Setting: you are sending bits through a communication channel, each bit has a random probability of getting flipped, and so you use some error correction code to achieve some minimal error, at the expense of longer messages.
This theorem sets an upper bound on how efficient you can be in your encoding, for any encoding.
The next big question, which the theorem does not cover is how to construct codes that reach or approach the limit. Important such codes include:
But besides this, there is also the practical consideration of if you can encode/decode fast enough to keep up with the coded bandwidth given your hardware capabilities. explains how turbo codes were first reached without a very good mathematical proof behind them, but were still revolutionary in experimental performance, e.g. turbo codes were used in 3G/4G.
But this motivated researchers to find other such algorithms that they would be able to prove things about, and so they rediscovered the much earlier low-density parity-check code, which had been published in the 60's but was forgotten, partially because it was computationally expensive.
These are the key mathematical ideas to understand!!
There are actually a few formulations out there. By far the dominant one as of 2020 has been the Schrödinger picture, which contrasts notably with the Heisenberg picture.
Another well known one is the de Broglie-Bohm theory, which is deterministic, but non-local.
Because a Git commit can have more than 1 parent due to merge commits when you do:
git merge
It can even have more than 2, there's no limit. Although that is not so common (with good reason, 2 is already one too many):
As mentioned by Craig Venter in 100 Greatest Discoveries by the Discovery Channel (2004-2005), the main outcomes of the project were:
- it established the ballpark number of human genes
- showed that human genomes are very similar across individuals.
Important predecessors:
Let's see:
- Second brain vibe.
Siphon my knowledge into your brain. Assimilate my sensibilities to your spine.
- OMG he also uses a Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard-like keyboard! Maybe there is something here after all.
- he's also a mad tutorial writer: like Ciro's Stack Overflow
- £835.2/month from ony 27 members as of 2023, holy crap not bad!
- he was in a bad spot as of 2014:
i live on $3 per day for food in past 3 years. Eating noodles and oats with salt
One is reminded of Chill and eat your bread in peace and Quote "Omar Khayyam's chill out quote". autobiography is also of interest.
There are two cases:
- (topological) manifolds
- differential manifolds
Questions: are all compact manifolds / differential manifolds homotopic / diffeomorphic to the sphere in that dimension?
- for topological manifolds: this is a generalization of the Poincaré conjecture.Original problem posed, for topological manifolds.Last to be proven, only the 4-differential manifold case missing as of 2013.Even the truth for all was proven in the 60's!Why is low dimension harder than high dimension?? Surprise!AKA: classification of compact 3-manifolds. The result turned out to be even simpler than compact 2-manifolds: there is only one, and it is equal to the 3-sphere.For dimension two, we know there are infinitely many: classification of closed surfaces
- for differential manifolds:Not true in general. First counter example is . Surprise: what is special about the number 7!?Counter examples are called exotic spheres.Totally unpredictable count table:
Dimension Smooth types 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 ? 5 1 6 1 7 28 8 2 9 8 10 6 11 992 12 1 13 3 14 2 15 16256 16 2 17 16 18 16 19 523264 20 24 is an open problem, there could even be infinitely many. Again, why are things more complicated in lower dimensions??
Cryogenic electron microscopy, which was developped in the 70's.
This could have been a Nobel Prize in Physics as well!
Riesz-Fischer theorem is a norm version of it, and Carleson's theorem is stronger pointwise almost everywhere version.
Note that the Riesz-Fischer theorem is weaker because the pointwise limit could not exist just according to it: norm sequence convergence does not imply pointwise convergence.
For every continuous symmetry in the system (Lie group), there is a corresponding conservation law.
Furthermore, given the symmetry, we can calculate the derived conservation law, and vice versa.
As mentioned at, what the symmetry (Lie group) acts on (obviously?!) are the Lagrangian generalized coordinates. And from that, we immediately guess that manifolds are going to be important, because the generalized variables of the Lagrangian can trivially be Non-Euclidean geometry, e.g. the pendulum lives on an infinite cylinder.
The most beautiful idea in physics - Noether's Theorem by Looking Glass Universe (2015)
Source. One sentence stands out: the generated quantities are called the generators of the transforms.The Biggest Ideas in the Universe | 15. Gauge Theory by Sean Carroll (2020)
Source. This attempts a one hour hand wave explanation of it. It is a noble attempt and gives some key ideas, but it falls a bit short of Ciro's desires (as would anything that fit into one hour?)The Symmetries of the universe by ScienceClic English (2021)
Source. explains intuitively why symmetry implies consevation!Both are harmonic oscillators.
In the LC circuit:
- the current current may be seen as the velocity and containing the kinetic energy
- the charge stored in the capacitor as the potential energy
You can kickstart motion in either of those systems in two ways:
- charge the capacitor, i.e. pull the string, and then let it go, i.e. close the circuit. This is the simpler one to realise. Shown concretely at: Video "LC circuit dampened oscillations on an oscilloscope by Queuerious Guy (2014)"
- give speed to the mass, i.e. make a current pass through the inductor
Average number of steps until reaching a state of a Markov chain Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
TODO how to calculate
Since a matrix can be seen as a linear map , the product of two matrices can be seen as the composition of two linear maps:One cool thing about linear functions is that we can easily pre-calculate this product only once to obtain a new matrix, and so we don't have to do both multiplications separately each time.
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.