Venture capital Updated +Created
Japanese Brazilians Updated +Created
Japanese Brazilians are either model children, or they're good for nothings. There is no intermediate.
Snow Updated +Created
Neighbourhood (mathematics) Updated +Created
The key concept of topology.
3SUM Updated +Created
It is cool how even for such a "simple looking" problem, we were still unable to prove optimality as of 2020.
GNU Project Updated +Created
Steve Jobs Updated +Created
Co-founder of Apple.
Is Jobs evil? Is he interesting? Undoubtedly.
Good quotes:
Evil deeds: Updated +Created
Virtualization Updated +Created
Tor (anonymity network) Updated +Created
Tetrapod subclade Updated +Created
Monero Updated +Created
Cryptocurrency with focus on anonymity. Was almost certainly the leading privacy coin since its inception until as of writing in the 2020s.
Ciro Santilli has received and held considerable quantities of Monero, notably 1000 Monero donation. so bias alert.
As mentioned at Section "Are cryptocurrencies useful?", Ciro Santilli believes that anonymity is the most valuable feature that really matters on crypto coins, and therefore if he were to invest in crypto, he would invest in Monero or some other privacy coin. gives an overview of the privacy mechanisms:
  • ring signatures, which hide the true output (sender) Gives an overview. Mentions that it is prone to heuristic attacks.
    Uses a system of decoys, that adds 10 fake possible previous outputs as inputs, in addition to the actual input.
    So the network only knows/verifies that one of those 11 previous outputs was used, but it does not know which one.
    It's a bit like having a built-in cryptocurrency tumbler in every transaction.
    TODO so how do you know which previous outputs were spent or not?
  • RingCT which hides the amounts.
  • stealth addresses, which hides who you send to
    This forces receivers to scan try and unlock every single transaction in the chain to see if it is theirs or not.
    The sender therefore can know when the money is spent, but once again, not to whom it is being sent.
Coinbase has actually stayed away from trading it even as of 2019 when Monero was the third largest market capitalization crypto because of fear of regulatory slashback: Although it must be said, the value of privacy crypto is greatly reduced when everyone is trading it on exchanges, which require a passport upload to work.
Transmitter Updated +Created
Diode bridge Updated +Created
Morse code Updated +Created
Systems programmer Updated +Created
Origin of transfer Updated +Created
Set function Updated +Created
This section is about functions that operates on arbitrary sets.
Human brain Updated +Created
The brain of a human.
Ciro Santilli feels it is not for his generation though, and that is one of the philosophical things that saddens him the most in this world.
On the other hand, Ciro's playing with the Linux kernel and other complex software which no single human can every fully understand cheer him up a bit. But still, the high level view, that we can have...
Figure 1. Source.
  • 1: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu frontale
  • 2: Ventriculus lateralis, Pars centralis
  • 3: Calcar avis
  • 4: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu occipitale
  • 5: Trigonum collaterale
  • 6: Eminentia collateralis
  • 7: Hippocampus
  • 8: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu temporale
  • 9: Capsula interna
  • 10: Nucleus caudatus
Sass (stylesheet language) Updated +Created
The more of their syntax gets merged into mainline Cascading Style Sheets, the better the world will be.

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