Tang Sanzang Updated +Created
Yang Zhi (Water Margin) Updated +Created
Encyclopedia Updated +Created
Professional organization Updated +Created
Rosegarden Updated +Created
Diminutive Updated +Created
Iron Updated +Created
Hugo (static site generator) Updated +Created
Chu (state) Updated +Created
Primate subclade Updated +Created
England Updated +Created
Engineering Updated +Created
Teaching statement Updated +Created
Part of the motivation letter required by some American universities explaining how amazing of a teacher you are, e.g.: wstein.org/job/Teaching/index.html
English slang Updated +Created
Primary school Updated +Created
Eppendorf tube Updated +Created
Student society Updated +Created
Hox gene Updated +Created
Bisection (software engineering) Updated +Created
One of the Holiest age old debugging techniques!
Git has some helpers to help you achieve bisection Nirvana: stackoverflow.com/questions/4713088/how-to-use-git-bisect/22592593#22592593
Obviously not restricted to software engineering alone, and used in all areas of engineering, e.g. Video "Air-tight vs. Vacuum-tight by AlphaPhoenix (2020)" uses it in vacuum engineering.
The cool thing about bisection is that it is a brainless process: unlike when using a debugger, you don't have to understand anything about the system, and it incredibly narrows down the problem cause for you. Not having to think is great!
Particle creation and annihilation Updated +Created
Predicted by the Dirac equation.
We've likely known since forever that photons are created: just turn on a light and see gazillion of them come out!
Photon creation is easy because photons are massless, so there is not minimum energy to create them.
The creation of other particles is much rarer however, and took longer to be discovered, one notable milestone being the discovery of the positron.
In the case of the electron, we need to start with at least enough energy for the mass of the electron positron pair. This requires a photon with wavelength in the picometer range, which is not common in the thermal radiation of daily life.

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