Fungus by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Formal name: "fungi".
Vitamin by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Deniable authentication by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Transactional emai provider by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Defining properties of elementary particles by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
A suggested at Physics from Symmetry by Jakob Schwichtenberg (2015) chapter 3.9 "Elementary particles", it appears that in the Standard Model, the behaviour of each particle can be uniquely defined by the following five numbers:
E.g. for the electron we have:
  • mass:
  • spin: 1/2
  • electric charge:
  • weak charge: -1/2
  • color charge: 0
Once you specify these properties, you could in theory just pluck them into the Standard Model Lagrangian and you could simulate what happens.
Setting new random values for those properties would also allow us to create new particles. It appears unknown why we only see the particles that we do, and why they have the values of properties they have.
Electronic design automation phase by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Electric potential by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
LibreTexts by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Follows the "certified teacher only" approach which is in Ciro Santilli's opinion a fatal flaw of most elearning systems out there, won't suffer from that!
But that is a very, very good project.
All notes appear to have been extracted from existing notes, as noted on the bottom of each page.
TODO how does it work exactly? Do they ask for permission from authors in every case, including when the content has open license? Or when it has open license, do they just do it? In some cases, the notes have no license, so they must have asked.
TODO what is the source code that authors write? LaTeX or something else? LaTeX feels extremely likely given that it is what most original materials were already written in.
They are attempting a "model up this entire university" thing: which is good. E.g. they have a bunch of "quantum mechanics ones under:
Appears to be UC Davies-based mostly.
They claim to use this closed source backend: Seriously? For a publicly funded project with low-tech requirements?? It is mind blowing.
Some issues:
OK let's database it:
Dragon Ball Z by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Although this was one of the children cartoons Ciro Santilli liked to watch, watching Dragon Ball Z as an adult feels like watching paint dry, everything takes forever! Apparently padding to sync with the manga: The original Dragon Ball was likely strictly better, as it was much more fun and took itself less seriously. Also in DBZ power level inflation is taken to ridiculous levels. This is why One-Punch Man is good. Out of all evil characters, Frieza is one that made a big impression on Ciro, his graphical design is so good.
DNA microarray by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Can be seen as a cheap form of DNA sequencing that only test for a few hits. Some major applications:
Origin of replication by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
oriC = Origin of Chromosomal replication.
E Ink by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Electronic Ink such as that found on Amazon Kindle is the greatest invention ever made by man.
Once E Ink reaches reasonable refresh rates to replace liquid crystal displays, the world will finally be saved.
It would allow Ciro Santilli to spend his entire life in front of a screen rather in the real world without getting tired eyes, and even if it is sunny outside.
Ciro stopped reading non-code non-news a while back though, so the current refresh rates are useless, what a shame.
OMG, this is amazing:
The Dirac equation is consistent with special relativity by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
TODO, including why the Schrodinger equation is not.
Dirac Lagrangian by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Remember that is a 4-vetor, gamma matrices are 4x4 matrices, so the whole thing comes down to a dot product of two 4-vectors, with a modified by matrix multiplication/derivatives, and the result is a scalar, as expected for a Lagrangian.
Like any other Lagrangian, you can then recover the Dirac equation, which is the corresponding equations of motion, by applying the Euler-Lagrange equation to the Lagrangian.
Pre-order depth-first search by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
This is the order in which you would want to transverse to read the chapters of a book.
Like breadth-first search, this also has the property of visiting parents before any children.
Or equivalently, the set of rows is orthonormal, and so is the set of columns. TODO proof that it is equivalent to the orthogonal group is the group of all matrices that preserve the dot product.
Bisection (software engineering) by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
One of the Holiest age old debugging techniques!
Git has some helpers to help you achieve bisection Nirvana:
Obviously not restricted to software engineering alone, and used in all areas of engineering, e.g. Video "Air-tight vs. Vacuum-tight by AlphaPhoenix (2020)" uses it in vacuum engineering.
The cool thing about bisection is that it is a brainless process: unlike when using a debugger, you don't have to understand anything about the system, and it incredibly narrows down the problem cause for you. Not having to think is great!
WikiLeaks by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
CC BY by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created

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