"Ciro" is "Cyrus" from Cyrus the Great in both Portuguese and Italian (although with very different pronunciations), thus doubly appropriate given that Ciro Santilli was born in Brazil, and has Italian ancestry.
After he conquered Babylon in 539 BC from the hands Neo-Babylonian Empire, Cyrus the Great did a great service to the Hebrews by allowing war prisoners that were held in Babylon to back to their home Judea, thus terminating the Babylonian captivity. These Jews were imprisoned because they had previously fought a war or revolted against the Neo-Babylonian Empire and lost. As Wikipedia puts it:He is therefore viewed extremely positively in the good old book. Ciro was quite happy about this name choice by his father, given the human rights connotations of the figure and Ciro Santilli's self perceived compassionate personality.
According to Isaiah 45:1 of the Hebrew Bible, God anointed Cyrus for this task, even referring to him as a messiah (lit. 'anointed one'); Cyrus is the only non-Jewish figure in the Bible to be revered in this capacity.
Particularly fun things related to modern Cyrus are:
Because it belongs to some relatively obscure character of the Bible, the name it has been mostly passed on by writing to every single Christian country, and every single language came up with different way of saying it, because the only place they would possibly hear that name said out loud would be in Church!
As of 2020, the country in which the name is most popular in undoubtedly Italy. In Brazil, it is definitely not common, but also not completely unheard of either, e.g. Ciro Gomes is a notable Brazilian politician.
And Ciro responds to all the versions of the name that he knows of. These include:and glad to add any new ones as they come.
- English:
- direct English reading of "Ciro" as "See Roll". Not the most cultured, but its what things tend to converge to, especially in highly international environments where it would be impossible to try and learn the origin of everyone's name! So it's fine. Slightly too close to "zero" for comfort.
- Cyrus, the actual English version of the name. Ciro was so happy when his elderly English neighbour who went to Eton College, upon recognizing what Ciro was, immediately said: "Ah, Cyrus the Great!" He was the cutest, and he had some culture. Many/most English speaking people can't or won't be very sure about the spelling, but the sound of the name has a distinctly exotic feel to it, and the sounds are immediately recognized without sound ambiguity (unlike Ciro vs Zero).
- French:
- direct French reading of "Ciro" as "See Rho" with accent on Rho. This sounds exactly like "Sirop", i.e. Syrup in French, which can be good or bad depending on how you look at it.
- Cyrus, the actual version of the name in French. Similar remarks to those of English apply.
- Portuguese: "See Ru" with accent on See, and rolling r, and very weak "u". Some people might have some doubt of how to spell it and will ask for confirmation if needed, though many/most will get it right. Not particularly exotic like it is for English speakers.
- Italian: "Chee Ro" with accent on Chee and rolling r. Widely understood and correctly spelled, more than in any other language. Not exotic at all, could be any random dude from Naples.
- "fratm Ciruzzo": reserved for the Napolitan mates. It means "my bro little Ciro" in Napolitan. The "m" in fratm is a possessive inflection ("my", "mio", but on the same word), and "frat" is of course something like he standard Italian fratello (brother).
- www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fratm. "Fratello" is the Italian standard for "brother". "Fra'" appears to be a variant.
- Ciruzzo means "little Ciro", i.e. it is a diminutive of Ciro, or more precisely a term of endearment. In Italian the correct name is "Vezzeggiativi":
- "fratm Ciruzzo": reserved for the Napolitan mates. It means "my bro little Ciro" in Napolitan. The "m" in fratm is a possessive inflection ("my", "mio", but on the same word), and "frat" is of course something like he standard Italian fratello (brother).
- German: Kyrus. Because Cyrus the Great is known Kyrus II. (Cyrus the Second, his grandfather was also called Cyrus), Ciro once joked to a German friend that he should call him Kyrus III! He liked that.
- Persian (spoken in 2020s Iran): something like Kurush. Likely the closest sound one to the original, though not sure how certain we can be of this.
He is actually quite happy when people use the name in their own language, because that means they understand the origin of the name.
Some Ciro's of interest:
- it is unclear if the usage of Cyrus in family names, e.g. the dread Miley Cyrus. www.houseofnames.com/cyrus-history mentions it may be of Greek origin.
