Four-vector Updated +Created
Ubuntu 21.04 Updated +Created
The most important projects done by Ciro Santilli Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli has sometimes wasted time with low impact projects such as those listed at Ciro Santilli's minor projects instead of doing higher impact projects such as those mentioned at: Section "The most important projects Ciro Santilli wants to do".
But maybe "Everything you did brought you where you are now." applies, maybe it is during the "low impact activities" that one gets the inspiration and experience required for the "high impact ones".
Distributive property Updated +Created
One of the defining properties of algebraic structure with two operations such as ring and field:
This property shows how the two operations interact.
Magic Aids Updated +Created
His combination of politically incorrect dirt talk with amazing quirky decks captures Ciro's imagination.
Anonymous no face-reveal.
The videos are heavily edited with all pauses cut out, which makes them very quick to watch and saves viewer time.
Modern focused, with some occasional newer formats mixed in.
When Wizards publishes several useless sets in a row without a single modern playable card, he's just forced into Standard.
Video 1.
Magic Aids vs. Magic Rainbows by Magic Aids (2018)
Source. In this amazing video Magic Aids makes fun of Wizards for forcing him to change is Magic Online handle from Magic Aids to something else due to the AIDS part. He claims the Aids is not meant as a reference to the disease, but just as in "memory aid". Ciro doubts this wasn't intentional. But the video is still amazing, and happens to involve a sex doll dressed as Liliana Vess squirting glitter from her vagina. Wizards must love this guy. It is also a good criticism of political correctness in general. This is a work of art.
Bra-ket notation Updated +Created
Notation used in quantum mechanics.
Ket is just a vector. Though generally in the context of quantum mechanics, this is an infinite dimensional vector in a Hilbert space like .
Bra is just the dual vector corresponding to a ket, or in other words projection linear operator, i.e. a linear function which can act on a given vector and returns a single complex number. Also known as... dot product.
For example:
is basically a fancy way of saying:
that is: we are taking the projection of along the direction. Note that in the ordinary dot product notation however, we don't differentiate as clearly what is a vector and what is an operator, while the bra-ket notation makes it clear.
The projection operator is completely specified by the vector that we are projecting it on. This is why the bracket notation makes sense.
It also has the merit of clearly differentiating vectors from operators. E.g. it is not very clear in that is an operator and is a vector, except due to the relative position to the dot. This is especially bad when we start manipulating operators by themselves without vectors.
This notation is widely used in quantum mechanics because calculating the probability of getting a certain outcome for an experiment is calculated by taking the projection of a state on one an eigenvalue basis vector as explained at: Section "Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics".
Making the projection operator "look like a thing" (the bra) is nice because we can add and multiply them much like we can for vectors (they also form a vector space), e.g.:
just means taking the projection along the direction.
Ciro Santilli thinks that this notation is a bit over-engineered. Notably the bra's are just vectors, which we should just write as usual with ... the bra thing makes it look scarier than it needs to be. And then we should just find a different notation for the projection part.
Maybe Dirac chose it because of the appeal of the women's piece of clothing: bra, in an irresistible call from British humour.
But in any case, alas, we are now stuck with it.
Empty circle control qubit notation Updated +Created
Some authors use the convention of:
  • filled black circle: conventional controlled quantum gate, i.e. operate if control qubit is active
  • empty (White) circle: operate if control qubit is inactive
The most important projects Ciro Santilli wants to do Updated +Created
They are sorted in order of "most likely to get done first".
Top one:
How to contact Ciro Santilli Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli is very happy to meet people with related interests, he really loves his like-minded online friends. Even if you don't have something a specific goal in mind for the contact, please just say hi.
To contact Ciro publicly about any general subject that is not covered in a more specific GitHub repository, including saying hi or suggestions about his website either:
Publicly viewable contact is preferred if possible to more effectively share Ciro's wisdom with the world.
But if you feel more comfortable with private contact, no problem, either:
For other less good methods that will also work, use direct messages of the following profiles from under Section "Accounts controlled by Ciro Santilli":
If you are a privacy freak or are going to tell Ciro state secrets Ciro has this GNU Privacy Guard public key: pubkey.gpg.
Disqus comments were removed from his website in 2019-05-04, a manual dump is available here, removal rationale at: why Ciro Santilli removed Disqus comments from his website in 2019-05-04.
The Playlist Updated +Created
Great reports to how 2022-Ciro Santilli views how could go. Ciro can't help to feel that he is a mixture of both of the vision, tech and people guy. Not as extreme as any of them, but more like a well rounded (and less good individually) version of each. High flying bird vs gophers.
Elliptic curve over a finite field Updated +Created
Hall effect Updated +Created
The voltage changes perpendicular to the current when magnetic field is applied.
Figure 1.
Hall effect experimental diagram
. Source. The Hall effect refers to the produced voltage , AKA on this setup.
An intuitive video is:
The key formula for it is:
  • the direction of the effect proves that electric currents in common electrical conductors are made up of negative charged particles
  • measure magnetic fields, TODO vs other methods
Other more precise non-classical versions:
Four-gradient Updated +Created
A 4D gradient with some small special relativity specifics added in (the light of speed and sign change for the time).
Skew-symmetric bilinear map Updated +Created
tmux Updated +Created
If session autosave was finally mainlined, this would be Nirvana.
Wei Dai Updated +Created
Cheap oscilloscope Updated +Created
Video 1.
DIY Oscilloscope Kit (20$) VS Regular DS Oscilloscope (400$) by Great Scott (2016)
Video 2.
Hantek 6022BE Review by Adrian's Digital Basement (2022)
Infinity Updated +Created
Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.
There are a few related concepts that are called infinity in mathematics:
  • limits that are greater than any number
  • the cardinality of a set that does not have a finite number of elements
  • in some number systems, there is an explicit "element at infinity" that is not a limit, e.g. projective geometry
Everipedia Updated +Created
Metabolic pathway Updated +Created
Some notable examples:

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