Ciro Santilli took courses once upon a time, maybe that has influenced his passion? Ciro Santilli's musical education.
Music notation engine. domain-specific language input. The LaTeX of music.
Looking for formats that:
- are human readable plaintext files
- can be converted/played as MIDI
- can be converted to sheet music PDFs
- supports basic guitar effects (bends and slides)
Standard from 2011:
A decent way to write diatonic music as plaintext!
No bend/vibratto/slides :-(
Multitrack volatile:
Higher level than Csound: describes the notes only, not the exact waveforms it seems.
Therefore also a bit harder to convert to actual sound: but possibly easier to convert to LilyPond.
Now they need to create a "MusicCSS" that gives the waveforms! :-)
The usual "let's make a standard without a reference implementation" W3C approach.
ALSA can be thought as analogous to physical wires linking up machines.
Except that instead of machines, you have separate programs. One such typical link is:
- from a MIDI source, e.g. vmpk or a MIDI editor with playback like Ardour
- to a synthesizer like FluidSynth or ZynAddSubFX
The advantage of this setup is that separate programs can collaborate to make complex sounds.
The disadvantage of this setup is that it makes it very hard to reproduce results, you basically need a Docker image with the exact same version of everything. And some script to launch and connect all programs correctly.
Some composition systems like LMMS reduce that problem by having synthesizers as plugins, so that you don't have to setup any connections yourself.
vmpk hello world: awesome list: https-github-com-nodiscc-awesome-linuxaudio
A large part of these projects are on SourceForge as of 2020, it is scary. They just die.
Simulates vintage hardware synthesizers, and includes some pretty complex ones!
Aims to show an UI that looks exactly like the synthesizers in question.
This is a really good piece of software. You can search on YouTube how some classic synths, work, and the immediately start playing them!
Synthesizes MIDI input. vmpk +
+ Advanced Linux Sound Architecture hello world: only very basic effects it seems: chorus effect and reverberation. The main way to add instruments to it is via SoundFont files.
Qt front-end for FluidSynth.
Contains a large database of instruments, and allows you to edit them. This is a fun toy.
Instruments are edited on a GUI. It is a multi-window program, and you open new windows from new windows from new windows, all filled with hundreds of virtual knobs that you drag with your keyboard, and which would be better done from textual software like Csound. It is a thing of beauty.
It does not seem possible to program arbitrary modular synthesizer circuits therefore. But if you understand additive synthesis and subtractive synthesis well, you can make some funky sounds with it.
It is basically a superset of all popular hardware synthesizers ever made.
Has its own built-in MIDI keyboard which is nice.
On Ubuntu 20.04 Version: 3.0.5:as per
To do anything of interest, switch to the Advanced UI:
sudo apt install zynaddsubfx
zynaddsubfx -O alsa
To do anything of interest, switch to the Advanced UI:
- Misc
- Switch Interface Mode
The UI is completely different form what is shown on the website as of 2020:, it looks instead like: Maybe on the website it is the new zyn-fusion UI... so confusing.
And they have some crappy policy of asking for 45 USD for binary downloads.
Compiling from source:fails with:Ciro gives up for now.
git clone
cd zynaddsubfx
git checkout a789866de4d45a784c1f4d95fcf5a1938347baef
sudo apt build-dep zynaddsubfx
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j`nproc`
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/cxxtestgen", line 7, in <module>
import cxxtest.cxxtestgen
File "/usr/share/cxxtest/cxxtest/", line 33, in <module>
from cxxtest.cxxtestgen import *
File "/usr/share/cxxtest/cxxtest/", line 18, in <module>
import __release__
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__release__'
Basically a GUI music editor where you can specifically see and export classical music notation instead of tablature-style notation.
Best open source one found so far as of 2020: MuseScore.
This software feels amazing. You can really start composing very quickly, lots of features, good keyboard shortcuts.
GPL, and there's a backing company that makes money with an online and mobile version of it.
