source Code by Kaze Emanuar (2022)
Source. Now that we have the source, modders like this are going nuts.
ThinkPad Updated +Created
This is Ciro Santilli's favorite laptop brand. He's been on it since the early 2010's after he saw his then-girlfriend-later-wife using it.
Ciro doesn't know how to explain it, but ThinkPads just feel... right. The screen, the keyboard, the lid, the touchpad are all exactly what Ciro likes.
The only problem with ThinkPad is that it is owned by Lenovo which is a Chinese company, and that makes Ciro feel bad. But he likes it too much to quit... what to do?
Ciro is also reassured to see that in every enterprise he's been so far as of 2020, ThinkPads are very dominant. And the same when you see internal videos from other big tech enterprises, all those nerds are running... Ubuntu on ThinkPads! And the ISS.
Those nerds like their ThinkPads so much, that Ciro has seen some acquaintances with crazy old ThinkPad machines, missing keyboard buttons or the like. They just like their machines that much.
ThinkPads are are also designed for repairability, and it is easy to buy replacement parts, and there are OEM part replacement video tutorials: No visible planned obsolescence here! With the caveat that the official online part stores can be shit as mentioned at Section "Lenovo".
The only thing Ciro never understood is the trackpoint: Why would you use that with such an amazing touchpad? And vimium.
TuxGuitar Updated +Created
Just use MuseScore instead.
Weight: light.
Can import from: MIDI.
Can export to:
Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install tuxguitar tuxguitar-alsa tuxguitar-jsa tuxguitar-oss
tuxguitar-jsa was needed, otherwise no sound:
Has OK step sequencer non-realtime up/down/left/right guitar based composition interface.
Has chord insertion.
Has bend editor.
Could be more amazing, but it is OK.
A bit limited by being very "guitar oriented". Shows you guitar strings, and you enter offset to each string. So to enter two adjacent notes you need to use two seprate strings and thing about the offsets. If only it had a more piano based interface.
Drum notation is also atrocious, you have to go to the top chord, and use high numbers starting at 36.
Verilator Updated +Created
Verilog simulator that transpiles to C++.
One very good thing about this is that it makes it easy to create test cases directly in C++. You just supply inputs and clock the simulation directly in a C++ loop, then read outputs and assert them with assert(). And you can inspect variables by printing them or with GDB. This is infinitely more convenient than doing these IO-type tasks in Verilog itself.
Some simulation examples under verilog.
First install Verilator. On Ubuntu:
sudo apt install verilator
Tested on Verilator 4.038, Ubuntu 22.04.
Run all examples, which have assertions in them:
cd verilator
make run
File structure is for example:
Example list: