CIDARLAB/cello Updated +Created
Design software for synthetic biological circuit.
The input is in Verilog! Overkill?
Then it essentially maps to a standard cell library of biological primitives!
Electronic design automation Updated +Created
A set of software programs that compile high level register transfer level languages such as Verilog into something that a fab can actually produce. One is reminded of a compiler toolchain but on a lower level.
The most important steps of that include:
How computers work? Updated +Created
A computer is a highly layered system, and so you have to decide which layers you are the most interested in studying.
Although the layer are somewhat independent, they also sometimes interact, and when that happens it usually hurts your brain. E.g., if compilers were perfect, no one optimizing software would have to know anything about microarchitecture. But if you want to go hardcore enough, you might have to learn some lower layer.
It must also be said that like in any industry, certain layers are hidden in commercial secrecy mysteries making it harder to actually learn them. In computing, the lower level you go, the more closed source things tend to become.
But as you climb down into the abyss of low level hardcoreness, don't forget that making usefulness is more important than being hardcore: Figure 1. "xkcd 378: Real Programmers".
First, the most important thing you should know about this subject:
Here's a summary from low-level to high-level:
Figure 1.
xkcd 378: Real Programmers
. Source.
Video 1.
How low can you go video by Ciro Santilli (2017)
Source. In this infamous video Ciro has summarized the computer hierarchy.
Logic synthesis Updated +Created
The output of this step is another Verilog file, but one that exclusively uses interlinked cell library components.
Place and route Updated +Created
Given a bunch of interlinked standard cell library elements from the logic synthesis step, actually decide where exactly they are going to go on 2D (stacked 2D) integrated circuit surface.
Sample output format of place and route would be GDSII.
Register transfer level Updated +Created
Register transfer level is the abstraction level at which computer chips are mostly designed.
The only two truly relevant RTL languages as of 2020 are: Verilog and VHDL. Everything else compiles to those, because that's all that EDA vendors support.
Much like a C compiler abstracts away the CPU assembly to:
  • increase portability across ISAs
  • do optimizations that programmers can't feasibly do without going crazy
Compilers for RTL languages such as Verilog and VHDL abstract away the details of the specific semiconductor technology used for those exact same reasons.
The compilers essentially compile the RTL languages into a standard cell library.
Examples of companies that work at this level include: