Adenosine diphosphate by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Aragonite by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Baryon vs meson vs lepton by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
"Barys" means "heavy" in Greek, because protons and neutrons was what made most of the mass of known ordinary matter, as opposed notably to electrons.
Baryons can be contrasted with:
  • mesons, which have an even number of elementary particles. The name meson comes from "medium" since their most common examples have two quarks rather than three as the most common baryons such as protons. So they have less mass than a proton, but more than an electron, this medium mass.
  • leptons, which are much lighter particles such as the electron. "Leptos" means "fine, small, thin".
Fungibility by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Arthropod by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Cloaca by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
A single hole that is used for shit, pee and fucking. Amazing.
Lisa Su by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Geiger-Nuttall law by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Hashcash by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Stern-Zartman experiment by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Sex determination system by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
MySQL by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Create user for further logins without sudo
sudo mysql -e "CREATE USER $USER"
Create test user with password:
sudo mysql -e 'CREATE USER user0 IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY "a"'
sudo mysql -e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO "user0"'
and login as that user:
mysql -u user0 -p
Login with password given on the command line:
mysql -u user0 -pmypassword
The IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password part is to overcome "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server" when connecting from Node.js.
List users:
sudo mysql -e 'SELECT * FROM mysql.user'
View permissions for each user on each DB:
sudo mysql -e 'SELECT * FROM mysql.db'
List databases:
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW DATABASES'
Create database:
sudo mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE mydb0'
Destroy database:
sudo mysql -e 'DROP DATABASE mydb0'
Show tables in database:
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW TABLES' mydb0
sudo mysql -e 'SHOW TABLES FROM mydb0'
Spin valve by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Basic component in spintronics, used in both giant magnetoresistance
Speed of light experiment by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Video 1.
Replicating the Fizeau Apparatus by AlphaPhoenix (2018)
Source. Modern reconstruction with a laser and digital camera.
Video 2.
Visualizing video at the speed of light - one trillion frames per second by MIT (2011)
Source. Fast cameras. OK, this takes it to the next level.
Schrödinger equation solution for the hydrogen molecule by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Can we make any ab initio predictions about it all?
Video 1.
Quantum Chemistry 10.1 - Hydrogen Molecule Hamiltonian by TMP Chem (2016)
Source. Continued in the following videos, uses the Born–Oppenheimer approximation. Does not give predictions vs experiment?
SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
These are also required for test tube replication.
Balmer series by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Quantum Mechanical View of Reality by Richard Feynman (1983) by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Basically the same content as: Richard Feynman Quantum Electrodynamics Lecture at University of Auckland (1979), but maybe there is some merit to this talk, as it is a bit more direct in some points. This is consistent with what is mentioned at that the Auckland lecture was the first attempt.
Some more information at:
By Mill Valley, CA based producer "Sound Photosynthesis", some info on their website:
They are mostly a New Age production company it seems, which highlights Feynman's absolute cult status. E.g. on the last video, he's not wearing shoes, like a proper guru.
Feynman liked to meet all kinds of weird people, and at some point he got interested in the New Age Esalen Institute. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman this kind of experience a bit, there was nude bathing on a pool that oversaw the sea, and a guy offered to give a massage to the he nude girl and the accepted. actually talks about spin, notably that the endpoint events also have a spin, and that the transition rules take spin into account by rotating thing, and that the transition rules take spin into account by rotating things.
React error by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Magnetic quantum number by Ciro Santilli 34 Updated +Created
Fixed quantum angular momentum in a given direction.
Can range between .
E.g. consider gallium which is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p1:
  • the electrons in s-orbitals such as 1s, 2d, and 3d are , and so the only value for is 0
  • the electrons in p-orbitals such as 2p, 3p and 4p are , and so the possible values for are -1, 0 and 1
  • the electrons in d-orbitals such as 2d are , and so the possible values for are -2, -1, 0 and 1 and 2
The z component of the quantum angular momentum is simply:
so e.g. again for gallium:
  • s-orbitals: necessarily have 0 z angular momentum
  • p-orbitals: have either 0, or z angular momentum
Note that this direction is arbitrary, since for a fixed azimuthal quantum number (and therefore fixed total angular momentum), we can only know one direction for sure. is normally used by convention.

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