ASCII porn Updated +Created
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You just couldn't resist Googling it and clicking this page, could you? You naughty, naughty bearded programmer nerd. Yes, I'm talking to you.
TODO it is quite hard to actually find non-automatically generated ASCII art of people fucking, most of them are just sexy/horny women drawn by bearded nerds, likely and based on sticky physical paper porn magazines from the 80's, good old days.
   Tank Man                         |
   by Ciro Santilli          00     |
   2021 CC-BY-SA 4.0          \\  +-|-+
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       /|\\ |/ /oo
      / ----- /oo
     /       /oo
    oo     oo
Code 1.
Tank man ASCII art by Ciro Santilli (2021)
This image depicts the Chinese government fucking 1 million Chinese people in the ass during the Tiananmen Square Protests, which was undoubtedly one of the largest gang bangs of the late 20th century:
Video 1.
The IBM 1401 mainframe runs "Edith" by CuriousMarc
. Source. 1960's punched card ASCII porn. Vintage. EDITH is also mentioned e.g. at: No ASCII uploads found however:
Atomic clock Updated +Created
Video 1.
How an atomic clock works, and its use in the global positioning system (GPS) by EngineerGuy (2012)
Source. Shows how conceptually an atomic clock is based on a feedback loop of two hyperfine structure states of caesium atoms (non-radioactive caesium-133 as clarified by the Wikipedia page). Like a quartz clock, it also relies on the piezoelectricity of quartz, but unlike the quartz clock, the quartz is not shaped like a tuning fork, and has a much larger resonating frequency of about 7 MHz. The feedback is completed by producing photons that resonate at the right frequency to excite the caesium.
Video 2.
Inside the HP 5061A Cesium Clock by CuriousMarc (2020)
A similar model was used in the Hafele-Keating experiment to test special relativity on two planes flying in opposite directions. Miniaturization was key.
Contains a disposable tube with 6g of Caesium. You boil it, so when it runs out, you change the tube, 40k USD. Their tube is made by Agilent Technologies, so a replacement since that opened in 1999, and the original machine is from the 60s.
Detection is done with an electron multiplier. They compare it with their 100 dollar GPS disciplined oscillator, since GPS satellites have atomic clocks in them.
Video 3.
Quick presentation of the atomic clock at the National Physical Laboratory (2010)
Source. Their super accurate setup first does laser cooling on the caesium atoms.
Electronic component Updated +Created
Video 1.
Open Circuits book interview by CuriousMarc (2022)
Fax Updated +Created
Uses telephone lines, and therefore were still usable much much after the Internet made them obsolete, which is quite funny.
Video 1.
Teletype ASR 33 Part 10: ASR 33 demo by CuriousMarc (2020)
Video 2.
Fax Machine by Museum of Obsolte Objects (2011)
IBM 1401 Updated +Created
Video 1.
The IBM 1401 compiles and runs Fortran II by CuriousMarc (2018)
Marc Verdiell Updated +Created
Marc Verdiell is a human electrical engineer best known for being the creator and host of the CuriousMarc YouTube channel.
Marc made $58.4m from the sale of LightLogic, an optoelectronics company he founded, to Intel in 2001:
Figure 1. . Source. Location inferred from Marc's videos', but likely, he often frequents the place, and it looks a bit like that.
Video 1.
Profile of Marc Verdiell by Gizmodo (2018)
Source. gives his house's location Atherton, California, part of Silicon Valley. shows his amazing garden a bit more.
A quick look on Google Maps show that that area is full of some incredible mansions. They managed to keep the entire place green, every house has a pool. Wikipedia comments
Atherton is known for its wealth; in 1990 and 2019, Atherton was ranked as having the highest per capita income among U.S. towns with a population between 2,500 and 9,999, and it is regularly ranked as the most expensive ZIP Code in the United States [(94027)]. The town has very restricting zoning, only permitting one single-family home per acre and no sidewalks. The inhabitants have strongly opposed proposals to permit more housing construction
and Forbes confirms it for 2022:, by far on top. lists some famous people who live there. It's like a micro heaven.
And a person who makes open educational content like Marc, truly deserves it.
Video 2.
Soyuz Clock Part 4: How accurate is it? by CuriousMarc (2020)
Source. The timestamp mentions that his wife is called "Laurie", and that she escaped the Soviet Union, and two of her brothers went to jail in the escape process.
Microwave Updated +Created
Micro means "small wavelength compared to radio waves", not micron-sized.
Microwave production and detection is incredibly important in many modern applications:
Spectophotometry Updated +Created
Video 1.
Donated Eskalab Spectrophotometer by CuriousMarc
. Source.
Teleprinter Updated +Created
Way, way before instant messaging, there was... teletype!
Video 1.
Using a 1930 Teletype as a Linux Terminal by CuriousMarc (2020)