Ubuntu 20.04: sound preview worked, first hat that trailing Contra-like sound artifacts (like
), but then it went away?Feels like a lot of effort was put into usability, including keyboard shortcuts by default, seems like a powerful and easy to start using software to compose music!
Glissando: yes:
Just use MuseScore instead.
Weight: light.
Can import from: MIDI.
Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install tuxguitar tuxguitar-alsa tuxguitar-jsa tuxguitar-oss
was needed, otherwise no sound: OK step sequencer non-realtime up/down/left/right guitar based composition interface.
Has chord insertion.
Has bend editor.
Could be more amazing, but it is OK.
A bit limited by being very "guitar oriented". Shows you guitar strings, and you enter offset to each string. So to enter two adjacent notes you need to use two seprate strings and thing about the offsets. If only it had a more piano based interface.
Drum notation is also atrocious, you have to go to the top chord, and use high numbers starting at 36.
Weight: heavy.
MIDI support is kind of secondary:, e.g. how to export MIDI?
Ardour 6 Quickstart (recording, editing, mixing and exporting) by unfa (2020)
Source. unfa is a helpful Ardour master and open source software junkie at your YouTube service.Ardour vmpk input:
Very easy to use and pretty powerful MIDI creator!!!
One of the rare audio applications actually works with PulseAudio on Ubuntu 20.04 out-of-the-box, so you don't have to turn off every other audio application!!!
Has lot's of plugins built-in just working out of the box, e.g. ZynAddSubFX out-of-the-box without doing a gazillion complex setup connections.
Most plugins are just simple toys however, ZynAddSubFX is the only super powerful one. The others are more LMMS integrate however, and seem to use a more dedicated LMMS GUI style.
TODO can you do liver performance with a virtual instrument?
If you open vmpk, you can then right click on a piano track, and go MIDI, Input and it just shows up there, and it does produce sound as shown at:
TODO: what about recording the input MIDI? Yes, there is a record button on the piano roll!
Weight: medium.
Can import from: MIDI.
Cannot hear any sound from it on Ubuntu 20.04:
So we can track the music in Git!
XML file format (but with 99% of the action of interest in a domain-specific language on the
and CsScore
elements) that can be played and the reference implementation. Offers complex effects out-of-box apparently.Allows you to easily define instruments with seemingly arbitrary mathematical functions, and then use them to play notes at given time intervals.
The instrument functions can be parametrized, and each note played can have different parameters.
The instrument definition actually defines a block diagram graph, much like a hardware synthesizer would.
Csound is so not-bloated that it contains an UI system. And it includes an interactive virtual MIDI keyboard that interacts with parameter knobs:
But hey, it's fun. And like any other good domain-specific language, debugging it is barbaric of course.
If only it had been written in Python... the array manipulation boilerplate would be likely perfect for NumPy, and this would have been exactly what Ciro Santilli wanted!
CSound states that one of its design goals is backward compatibility, and it shows. Some of the stuff is utterly arcane, e.g. you have to remember what
, GEN11
, etc. mean instead of having named enums.It just worked on Ubuntu 20.04 no questions asked:which runs this file: and this plays a relly cool sound demo:
sudo apt install csound
git clone
cd csound
git checkout 92409ecce053d707360a5794f5f4f6bf5ebf5d24
csound examples/xanadu.csd
Save to file instead of playing:or direct ogg output:or pipe to stdout to FFmpeg TODO:
csound -o xanadu.wav xanadu.csd
csound --ogg -o xanadu.ogg xanadu.csd
TODO find the most amazing set of songs made with it on GitHub? Some examples:
- has a good 101 on instrument design
- Csound FLOSS manual
- about 100 CC BY-SA examples. Each is a minimal study showing a specific technique, not a full composition, some seem advanced. Dude's a beast.
- in-tree minimal examples
- contains the examples for the manual which is rendered at: It's insane, but it's fun! Ah those newbs who separate manuals from main tree.