Feynman was a huge womanizer during a certain period of his life Updated 2025-03-28 +Created 1970-01-01
Feynman became a terrible womanizer after his first wife Arline Greenbaum died, involving himself with several married women, and leading to at least two abortions according to Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics by James Gleick (1994).
Ciro Santilli likes to think that he is quite liberal and not a strict follower of Christian morals, but this one shocked him slightly even. Feynman could be a God, but he could also be a dick sometimes.
One particular case that stuck to Ciro Santilli's mind, partly because he is Brazilian, is when Feynman was in Brazil, he had a girlfriend called Clotilde that called him "Ricardinho", which means "Little Richard"; -inho is a diminutive suffix in Portuguese, and also indicates affection. At some point he even promised to take her back to the United States, but didn't in the end, and instead came back and married his second wife in marriage that soon failed.
Richard's third and final wife, Gweneth Howarth, seemed a good match for him though. When they started courting, she made it very clear that Feynman should decide if he wanted her or not soon, because she had other options available and being actively tested. Fight fire with fire.
What I learned in Harvard part 1 by Jorge Paulo Lemann (2012)
Source. Portuguese talk about his experiences. A bit bably, but has a few good comments:You don't learn the Harvard experience, you absorb it.
- This one does have bias danger though. But detecting greatness, is as type of bias arguably.
Being amongst excellent people makes you learn what excelent people are like, just like only by tasting many different types of wine can you know what good wine is like.
Molecular Sciences Course of the University of São Paulo Updated 2025-03-28 +Created 1970-01-01
Good Portuguese overview: www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1806-11172017000300301&lng=pt&tlng=pt
A fantastic sounding full time 4-year course that any student could transfer to called that teaches various natural science topics, notably mathematics, physics, chemistry and molecular biology.
Many past students Ciro talked to however share a common frustration with the course: in the first 2 years at least, the "basic cycle", you have infinitely many courses, and no time to study, and no choice of what to study, it is only in the latter 2 years (the advanced cycle) that you get the choices.
Also, if you get low grades in a single subject, your out. And exams are useless of course.
Here's a Quora question in Portuguese about the course: pt.quora.com/Como-funciona-o-tal-do-curso-secreto-da-USP, the only decent answer so far being: pt.quora.com/Como-funciona-o-tal-do-curso-secreto-da-USP/answer/Victor-Soares-31. Very disappointing to hear.
On the advanced cycle, you have a lot of academic freedom. You are basically supposed to pick a research project with an advisor and go for it, with a small amount of mandatory course hours. Ciro was told in 2022 that you can even have advisors from other universities or industry, and that it is perfectly feasible to take courses in another university and validate the course hours later on. Fantastic!!!
Students from the entire University of São Paulo can apply to transfer to it only after joining the university, with the guarantee that they can go back to their original courses if they don't adapt to the new course, which is great!
Not doing it is one of Ciro Santilli's regrets in life, see also: don't be a pussy.
Around 2007, they were in a really shady building of the University, but when Ciro checked in 2021, they had apparently moved to a shiny new entrepreneurship-focused building. Fantastic news!!!
One of the Brazilians who came to École Polytechnique together with Ciro was from this course. The fact that he is one of the most intelligent people Ciro knows gave further credit to that course in his eyes.
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman chapter O Americano, Outra Vez! Updated 2025-03-28 +Created 1970-01-01
In this chapter Richard Feynman talks about his experiences in Brazil.
"O Americano, Outra Vez!" means "The American, once again!" in Portuguese, which is what one of the samba school boss exclaimed when Feynman was not playing well his instrument, the frigideira, during a rehearsal.
Feynman really enjoyed Brazil's (and notably Rio's) stereotypical "take it easy and enjoy life" attitude.
Video 1. Alegria, Alegria by Caetano Veloso (1968)Source. Critique of Military dictatorship in Brazil.
- 1972
- Transa (1972) album. Literally: "The Fuck", good old seventies. Caetano himself later mentions that this is one of his own favorite albums.[ref] The album was composed when he was living in London.
Video 2. Triste Bahia by Caetano Veloso (1972)Source. Inspired by (or more likely: actually is) capoeira music.Video 3. Mora na Filosofia by Caetano Veloso (1972)Source.
