Aperiodic monotile by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Work by Freeman Dyson by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Bitcoin Core executable by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Amazon Machine Image by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Bootloader by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
BB84 by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Does not require entangled particles, unlike E91 which does.
en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Quantum_key_distribution&oldid=1079513227#BB84_protocol:_Charles_H._Bennett_and_Gilles_Brassard_(1984) explains it well. Basically:
  • Alice and Bob randomly select a measurement basis of either 90 degrees and 45 degrees for each photon
  • Alice measures each photon. There are two possible results to either measurement basis: parallel or perpendicular, representing values 0 or 1. TODO understand better: weren't the possible results supposed to be pass or non-pass? She writes down the results, and sends the (now collapsed) photons forward to Bob.
  • Bob measures the photons and writes down the results
  • Alice and Bob communicate to one another their randomly chosen measurement bases over the unencrypted classic channel.
    This channel must be authenticated to prevent man-in-the-middle. The only way to do this authentication that makes sense is to use a pre-shared key to create message authentication codes. Using public-key cryptography for a digital signature would be pointless, since the only advantage of QKD is to avoid using public-key cryptography in the first place.
  • they drop all photons for which they picked different basis. The measurements of those which were in the same basis are the key. Because they are in the same basis, their results must always be the same in an ideal system.
  • if there is an eavesdropper on the line, the results of measurements on the same basis can differ.
    Unfortunately, this can also happen due to imperfections in the system.
    Alice and Bob must decide what level of error is above the system's imperfections and implies that an attacker is listening.
SVG 2 by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Foundation series by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Mine by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Tax by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Work by Jean Perrin by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Schur's lemma by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Chemist by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Brewster's angle by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Mathieu group by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Contains the first sporadic groups discovered by far: 11 and 12 in 1861, and 22, 23 and 24 in 1973. And therefore presumably the simplest! The next sporadic ones discovered were the Janko groups, only in 1965!
Each is a permutation group on elements. There isn't an obvious algorithmic relationship between and the actual group.
TODO initial motivation? Why did Mathieu care about k-transitive groups?
Their; k-transitive group properties seem to be the main characterization, according to Wikipedia:
  • 22 is 3-transitive but not 4-transitive.
  • four of them (11, 12, 23 and 24) are the only sporadic 4-transitive groups as per the classification of 4-transitive groups (no known simpler proof as of 2021), which sounds like a reasonable characterization. Note that 12 and 25 are also 5 transitive.
Looking at the classification of k-transitive groups we see that the Mathieu groups are the only families of 4 and 5 transitive groups other than symmetric groups and alternating groups. 3-transitive is not as nice, so let's just say it is the stabilizer of and be done with it.
Video 1.
Mathieu group section of Why Do Sporadic Groups Exist? by Another Roof (2023)
Source. Only discusses Mathieu group but is very good at that.
Once upon a time, when Ciro Santilli had a job, he had a programming problem.
A senior developer came over, and rather than trying to run and modify the code like an idiot, which is what Ciro Santilli usually does (see also experimentalism remarks at Section "Ciro Santilli's bad old event memory"), he just stared at the code for about 10 minutes.
We knew that the problem was likely in a particular function, but it was really hard to see why things were going wrong.
After the 10 minutes of examining every line in minute detail, he said:
I think this function call has such or such weird edge case
and truly, that was the cause.
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