- on LinuxSynths
- as a few dozen examples
- 10 pieces with source
Documentation-wise, it's a bit lacking. The only dude who can explain it really well, Dr Richard Boulanger, made the "The Csound Book" closed source, so, congrats, this will forever hurt the popularity of Csound.
- csound/sine.csd
- csound/amplitude_frequency.csd
- csound/linen.csd: simple attack/release envelope, documented at:
- csound/chorus.csd: chorus effect
- csound/bend.csd: bend using
- csound/vibrato.csd
- csound/crossfade_generators.csd
- csound/table.csd
- csound/virtual_keyboard.csd
Very good open source book:
Includes introduction to the basic sound synthesis and their implementation in Csound.
Examples run on browser via Emscripten and just worked on Ubuntu 20.04!
Examples can also be downloaded all at once from: Shame not in Git as standalone files. covers Minimoog-like subtractive synthesis.
2.5.0 manual prebuilt download install on Ubuntu 20.04 just worked. Launch directly from unzip without install. Play with examples under
Their docs are a reasonable way to learn Csound:
Python library, therefore the nicest possible type of text interface. God how to get it to fucking play a sine sound?!?!
domain-specific language unfortunately, but at least it's on GitHub, looks promising.
How to play scores and save them to files is discussed at:
They have a nice looking IDE, but running anything from the command-line interface is super hard, much unlike Csound. How to get a decent hello world:
Sample composition with custom synths + notes: looks like a decent tutorial, it is basically the Csound FLOSS manual for SuperCollider.
Lots of demos.
That website needs a "create playlist" function!
- He's one of the best artists in ccmixter!
God, Ciro Santilli respects this guy.
Watching in 2022, who was one of his inspirations, made Ciro miss his guitar so much... one day, maybe, one day.
Bulerias by Camaron de La Isla and Paco de Lucía
. Source. TODO date and location. Rondeña by Camaron de La Isla and Paco de Lucía
. Source. TODO date and locationBibliography:
Ciro Santilli defines "Smooth Jazz" simply as jazz that he can leave on the background to work without being particularly distracted.
It does not mean that the music is bad in any way. Just not particularly distracting.
Ciro Santilli's "Soft Jazz" YouTube playlist:
- Page One by Joe Henderson (1963)
Ciro Santilli's favorite music genre.
Ciro's 2020 perfect Friday evening: jazz fusion + study quantum field theory on an Amazon Kindle. Ahhhhhh.
Lot's of ECM ones!
- Arbour Zena by Keith Jarrett (1976)
- Timeless by John Abercrombie (1974)
- Bright Size Life by Pat Metheny (1975)
- Blues Dream by Bill Brisell (2001)
Ciro Santilli's favorites, including album when they're more of a one hit wonder:
- Allan Holdsworth
- Joe Satriani
- Jean-Luc Ponty
- Chick Corea
- Billy Cobham
- Pat Metheny
- Keith Jarrett (Arbor Zena)
- John Abercrombie (Timelesss)
- Bill Brisell (Blues Dream)
- Larry Coryell (Spaces)
Many good albums, Ciro Santilli's favorites:
Jean-Luc Ponty Live in Chicago on "Soundstage" (1976)
Source. Scientology music! So good.
Good ones:
- In the Court of the Crimson King by King Crimson (1969)
I Talk To The Wind by King Crimson
. Source. Not in other sections:
- Grant Green: Idle Moments (1963)
- John Abercrombie: Timeless (1975). Just close your eyes, and imagine.
- Paco de Lucía: Almoraima (1976)
- Modern Jazz Quartet: Django (1956)
- Bill Bruford Feels Good to Me (1978). Well, with Allan Holdsworth on the g
- Jean-Luc Ponty
I.O.U, Road Games, and Metal Fatigue are also extremely worth it, they are so good that even the singing does not spoil them. s2 forever Allan.
There is of course no need to talk much more about the Jazz God, this one line of mandatory tribute is enough.
Pop music cannot be good by definition: any art that appeals to the masses (Popular!) has to be a boring watered down version of everything, and therefore boring shit. Just like the movies: high budget movies are shit.
