- Paulo Nussenzveig physics researcher at University of São Paulo. Laboratory page: portal.if.usp.br/lmcal/pt-br/node/323: LMCAL, laboratory of coherent manipulation of atoms and light. Google Scholar: scholar.google.com/citations?user=FbGL0BEAAAAJ
- Brazil Quantum: interest group created by students. Might be a software consultancy: www.terra.com.br/noticias/tecnologia/inovacao/pesquisadores-paulistas-tentam-colocar-brasil-no-mapa-da-computacao-quantica,2efe660fbae16bc8901b1d00d139c8d2sz31cgc9.html
- DOBSLIT dobslit.com/en/the-company/ company in São Carlos, as of 2022 a quantum software consultancy with 3 people: www.linkedin.com/search/results/people/?currentCompany=%5B%2272433615%22%5D&origin=COMPANY_PAGE_CANNED_SEARCH&sid=TAj two of them from the Federal University of São Carlos
- computacaoquanticabrasil.com/ Website half broken as of 2022. Mentions a certain Lagrange Foundation, but their website is down.
- QuInTec academic interest group
- www.terra.com.br/noticias/tecnologia/inovacao/pesquisadores-paulistas-tentam-colocar-brasil-no-mapa-da-computacao-quantica,2efe660fbae16bc8901b1d00d139c8d2sz31cgc9.html mentions 6 professors, 3 from USP 3 from UNICAMP interest group:
- drive.google.com/file/d/1geGaRuCpRHeuLH2MLnLoxEJ1iOz4gNa9/view white paper gives all names
- Celso Villas-Bôas
- Frederico Brito
- Gustavo Wiederhecker
- Marcelo Terra Cunha
- Paulo Nussenzveig
- Philippe Courteille
- sites.google.com/unicamp.br/quintec/home their website.
- a 2021 symposium they organized: www.saocarlos.usp.br/dia-09-quintec-quantum-engineering-workshop/ some people of interest:
- Samuraí Brito www.linkedin.com/in/samuraí-brito-4a57a847/ at Itaú Unibanco, a Brazilian bank
- www.linkedin.com/in/dario-sassi-thober-5ba2923/ from wvblabs.com.br/
- www.linkedin.com/in/roberto-panepucci-phd from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centro_de_Pesquisas_Renato_Archer in Campinas
- Quanby quantum software in Florianópolis, founder Eduardo Duzzioni
- thequantumhubs.com/category/quantum-brazil-news/ good links
- qubit.lncc.br/?lang=en Quantum Computing Group of the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing: pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laboratório_Nacional_de_Computação_Científica in Rio. The principal researcher seems to be www.lncc.br/~portugal/. He knows what GitHub is: github.com/programaquantica/tutoriais, PDF without .tex though.
- quantum-latino.com/ conference. E.g. 2022: www.canva.com/design/DAFErjU3Wvk/2xo25nEuqv9O7RbCPLNEkw/view
Mirror images.
Key exmaple: d and L amino acids. Enantiomers have identical physico-chemical properties. But their biological roles can be very different, because an enzyme might only be able to act on one of them.
One of the main reasons why physicists are obsessed by this topic is that position and momentum are mapped to the phase space coordinates of Hamiltonian mechanics, which appear in the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics, which offers insight into the theory, particularly when generalizing to relativistic quantum mechanics.
One way to think is: what is the definition of space space? It is a way to write the wave function such that:And then, what is the definition of momentum space? It is of course a way to write the wave function such that:
- the position operator is the multiplication by
- the momentum operator is the derivative by
- the momentum operator is the multiplication by
physics.stackexchange.com/questions/39442/intuitive-explanation-of-why-momentum-is-the-fourier-transform-variable-of-posit/39508#39508 gives the best idea intuitive idea: the Fourier transform writes a function as a (continuous) sum of plane waves, and each plane wave has a fixed momentum.
Hertz electromagnetic wave experiments by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-29 +Created 1970-01-01
Heinrich Hertz's main initial experiment used a spark-gap transmitter. It is not something that transmits recorded sounds like voice: it only transmits noisy beeps. And as such was used for wireless telegraphy.
The generic tool recommendation question: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/7425/is-there-a-robust-command-line-tool-for-processing-csv-files
This is Ciro Santilli's favorite laptop brand. He's been on it since the early 2010's after he saw his then-girlfriend-later-wife using it.
Ciro doesn't know how to explain it, but ThinkPads just feel... right. The screen, the keyboard, the lid, the touchpad are all exactly what Ciro likes.
The only problem with ThinkPad is that it is owned by Lenovo which is a Chinese company, and that makes Ciro feel bad. But he likes it too much to quit... what to do?
Ciro is also reassured to see that in every enterprise he's been so far as of 2020, ThinkPads are very dominant. And the same when you see internal videos from other big tech enterprises, all those nerds are running... Ubuntu on ThinkPads! And the ISS.
Those nerds like their ThinkPads so much, that Ciro has seen some acquaintances with crazy old ThinkPad machines, missing keyboard buttons or the like. They just like their machines that much.
ThinkPads are are also designed for repairability, and it is easy to buy replacement parts, and there are OEM part replacement video tutorials: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vseFzFFz8lY No visible planned obsolescence here! With the caveat that the official online part stores can be shit as mentioned at Section "Lenovo".
Further more, in 2020 Lenovo is announced full certification for Ubuntu www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2020/06/03/lenovos-massive-ubuntu-and-red-hat-announcement-levels-up-linux-in-2020/#28a8fd397ae0 which fantastic news!
The only thing Ciro never understood is the trackpoint: superuser.com/questions/225059/how-to-get-used-of-trackpoint-on-a-thinkpad Why would you use that with such an amazing touchpad? And vimium.
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