Caesium standard Updated +Created
Uses the frequency of the hyperfine structure of caesium-133 ground state, i.e spin up vs spin down of its valence electron , to define the second.
International System of Units definition of the second since 1967, because this is what atomic clocks use.
TODO why does this have more energy than the hyperfine split of the hydrogen line given that it is further from the nucleus?
Rubik's Cube Updated +Created
Beta Updated +Created
Low-density parity-check code Updated +Created
Intelligence is hierarchical Updated +Created
This point is beautifully argued in lots of different sources, and is clearly a pillar of AGI.
Perhaps one may argue that our deep learning layers do form some kind of hierarchy, e.g. this is very clear in certain models such as convolutional neural network. But many of those models cannot have arbitrarily deep hierarchies, which appears to be a fundamental aspect of intelligence.
How to Create a Mind:
The lists of steps in my mind are organized in hierarchies. I follow a routine procedure before going to sleep. The first step is to brush my teeth. But this action is in turn broken into a smaller series of steps, the first of which is to put toothpaste on the toothbrush. That step in turn is made up of yet smaller steps, such as finding the toothpaste, removing the cap, and so on. The step of finding the toothpaste also has steps, the first of which is to open the bathroom cabinet. That step in turn requires steps, the first of which is to grab the outside of the cabinet door. This nesting actually continues down to a very fine grain of movements, so that there are literally thousands of little actions constituting my nighttime routine. Although I may have difficulty remembering details of a walk I took just a few hours ago, I have no difficulty recalling all of these many steps in preparing for bed - so much so that I am able to think about other things while I go through these procedures. It is important to point out that this list is not stored as one long list of thousands of steps - rather, each of our routine procedures is remembered as an elaborate hierarchy of nested activities.
Human Compatible: TODO get exact quote. It was something along: life goal: save world from hunger. Subgoal: apply for some grant. Sub-sub-goal: eat, sleep, take shower. Sub-sub-sub-goal: move muscles to get me to table and open a can.
Ciro's Edict #6 Updated +Created
Physics journal Updated +Created
The strongest are:
Open source CAD software Updated +Created
DNA repair Updated +Created
ProtonMail asks for login every time in the browser Updated +Created
It is fucking annoying!
Not just on browser close. Whenever Ciro Santilli pastes on the browser bar and click enter. Chromium 123.
More precisely: pasting on the browser bar redirects to each time. From there, selecting different accounts leads to different<UID>/inbox, e.g. is my main one. If I paste on the browser, then it works directly. Updated +Created
TODO who owns it? Are they reliable?
This helper dumps a transaction JSON to a binary:
bitcoin-tx-out-scripts() (
    # Dump data contained in out scripts. Remove first 3 last 2 bytes of
    # standard transaction boilerplate.
    echo curl "${h}?format=json" |
    jq '.out[].script' tmp.json |
    sed 's/"76a914//;s/88ac"//' |
    xxd -r -p > "${h}.bin"
Theorem Updated +Created
Periodic function Updated +Created
Direct product of groups Updated +Created
Subgroup Updated +Created
Ludwig Boltzmann Updated +Created
4-polytope Updated +Created
List of proof assistants Updated +Created
DNA replication Updated +Created

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