Until maybe one day we can actually get a decent education for everyone.
K-pop is even more evil than pop music: Confessions Of A Former K-pop Idol (ft. Crayon Pop) by Asian Boss (2019)
- Are you experienced. OMG that album...
- cute site from the 90s
The Portuguese term for it is "música popular brasileira". The widely recognized Brazilian acronym is "MPB".
"Brazilian pop" and "Br-pop" are inventions by Ciro Santilli, which are how Ciro thinks Brazil should market it to the world.
Unfortunately "B-pop" is too ambiguous with British pop music, and should be avoided.
YouTube playlist by Ciro Santilli containing all the songs in this section:
- has many good album reviews
Self promoted at:Not self-promoted at:
- asks for bets albums, which is much harder to answer
- locked threads that I've missed:
- Spotify-only
- asks for newer songs only
It is such a huge shame that you have to understand Portuguese to appreciate those songs... this is yet another great evil outcome of having more than one natural language is bad for the world.
The good songs stopped before of just after Ciro Santilli was born, they were originally heard by his parent's generation. Those young new kids are boring.
The place to start is definitely the Holy Trinity of popular Brazilian music:
- Caetano Veloso is arguably Ciro Santilli's favorite MPB artist, he has just too many amazing songs, best ones at: Section "The best Caetano Veloso songs"
- Chico Buarque. Ciro's second favorite.
- Gilberto Gil. Perhaps Ciro likes him third because he is the most lighthearted one, although not always: Section "The best Gilberto Gil songs"
Non trinity songs and artists:
Video 1. Preciso Me Encontrar by Cartola. Source. Present in the 1976 eponymous album though it is likely from much earlier.Video 2. Asa Branca by Luiz Gonzaga. Source. Translation: "White wing". Written in 1947Video 3. O vento by Dorival Caymmi (1949)Source. Translation: "The wind".Video 4. Panis et Circenses from the Tropicália: ou Panis et Circencis (). Source. Translation: "Bread and circuses", a famous Latin phrase. Composed by Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso and performed by Os MutantesVideo 5. Mistério do Planeta from the Acabou Chorare album by Novos Baianos (1972)Source. Translation: "The mystery of the planet".Video 6. "Senhor Cidadão" from the Se O Caso É Chorar album by Tom Zé (1972)Source. Translation: "Mr. Citizen". This is likely reference to Military dictatorship in Brazil-lingo. This is an anti-Military dictatorship in Brazil song, appears to reuse terms used by the dictatorship propaganda in the song.Video 7. Marimbondo from the "Pirão de Peixe com Pimenta (1977)" album by Sá & Guarabyra (1977)Source.The title is the name of a type of wasp found in Brazil: synoeca cyanea.Video 8. Romaria by Renato Teixeira. Source."Romaria" is the name of a type of Catholic peregrination.Video 9. Metamorfose ambulante by Raul Seixas (1973)Source. Translation: "Itinerant metamorphosis". From the album Krig-ha, Bandolo!Video 10. Ouro de tolo by Raul Seixas (1973)Source. Translation: "Fool's gold". This dude should be a scientist. But well, he went for mystic/artist. Close enough.Video 11. Gita by Raul Seixas (1974)Source. "Gita" must be a reference to the Bhagavad Gita. From the album: Gita.Video 12. Maluco beleza by Raul Seixas (1977)Source. From the album O Dia em que a Terra ParouVideo 13. A telicidade by Tom Jobim (1958)Source. Translation: "Happiness". Composed for the Black Orpheus (1958) film. "Tristeza não tem fim, felicidade sim" (Sadness never ends, but happiness does). The movie itself is OK. Appeals to Ciro's Buddhist sensibilities.Video 14. Chega de saudade by Tom Jobim. Source. Translation: "Enough longing".Video 15. Jorge da Capadócia by Jorge Ben Jor (1975)Source. From the Solta o Pavão (1975) album. The Caetano interpretation is better however, poor Jorge.- Jair Rodrigues
Video 16. Disparada by Jair Rodrigues (1968)Source. This song is simply amazing. Not exactly MPB, a bit more towards country, but close enough. This was as the track of some soap opera.Video 17. Deixa Isso Pra Lá by Jair Rodrigues (1964)Source. Fantastic early example of early rap music!!! This is regocnized example at: which builds upon the 1964 song. Amazing. An amazing live performance at:, only not using that as the default link as it is not from the official channel. - Vinicius de Moraes. Many of his lyrics are poetry. Notably, he has some "children" songs that you think about as an adult and go "oh fuck". For some reason, Ciro can't help but think that he looks like a pedophile, but he doesn't have any scandals apparently, poor dude. He was a drunkard for sure though.