Video 4. Você Não Entende Nada by Caetano Veloso (1970)Source.Amazing performance at Coliseu dos Recreios, Lisbon. 1981. Discogs says original album is Legal (1970), but wiki page and photos of back disagree...This song talks about a man's mixed desires to remain with his partner and also escape to adventure. It contains one of the most amazing sexual innuendo ever recorded: the man describes foods that his partner will serve him, and the he endlessly eats and eats and eats:translation:eu como, eu como, eu como, você [... huge intentional pause ...] não está entendendo quase nada do que eu digo.
which makes it unclear "you" is part of "I eat you" (to eat (comer) is a slang for fucking), or if "you" is part of the next sentence.I eat, I eat, I eat, you [... huge intentional pause ...] don't understand anything that I'm saying.
Video 5. Partido Alto by Caetano Veloso (1972)Source. Atheism song (theodicy)! Lyrics by Chico Buarque, but Ciro Santilli prefers this interpretation. From the 1972 "Caetano E Chico Juntos E Ao Vivo" joint album with Chico Buarque.
- 1975 Qualquer coisa album
Video 6. Qualquer Coisa by Caetano Veloso (1975)Source.Video 7. Samba e Amor by Caetano Veloso (1975)Source. Cover from original song by Chico Buarque, original album Chico Buarque de Hollanda - Nº4. Desperately reminds Ciro of his University day weekend nights. Except that there was no Samba. And little Amor. Mostly a silent and wholesome loneliness and emulation.Video 8. Georde de Capadócia by Caetano Veloso (1975)Source.Composed by Jorge Ben, but this interpretation is remarkable. corpo fechado (closed body) style song. This idea is much linked to Capoeira/African religion idea. E.g. a more traditional capoeira corpo fechado song: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfd9j6XFmSgVideo 9. Coricos' prayer scene from Black God, White Devil (1964)Source. This shows an Amazing corpo fechado scene from an amazing old black an white Brazilian film.
- 1976 Doces Bárbaros (1976) album
Video 10. Um Índio by Caetano Veloso (1976)Source. Recording from 1992. Also appeared in the Bicho (1977) album. - 1977 Bicho (1977)
Video 11. Tigresa by Caetano Veloso (1977)Source. Talks about a strong willed, unapologetic, disenchanted, but also hopeful brown skinned lover: a tigress. Ciro once knew one, but it wasn't meant to be.
- 1978 album Muito (Dentro da Estrela Azulada)
Video 12. Sampa by Caetano Veloso (1978)Source."Sampa" is an affectionate slang for São Paulo City. The song perfectly captures the city, and reminds Ciro so badly of his University days there.[D]a força da grana que ergue e destroi coisas belas
The power of money that builds and destroy beautiful thingsVideo 13. Terra by Caetano Veloso (1978)Source."Terra" means Earth in Portuguese.Ciro used to watch a television nature show called "Planeta Terra" in the legendary TV Cultura with his parents in the couch when he was young, and under a duvet when it was a bit cold. Those days were the best. The narrator's lady voice was particularly soothing, and would easily put you in a kind of sleepy trance, her name is Valéria GrilloTODO what was the original show exactly? Here is a sample: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNwfYEMdrRU Very likely just a translation of some British nature show with a custom Brazilian intro and presenter. Credits at end mention English narrator: "Eugene Fraser", and "Thirteen WNET Nature" production, which produced Nature (1982) that ran since 1982, making that a likely candidate. - 1980
Video 14. Menino do Rio by Caetano Veloso (1980)Source. Apparently served as inspiration for the Menino do Rio (1980) movie, which is silly, but a worthwhile record of the times. - 1984 Velô (1984)
Video 15. O Quereres by Caetano Veloso (1984)Source. Notable quote from the chorus that is often in Ciro's mind:translation:Ah, bruta flor, do querer
Oh, brute flower of the wanting
It is such a huge shame that you have to understand Portuguese to appreciate those songs... this is yet another great evil outcome of having more than one natural language is bad for the world.
The good songs stopped before of just after Ciro Santilli was born, they were originally heard by his parent's generation. Those young new kids are boring.
The place to start is definitely the Holy Trinity of popular Brazilian music:
- Caetano Veloso is arguably Ciro Santilli's favorite MPB artist, he has just too many amazing songs, best ones at: Section "The best Caetano Veloso songs"
- Chico Buarque. Ciro's second favorite.
