Micro means "small wavelength compared to radio waves", not micron-sized.
Microwave production and detection is incredibly important in many modern applications:
Microwave only found applications into the 1940s and 1950s, much later than radio, because good enough sources were harder to develop.
One notable development was the cavity magnetron in 1940, which was the basis for the original radar systems of World War II.
Apparently, DC current comes in, and microwaves come out.
TODO: sample power efficiently of this conversion and output spectrum of this conversion on some cheap device we can buy today.
Video 1.
Magnetron, How does it work? by Lesics (2020)
Video 2.
Device that Won WW2 by Curious Droid
. Source.
Finance is a cancer of society. But I have to admit it, it's kind of cool.
arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/11/private-microwave-networks-financial-hft/ The secret world of microwave networks (2016) Fantastic article.
Video 1.
Lasers Transmit Market Data and Trade Execution by Anova Technologies (2014)
Source. Their system is insane. It compensates in real time for wind movements of towers. They also have advanced building tracking for things that might cover line of sight.
Video 1.
How Microwaves Work by National MagLab (2017)
Source. A bit meh. Does not mention the word cavity magnetron!
Video 2.
How a Microwave Oven Works by EngineerGuy
. Source. Cool demonstration of the standing waves in the cavity with cheese!

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