Time reversibility of classical mechanics Updated +Created
Considering e.g. Newton's laws of motion, you take a system that is a function of time , e.g. the position of many point particles, and then you reverse the speeds of all particles, then is a solution to that.
Simian subclade Updated +Created
Synchron Updated +Created
Video 1.
Syncron explanation video by Syncron (2018)
Video 2.
Rodney & Phil Use Our Brain Computer Interface by Syncron (2022)
Source. It might be amazing for those dudes, but it still has a long way to go.
It is not possible to see stars outside of the Milky Way by naked eye Updated +Created
The Large Magellanic Cloud stands out as the brightest thing we can see from outside the Milky Way by far!
Ivy Farm Updated +Created
Pali Canon Updated +Created
Anything that is not in the Pali Canon has basically zero chance of having come from Buddha or his immediate followers.
Training (ML) Updated +Created
Operon Updated +Created
Sequence of genes under a single promoter. For an example, see E. Coli K-12 MG1655 operon thrLABC.
A single operon may produce multiple different transcription units depending on certain conditions, see: operon vs transcription unit.
Mortal matrix problem Updated +Created
One of the most simple to state undecidable problems.
The reason that it is undecidable is that you can repeat each matrix any number of times, so there isn't a finite number of possibilities to check.
Special unitary group Updated +Created
The complex analogue of the special orthogonal group, i.e. the subgroup of the unitary group with determinant equals exactly 1 instead of an arbitrary complex number with absolute value equal 1 as is the case for the unitary group.
Venture capital firm Updated +Created
Computable number Updated +Created
There are only boring examples of taking an uncomputable language and converting it into a number?
YOLO model Updated +Created
Object detection model.
You can get some really sweet pre-trained versions of this, typically trained on the COCO dataset.
Create gradient image with ImageMagick Updated +Created
convert -size 256x256 gradient: out.png
convert -size 256x256 gradient:white-black out.png
convert -size 256x256 gradient:red-blue out.png
convert -size 256x256 radial-gradient: out.png
convert -size 256x256 radial-gradient:white-black out.png
Ape Updated +Created

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