- Gilberto Gil. Perhaps Ciro likes him third because he is the most lighthearted one, although not always: Section "The best Gilberto Gil songs"
Non trinity songs and artists:
Video 1. Preciso Me Encontrar by Cartola. Source. Present in the 1976 eponymous album though it is likely from much earlier.Video 2. Asa Branca by Luiz Gonzaga. Source. Translation: "White wing". Written in 1947Video 3. O vento by Dorival Caymmi (1949)Source. Translation: "The wind".Video 4. Panis et Circenses from the Tropicália: ou Panis et Circencis (). Source. Translation: "Bread and circuses", a famous Latin phrase. Composed by Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso and performed by Os MutantesVideo 5. Mistério do Planeta from the Acabou Chorare album by Novos Baianos (1972)Source. Translation: "The mystery of the planet".Video 6. "Senhor Cidadão" from the Se O Caso É Chorar album by Tom Zé (1972)Source. Translation: "Mr. Citizen". This is likely reference to Military dictatorship in Brazil-lingo. This is an anti-Military dictatorship in Brazil song, appears to reuse terms used by the dictatorship propaganda in the song.Video 7. Marimbondo from the "Pirão de Peixe com Pimenta (1977)" album by Sá & Guarabyra (1977)Source.The title is the name of a type of wasp found in Brazil: synoeca cyanea.Video 8. Romaria by Renato Teixeira. Source."Romaria" is the name of a type of Catholic peregrination.Video 9. Metamorfose ambulante by Raul Seixas (1973)Source. Translation: "Itinerant metamorphosis". From the album Krig-ha, Bandolo!Video 10. Ouro de tolo by Raul Seixas (1973)Source. Translation: "Fool's gold". This dude should be a scientist. But well, he went for mystic/artist. Close enough.Video 11. Gita by Raul Seixas (1974)Source. "Gita" must be a reference to the Bhagavad Gita. From the album: Gita.Video 12. Maluco beleza by Raul Seixas (1977)Source. From the album O Dia em que a Terra ParouVideo 13. A telicidade by Tom Jobim (1958)Source. Translation: "Happiness". Composed for the Black Orpheus (1958) film. "Tristeza não tem fim, felicidade sim" (Sadness never ends, but happiness does). The movie itself is OK. Appeals to Ciro's Buddhist sensibilities.Video 14. Chega de saudade by Tom Jobim. Source. Translation: "Enough longing".Video 15. Jorge da Capadócia by Jorge Ben Jor (1975)Source. From the Solta o Pavão (1975) album. The Caetano interpretation is better however, poor Jorge.- Jair Rodrigues
Video 16. Disparada by Jair Rodrigues (1968)Source. This song is simply amazing. Not exactly MPB, a bit more towards country, but close enough. This was as the track of some soap opera.Video 17. Deixa Isso Pra Lá by Jair Rodrigues (1964)Source. Fantastic early example of early rap music!!! This is regocnized example at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfnDEuuPq4Q which builds upon the 1964 song. Amazing. An amazing live performance at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3E1uHdrJws, only not using that as the default link as it is not from the official channel. - Vinicius de Moraes. Many of his lyrics are poetry. Notably, he has some "children" songs that you think about as an adult and go "oh fuck". For some reason, Ciro can't help but think that he looks like a pedophile, but he doesn't have any scandals apparently, poor dude. He was a drunkard for sure though.
Video 19. Tarde em Itapuã by Vinicius de Moraes (1971)Source.www.dicionariotupiguarani.com.br/dicionario/itapua/ gives the meaning of "Itapuã". It originates from the Tupi Guarani language, and is the name of a beach in Salvador (Praia de Itapuã), to which the song presumably refers: Video 20. Aquarela by Toquinho (1983)Source. This is a mega childhood hit, and it never gets old. Amazing. One of the most brutal memento moris ever?Video 21. Xô Saudade by Alceu Valença. Source. From the 1980 album "Coração Bobo"Video 22. Carcará by João Do Vale (1981)Source.From the eponymous album.Video 23. Carcará by Maria Bethânia (1981)Source. This very good interpretation likely did much to popularize the song.Video 26. Tudo o que você podia ser from the Clube da Esquina album by Milton Nascimento (1972)Source.Translation: "All that you could be".Anti-Military dictatorship in Brazil song, using the common "you means the dictatorship" technique.Video 27. Caçador De Mim from the eponymous album by Milton Nascimento (1981)Source.