Very interesting story! A predecessor to microwave transmission for trading.
Sample implementations:
Co-founder of PowerDNS, an open source dNS implementation.
Homepage: says:.
All stuff Ciro cares about too! Cool dude! In particular Ciro loved his quote of I should have loved biology.
All stuff Ciro cares about too! Cool dude! In particular Ciro loved his quote of I should have loved biology.
He's writing a fun-sounding book about molecular biology as of 2022: Appears to be closed source though. Ciro wonders if he really needs to sell the book for money after all those years though, rather than just publishing it online for free.
Looking at Bert just brings the Dutch Golden Age, and more in particular Antonie van Leeuwenhoek to mind. Epic.
How life is Digital by Bert Hubert (2021)
Source. Just a "boring" overview of the central dogma of molecular biology ;-)Even if we cannot do everything in functional, we should at least strive to clearly extract functional substes in what we do.
Trying to use gallium arsenide was Seymour Cray's fatal last flaw as mentioned at The Supermen: The Story of Seymour Cray by Charles J. Murray (1997).
The Supermen: The Story of Seymour Cray by Charles J. Murray (1997) page 4 mentions:
Cray wanted his new machine to employ circuits made from a material called gallium arsenide. Gallium arsenide had achieved limited success, particularly in satellite communications and military electronics. But no one had succeeded with it in anything so complicated as a computer. In the computer industry, engineers had developed a saying: "Gallium arsenide is the technology of the future," they would say. "And it always will be."
Aaron, Ciro Santilli will complete your quest to make eduction free. Just legally this time, with the and with the Creative Commons license you helped to create.
Ciro likes how The Internet's Own Boy (2014) explains how Aaron felt like high school was bullshit, and that he could learn whatever he wanted from books, which is one of Ciro's key feelings.
It also mentions how he was a natural teacher from a very early age.
Creator of Mozilla rr, of which Ciro Santilli is a huge fan of!
He quit Mozilla in 2016 to try and commercialize an
extension called Pernosco.But as of 2022, he advertised himself as part of "Google Research", so maybe that went under, sample source: TODO when did he start? There's apparently an unrelated homonym:
He's apparently very religious, and very New Zelandish, auto-describes:Terry A. Davis and D. Richard Hipp come to mind. One is tempted to speculate a correlation even, the proportion amongst systems programmers feels so much higher than in other areas of programming! Maybe it is because you have to be a God to do it in the first place.
Christian. Repatriate Kiwi.
This is a good project. Limited scope to 2D card-like games, but very good within that scope.
Ciro Santilli used it for the 2D version of his Ciro's 2D reinforcement learning games.
Amazing systems programming tutorials. Whenever you Google a hard topic, his blog comes up.
Also has many great contributions on Stack Overflow:
As of 2016, Eli worked at Google (reference). TODO before that, I had found his earlier info previously but lost it.
Eli focuses mostly on compiler toolchains.
He also has some mathematics stuff, so cute:
Creator of QEMU and FFmpeg, both of which Ciro Santilli deeply respects. And a bunch other random stuff.
What is shocking about Fabrice this is that both are insanely important software that Ciro Santilli really likes, and both seem to be completely unrelated subjects!
Google made billions on top of this dude:
- FFmpeg is the backend of YouTube
- QEMU is the default emulator for Android Studio as of 2019, which Android developers use by default under the hood to develop Android Apps on their desktop without the need for a real device.
At last but not least, Fabrice also studied in the same school that Ciro Santilli studied in France, École Polytechnique.
It is a shame that he keeps such a low profile, there are no videos of him on the web, and he declines interviews.
Another surprising fact is that Fabrice has not worked for the "Big Tech Companies" as far as can be publicly seen, but rather mostly on smaller companies that he co-founded:
And he's also into some completely random projcts unsurprisingly:
- Computer Scientist Fabrice Bellard Announces Computing Pi to Record Number of Digits
- contains a list of his projects as of 2011
Fabrice Bellard in 2007
. Source. At a restaurant with the author apparently. Plus Miguel De Icaza who was in Paris for some conference, which they all presumably attended.Fabrice Bellard with light
. There are no in-focus images of Fabrice on the Internet.Basically a synonym of Lorentz covariance?
Alternative to the Lorentz gauge, but less used in general as it is not as nice for relativity invariance.
Physics from Symmetry by Jakob Schwichtenberg (2015) page 66 shows one in terms of 4x4 complex matrices.
More importantly though, are the representations of the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group, which are generally also just also called "Representation of the Lorentz group" since you can reach the representation from the algebra via the exponential map.
- Physics from Symmetry by Jakob Schwichtenberg (2015) chapter 3.7 "The Lorentz Group O (1, 3)"
Two observers travel at fixed speed relative to each other. They synchronize origins at x=0 and t=0, and their spacial axes are perfectly aligned. This is a subset of the Lorentz group. TODO confirm it does not form a subgroup however.
Very hot stuff! It's like ISA-portable assembly, but with types! In particular it also it deals with calling conventions for us (since it is ISA-portable). TODO: isn't that exactly what C does? :-) LLVM IR vs C
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