Video 19. Tarde em Itapuã by Vinicius de Moraes (1971) gives the meaning of "Itapuã". It originates from the Tupi Guarani language, and is the name of a beach in Salvador (Praia de Itapuã), to which the song presumably refers: Video 20. Aquarela by Toquinho (1983)Source. This is a mega childhood hit, and it never gets old. Amazing. One of the most brutal memento moris ever?Video 21. Xô Saudade by Alceu Valença. Source. From the 1980 album "Coração Bobo"Video 22. Carcará by João Do Vale (1981)Source.From the eponymous album.Video 23. Carcará by Maria Bethânia (1981)Source. This very good interpretation likely did much to popularize the song.Video 26. Tudo o que você podia ser from the Clube da Esquina album by Milton Nascimento (1972)Source.Translation: "All that you could be".Anti-Military dictatorship in Brazil song, using the common "you means the dictatorship" technique.Video 27. Caçador De Mim from the eponymous album by Milton Nascimento (1981)Source.
Video 1. As Curvas da Estrada de Santos by Roberto Carlos (1969)Source.Translation: "The curves of the road of Santos".Roberto Carlos makes Ciro cringe, it brings back memories of pre-New Year television Galas in the early 2000s at his great aunt's home in Santos, São Paulo, Brazil.This is the only bearable song by the artist, as it talks about going down to Ciro's beloved Santos, São Paulo, Brazil from the city of São Paulo, which lies on a plateau of about 700 meters above sea level, a trip that takes you down through the spectacular Serra do Mar tropical rainforest.The mountainous roads of the older road, Rodovia Anchieta there are very curvy, and can be very dangerous when there is fog. The heavy truck traffic to/from the port of Santos makes this even worse.But it also makes everything much more spectacular, as you get closer to the forest, and at slower speeds, with occasional panoramic views of the city.The newer road, Rodovia dos Imigrantes is a straighter, safer and boring alternative to it.Ciro did this many times on bus when he was studying at the university of São Paulo and going back home for the weekend from time to time.Video 4. Lindo Lago do Amor by Gonzaguinha. Source. From the 1984 album Grávido. Pure 80s. Video "Na Rua, Na Chuva, Na Fazenda by Hyldon (1974)" somewhat comes to mind.
In Ciro Santilli's view, the following three artists form a Holy Trinity of popular Brazilian music:
Elis Regina is not far though.
Ciro remembers quite clearly when he was riding the car with his parents when he pre teen, and he could not understand why they seemed so obsessed with The Trinity et al. Ciro in particular remembers listening to Video "Refazenda by Gilberto Gil (1975)". They had picked it up of course from the 70's and 80's when they were younger.
Young Ciro would also always confuse who was whom from the three of them.
Then Ciro got older, and he understood, they are mind blowing. You do have to look back in time a bit though, lots of lukewarm stuff on later periods. The military dictatorship in Brazil was good for music.
Within the The Holy Trinity of popular Brazilian music, Caetano has the most New Age religious feel to him. He is also perhaps the most varied of the trinity however, also covering heavier topics at times.
Caetano Veloso in the 60s
. Source. Video 1. Alegria, Alegria by Caetano Veloso (1968)Source. Critique of Military dictatorship in Brazil.
