Browser game Updated +Created
There's a beauty in the portability of browser games.
The fact that the browser is not the main gaming platform as of 2020 shows how crappy web tech is. There is no fundamental reason why it shouldn't be so.
Asset bundler Updated +Created
In order to make websites efficient and portable, a lot of transpilation is needed.
History of the Josephson effect Updated +Created
In 1962 Brian Josephson published his inaugural paper predicting the effect as Section "Possible new effects in superconductive tunnelling".
In 1963 Philip W. Anderson and John M. Rowell published their paper that first observed the effect as Section "Possible new effects in superconductive tunnelling".
Some golden notes can be found at True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen page 224 and around. Philip W. Anderson commented:
We were all - Josephson, Pippard and myself, as well as various other people who also habitually sat at the Mond tea and participated in the discussions of the next few weeks - very much puzzled by the meaning of the fact that the current depends on the phase
As part of the course Anderson had introduced the concept of broken symmetry in superconductors. Josephson "was fascinated by the idea of broken symmetry, and wondered whether there could be any way of observing it experimentally."
Bipedalism Updated +Created
Association football Updated +Created
Audio feedback Updated +Created
Artificial intelligence Updated +Created
A Show of Hands by Victor Wooten (1996) Updated +Created
OMG this is sick.
Full official album on YouTube: so glad he managed to upload it...
Josephson equations Updated +Created
Two equations derived from first principles by Brian Josephson that characterize the device, somewhat like an I-V curve:
  • : Josephson current
  • : the Josephson phase, a function defined by the second equation plus initial conditions
  • : input voltage of the system
  • : current across the junction, determined by the input voltage
Note how these equations are not a typical I-V curve, as they are not an instantaneous dependency between voltage and current: the history of the voltage matters! Or in other words, the system has an internal state, represented by the Josephson phase at a given point in time.
To understand them better, it is important to look at some important cases separately:
The Holy Trinity of popular Brazilian music Updated +Created
The art of programming Updated +Created
Just art:
  • useless mathy stuff
  • incredibly nifty little tools that are just so satisfying to use it is mind blowing:
  • media related stuff
Josephson junction Updated +Created
Applications of Josephson Junctions Updated +Created
Harmonic function Updated +Created
F Updated +Created
I Updated +Created
J Updated +Created

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