1973 Nobel Prize in Physics Updated +Created
To Brian Josephson for the prediction of the Josephson effect.
Ampere in the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units Updated +Created
Starting in the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units, the elementary charge is assigned a fixed number, and the Ampere is based on it and on the second, which is beautiful.
This choice is not because we attempt to count individual electrons going through a wire, as it would be far too many to count!
Rather, it is because because there are two crazy quantum mechanical effects that give us macroscopic measures that are directly related to the electron charge. www.nist.gov/si-redefinition/ampere/ampere-quantum-metrology-triangle by the NIST explains that the two effects are:
Those effect work because they also involve dividing by the Planck constant, the fundamental constant of quantum mechanics, which is also tiny, and thus brings values into a much more measurable order of size.
Applications of superconductivity Updated +Created
Superconductivity is one of the key advances of 21st century technology:
Josephson junction Updated +Created
Kibble balance Updated +Created
The Kibble balance is so precise and reproducible that it was responsible for the 2019 redefinition of the Kilogram.
Figure 1.
NIST-4 Kibble balance
. Source.
It relies rely on not one, but three macroscopic quantum mechanical effects:
How cool is that! As usual, the advantage of those effects is that they are discrete, and have very fixed values that don't depend either:
  • on the physical dimensions of any apparatus (otherwise fabrication precision would be an issue)
  • small variations of temperature, magnetic field and so on
One downside of using some quantum mechanical effects is that you have to cool everything down to 5K. But that's OK, we've got liquid helium!
The operating principle is something along:
Then, based on all this, you can determine how much the object weights.
Video 1.
How We're Redefining the kg by Veritasium
. Source.
Video 2.
The Kibble Balance, realizing the Kilogram from fundamental constants of nature by Richard Green
. Source. Presented in 2022 for a CENAM seminar, the Mexican metrology institute. The speaker is from the Canadian metrology institute
Video 3.
The Watt balance and redefining the kilogram by National Physical Laboratory
. Source. Nothing much, but fun to hear Kibble talking about his balance in beautiful English before he passed.
Magnetic flux quantum Updated +Created
TODO is there any relationship between this and the Josephson effect?
This appears to happen to any superconducting loop, because the superconducting wave function has to be continuous.
Video "Superconducting Qubit by NTT SCL (2015)" suggests that anything in between gets cancelled out by a superposition of current in both directions.
Possible new effects in superconductive tunnelling Updated +Created
The inaugural that predicted the Josephson effect.
Published on Physics Letters, then a new journal, before they split into Physics Letters A and Physics Letters B. True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen mentions that this choice was made rather than the more prestigious Physical Review Letters because they were not yet so confident about the results.
Probable observation of the Josephson superconducting tunneling effect Updated +Created
Paper by Philip W. Anderson and John M. Rowell that first (?) experimentally observed the Josephson effect.
TODO understand the graphs in detail.
They used tin-oxide-lead tunnel at 1.5 K. TODO oxide of what? Why two different metals? They say that both films are 200 nm thick, so maybe it is:
...  Sn | SnO2 | PbO2 | Pb  ...
          100nm 100nm
A reconstruction of their circuit in Ciro's ASCII art circuit diagram notation TODO:
There are not details of the physical construction of course. Reproducibility lol.
Superconducting quantum computing Updated +Created
Based on the Josephson effect. Yet another application of that phenomenal phenomena!
It is fun to see that the representation of information in the QC basically uses an LC circuit, which is a very classical resonator circuit.
As mentioned at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superconducting_quantum_computing#Qubit_archetypes there are actually a few different types of superconducting qubits:
  • flux
  • charge
  • phase
and hybridizations of those such as:
  • microwave radiation to excite circuit, or do nothing and wait for it to fall to 0 spontaneously
  • interaction: TODO
  • readout: TODO
Video 2.
Quantum Transport, Lecture 16: Superconducting qubits by Sergey Frolov (2013)
Source. youtu.be/Kz6mhh1A_mU?t=1171 describes several possible realizations: charge, flux, charge/flux and phase.
Video 3.
Building a quantum computer with superconducting qubits by Daniel Sank (2019)
Source. Daniel wears a "Google SB" t-shirt, which either means shabi in Chinese, or Santa Barbara. Google Quantum AI is based in Santa Barbara, with links to UCSB.
Video 5.
Superconducting Qubits I Part 1 by Zlatko Minev (2020)
The Q&A in the middle of talking is a bit annoying.
Video 6.
Superconducting Qubits I Part 2 by Zlatko Minev (2020)
Video 7.
How to Turn Superconductors Into A Quantum Computer by Lukas's Lab (2023)
Source. This video is just the introduction, too basic. But if he goes through with the followups he promisses, then something might actually come out of it.
WordNet Updated +Created
Groups concepts by hyponymy and hypernymy and meronymy and holonymy. That actually makes a lot of sense! TODO: is there a clear separation between hyponymy and meronymy?
Browse: wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn Appears dead as of 2025 lol.
The online version of WordNet has been deprecated and is no longer available.
Does not contain intermediat scientific terms, only very common ones, e.g. no mention, of "Josephson effect", "photoelectric effect"