- 1972
- Transa (1972) album. Literally: "The Fuck", good old seventies. Caetano himself later mentions that this is one of his own favorite albums.[ref] The album was composed when he was living in London.
Video 2. Triste Bahia by Caetano Veloso (1972)Source. Inspired by (or more likely: actually is) capoeira music.Video 3. Mora na Filosofia by Caetano Veloso (1972)Source.
Video 4. Você Não Entende Nada by Caetano Veloso (1970)Source.Amazing performance at Coliseu dos Recreios, Lisbon. 1981. Discogs says original album is Legal (1970), but wiki page and photos of back disagree...This song talks about a man's mixed desires to remain with his partner and also escape to adventure. It contains one of the most amazing sexual innuendo ever recorded: the man describes foods that his partner will serve him, and the he endlessly eats and eats and eats:translation:eu como, eu como, eu como, você [... huge intentional pause ...] não está entendendo quase nada do que eu digo.
which makes it unclear "you" is part of "I eat you" (to eat (comer) is a slang for fucking), or if "you" is part of the next sentence.I eat, I eat, I eat, you [... huge intentional pause ...] don't understand anything that I'm saying.
Video 5. Partido Alto by Caetano Veloso (1972)Source. Atheism song (theodicy)! Lyrics by Chico Buarque, but Ciro Santilli prefers this interpretation. From the 1972 "Caetano E Chico Juntos E Ao Vivo" joint album with Chico Buarque.
- 1975 Qualquer coisa album
Video 6. Qualquer Coisa by Caetano Veloso (1975)Source.Video 7. Samba e Amor by Caetano Veloso (1975)Source. Cover from original song by Chico Buarque, original album Chico Buarque de Hollanda - Nº4. Desperately reminds Ciro of his University day weekend nights. Except that there was no Samba. And little Amor. Mostly a silent and wholesome loneliness and emulation.Video 8. Georde de Capadócia by Caetano Veloso (1975)Source.Composed by Jorge Ben, but this interpretation is remarkable. corpo fechado (closed body) style song. This idea is much linked to Capoeira/African religion idea. E.g. a more traditional capoeira corpo fechado song: 9. Coricos' prayer scene from Black God, White Devil (1964)Source. This shows an Amazing corpo fechado scene from an amazing old black an white Brazilian film.
- 1976 Doces Bárbaros (1976) album
Video 10. Um Índio by Caetano Veloso (1976)Source. Recording from 1992. Also appeared in the Bicho (1977) album. - 1977 Bicho (1977)
Video 11. Tigresa by Caetano Veloso (1977)Source. Talks about a strong willed, unapologetic, disenchanted, but also hopeful brown skinned lover: a tigress. Ciro once knew one, but it wasn't meant to be.
- 1978 album Muito (Dentro da Estrela Azulada)
Video 12. Sampa by Caetano Veloso (1978)Source."Sampa" is an affectionate slang for São Paulo City. The song perfectly captures the city, and reminds Ciro so badly of his University days there.[D]a força da grana que ergue e destroi coisas belas
The power of money that builds and destroy beautiful thingsVideo 13. Terra by Caetano Veloso (1978)Source."Terra" means Earth in Portuguese.Ciro used to watch a television nature show called "Planeta Terra" in the legendary TV Cultura with his parents in the couch when he was young, and under a duvet when it was a bit cold. Those days were the best. The narrator's lady voice was particularly soothing, and would easily put you in a kind of sleepy trance, her name is Valéria GrilloTODO what was the original show exactly? Here is a sample: Very likely just a translation of some British nature show with a custom Brazilian intro and presenter. Credits at end mention English narrator: "Eugene Fraser", and "Thirteen WNET Nature" production, which produced Nature (1982) that ran since 1982, making that a likely candidate. - 1980
Video 14. Menino do Rio by Caetano Veloso (1980)Source. Apparently served as inspiration for the Menino do Rio (1980) movie, which is silly, but a worthwhile record of the times. - 1984 Velô (1984)
Video 15. O Quereres by Caetano Veloso (1984)Source. Notable quote from the chorus that is often in Ciro's mind:translation:Ah, bruta flor, do querer
Oh, brute flower of the wanting
Within the The Holy Trinity of popular Brazilian music, Chico tends to approach the more down to Earth and heavy topics.
