Mathematical analysis Updated +Created
A fancy name for calculus, with the "more advanced" connotation.
Japanese literature Updated +Created
Frequency modulation synthesis Updated +Created
List of static site generators Updated +Created
Character encoding Updated +Created
Telecommunication company Updated +Created
Collectible (video game design) Updated +Created
Simple Lie group Updated +Created
Field (mathematics) Updated +Created
A ring where multiplication is commutative and there is always an inverse.
A field can be seen as an Abelian group that has two group operations defined on it: addition and multiplication.
And then, besides each of the two operations obeying the group axioms individually, and they are compatible between themselves according to the distributive property.
Basically the nicest, least restrictive, 2-operation type of algebra.
Subtitle file format Updated +Created
Super Mario game Updated +Created
Super Nintendo game Updated +Created
Italian (language) Updated +Created
Sexual orientation Updated +Created
Promiscuity Updated +Created
Evil demon Updated +Created
Social science Updated +Created
Measure theory Updated +Created
Main motivation: Lebesgue integral.
The key idea, is that we can't define a measure for the power set of R. Rather, we must select a large measurable subset, and the Borel sigma algebra is a good choice that matches intuitions.
External storage Updated +Created
Derivation of the Schrodinger equation Updated +Created
Where derivation == "intuitive routes", since a "law of physics" cannot be derived, only observed right or wrong.
Some approaches:

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