Unity-based software Updated +Created
Group of American universities Updated +Created
Universities are obsessed by their images Updated +Created
The image of an university is basically their only real asset, which they extract money out of via undergraduate students in some countries like the USA, and by getting funding.
For this reason, universities will sacrifice basically any principle in order to give themselves a good image.
Although for profit companies also do this, it is simply on another level for universities.
Yin and yang Updated +Created
Preprint Updated +Created
Sorting algorithm Updated +Created
University of Bologna Updated +Created
data URI scheme Updated +Created
This is a standard way to embed images in HTML pages with the img tag.
Vacuum vendor Updated +Created
Ultra-high vacuum Updated +Created
ecash Updated +Created
The best non-MPB Brazilian music of all time Updated +Created
Phase transition Updated +Created
TODO can anything interesting and deep be said about "why phase transition happens?" physics.stackexchange.com/questions/29128/what-causes-a-phase-transition on Physics Stack Exchange
LibreOffice Updated +Created
These people are heroes. There's nothing else to say.
Excessive encapsulation is the root of much evil Updated +Created
Some anecdotes.
Ciro Santilli never splits up functions unless there is more than one calling point. If you split early, the chances that the interface will be wrong are huge, and a much larger refactoring follows.
If you just want to separate variables, just use a scope e.g.:
int cross_block_var;

// First step.
    int myvar;

// Second step.
    int myvar;
Ciro has seen and had to deal with in his lifetime with two projects that had like 3 to 10 git separate Git repositories, all created and maintained by the same small group of developers of the same organization, even though one could not build without the other. Keeping everything in sync was Hell! Why not just have three directories inside a single repository with a single source of truth?
Another important case: Linux should have at least a C standard library, init system, and shell in-tree, like BSD Operating Systems, as mentioned at: Section "Linux".
KISS principle Updated +Created
The software engineer phrasing of simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Like all other principles, it is not absolute.
But it is something that you should always have on the back of your mind.
You aren't gonna need it is closely related, as generally the extra unnecessary complications are set in place to accommodate useless features that will never be needed.
Very good jazz album Updated +Created
Space exploration Updated +Created
Need to know Updated +Created
Primitive recursive function Updated +Created
In intuitive terms it consists of all integer functions, possibly with multiple input arguments, that can be written only with a sequence of:
  • variable assignments
  • addition and subtraction
  • integer comparisons and if/else
  • for loops
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
and such that n does not change inside the loop body, i.e. no while loops with arbitrary conditions.
n does not have to be a constant, it may come from previous calculations. But it must not change inside the loop body.
Primitive recursive functions basically include every integer function that comes up in practice. Primitive recursive functions can have huge complexity, and it strictly contains EXPTIME. As such, they mostly only come up in foundation of mathematics contexts.
The cool thing about primitive recursive functions is that the number of iterations is always bound, so we are certain that they terminate and are therefore computable.
This also means that there are necessarily functions which are not primitive recursive, as we know that there must exist uncomputable functions, e.g. the busy beaver function.
Adding unbounded while loops of course enables us to simulate arbitrary Turing machines, and therefore increases the complexity class.
More finely, there are non-primitive total recursive functions, e.g. most famously the Ackermann function.

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