Video 1. Quem Te Viu, Quem Te Vê by Chico Buarque. Source.Performed for television for the Hebe Camargo show on TV Record in 1966.Present in the 1967 album "Chico Buarque de Hollanda - Volume 2".The song is about sambist woman who moved up in social rank, and does not dance samba with her impoverished old friends anymore.Video 2. Apesar de Você by Chico Buarque. Source.Released 1970. Portuguese wiki page for the song.It is a song against the military dictatorship in Brazil. "Você" (you) can ambiguously refer to either a loved woman, or to the dictatorship itself throughout the song.Video 3. . Source. From the 1968 Chico Buarque de Hollanda - Volume 3 (1968) album. Video 4. Construção by Chico Buarque. Source.Video 5. Cotidiano by Chico Buarque. Source.Video 6. Cálice (Cale-se) by Chico Buarque. Source. Featuring Milton Nascimento. Song against the military dictatorship in Brazil, a pun on the homonym "Cálice" (chalice) and "Cale-se" (shut up), a reference to censorship during the dictatorship.Video 7. Feijoada completa by Chico Buarque. Source. Malandro-themed song about gathering friends to eat a feijoada at home, but the money is not quite enough so they have to improvise a bit.Video 8. A volta do malandro by Chico Buarque. Source. From the Malandro (1985) albumVideo 9. Teresinha by Chico Buarque. Source.The version performed by Maria Bethânia is also notable: Video "Teresinha performed by Maria Bethânia".Video 10. Paratodos by Chico Buarque. Source. From the 1993 "Paratodos" album.
Gilberto is definitely the most psychedelic/tribal one of the The Holy Trinity of popular Brazilian music, though he also has a boyish quality to his soul.
He is also perhaps the one that impresses Ciro Santilli the most, at times he can't help but feel:
OMG how the hell did he come up with that?!
Gilberto Gil in the cover of his 1977 album Refavela
. Source. Good selection: Acústico MTV - Gilberto Gil (1994).
- 1967 Louvação (1967) album
Video 1. Lunik 9 Gilberto Gil (1967)Source. Ciro Santilli prefers Elis Regina's interpretation however. - 1972 Expresso 2222 album.
Video 2. Expresso 2222 by Gilberto Gil (1972)Source. In the 2002 documentary Tempo Rei he explains the origin of the song as being based on seeing trains come by in Bahia, when they still existed before the automobile decimation.Video 3. Oriente by Gilberto Gil. Source. This song seems to be about a parent giving a mixture of good and weird advice. Perhaps it is what we all get, or at least the lucky ones of us. - 1975 Refazenda (1975) album. This album is just too Legendary. The cover is also legendary.
Video 4. Refazenda by Gilberto Gil (1975)Source.Video 6. Tenho sede by Gilberto Gil (1975)Source. Video 7. Sítio Do Picapau Amarelo by Gilberto Gil (1977)Source.This song is the opening theme of the 1977 children's television series based on the renowned children books of the same name by Brazilian author Monteiro Lobato.The same song was also used on the 2001 series, e.g.: choice of Gilberto Gil as a singer and composer was a stroke of genius, as his natural quirkiness perfectly suits the subject matter of the books.- Date unclear
Video 8. A Paz by Gilberto Gil (1967)Source. Performed 2009. The earliest recording we can find is from 1994:
Runner ups:
Video 9. Beira-Mar by Gilberto Gil. Source.
Lamento Sertanejo scene from the 2002 documentary Tempo Rei
. Source. Fantastic scenes perfecly complementing ths song Articles were limited to the first 100 out of 149 total. Click here to view all children of Music.