Yandex by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Shuttleworth Foundation by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Google interview by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Domain name registrar by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Hidden Answers by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created gives pbqttnffb5sh6ckgnz4f5by55w25gd6tuw5f5qcctmnyk62eyhgx6rad.onion which is Dead Janary 2024
Oleg Shakirov's findings by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Starting at, Russian expat Oleg Shakirov comments "Let me know if you are still looking for the Carson website".
He then proceeded to give Carson and 5 other domains in private communication. His name is given here with his consent. His advances besides not being blind were Yandexing for some of the known hits which led to pages that contained other hits:
  • contains a copy of, and both are present at, an SEO tracker, because both have backlinks to, which is apparently a niche fantasy football website
  • 4 previously unknown hits from: "Mass Deface III" pastebin. He missed one which Ciro then found after inspecting all URLs on Wayback Machine, so leading to a total of 5 new hits from that source.
Unfortunately, these methods are not very generalizable, and didn't lead to a large number of other hits. But every domain counts!
GoDaddy by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
MuJoCo getting started by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Tested on Ubuntu 23.10;
git clone
cd mujoco
git checkout 5d46c39529819d1b31249e249ca399f306a108ac
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
Now let's play. Minimal interactive UI simulation of a simple MJCF scene with one falling cube:
bin/basic ../doc/_static/hello.xml
Test soure code: The only thing you can do is rotate the scene with the computer mouse it seems. Mentioned at:
Some more interesting models can be found under the model/ directory: E.g. the imaginary humanoid robot DeepMind used in many demos can be seen with:
bin/basic ../model/humanoid/humanoid.xml
A more advanced UI with a few controls:
bin/simulate ../doc/_static/hello.xml
Test soure code: Mentioned at:
A very cool thing about that UI is that you can manually control joints. There are no joints in the hello.xml, but e.g. with the humanoid model:
bin/simulate ../model/humanoid/humanoid.xml
under "Control" you move each joint of the robot separately which is quite cool.
Video 1.
Demo of MuJoCo's built-in simulate viewer by Yuval Tassa (2019)
There's also a bin/record test executable that presumably renders the simulation directly to a file:
bin/record ../doc/_static/hello.xml 5 60 rgb.out
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pixel_format rgb24 -video_size 800x800 -framerate 60 -i rgb.out -vf "vflip" video.mp4
Mentioned at: but TODO that produced a broken video, related issues:
MJCF by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
apport-cli by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
"Mass Deface III" pastebin by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created dated mega early on Sep 30th, 2012 by CYBERTAZIEX.
This source was found by Oleg Shakirov.
Holy fuck the type of data source that we get in this area of work!
This pastebin contained a few new hits, in addition to some pre-existing ones. Most of the hits them seem to be linked to the IP, which presumably is a major part of the fingerprint found by CYBERTAZIEX, though unsurprisingly methodology is unclear. As documented, the domains appear to be linked to a "Condor hosting" provider, but it is hard to find any information about it online.
Ciro Santilli checked every single non-subdomain domain in the list.
Other files under the same account: did not seem of interest.
The author's real name appears to be Deni Suwandi: from Indonesia, but all accounts appear to be inactive, otherwise we'd ping him to ask for more info about the list.
Domains by Proxy by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Official Bitcoin domain registered by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Registration: 2008-08-18 by, an American company. But using a privacy oriented registrar: It is unknown how he could have paid anonymously, so it seems likely that the true identity could be obtained by law enforcement if needed.
First archive 2009-01-31: Also from the archive history*/, things really started picking up on July 2010. This is almost certainly due to the opening of
Make a bug report for a crash on Ubuntu by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
On Ubuntu 23.10, a crash led to the creation of:
After that simply running apport-cli as:
apport-cli gnome-shell
led to the creation of: a bug on the gnome-shell package. by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Live January 2024.
CIA usage of Domains by Proxy by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
The CIA really likes this registrar, e.g.:
Domain name speculation by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created

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