Quick facts:
- Nationalities: Italian and Brazilian
- Grew up in: Brazil
- Relationship status 2017-: married
- Given name pronunciation: take your pick from Ciro Santilli's given name
- Chinese name: 三西猴, means "three western monkeys". Phonetic approximation to SANtilli CIRO. More info at: Ciro Santilli's Chinese name. Semi-unintentionally reminds Chinese people of Sun Wukong (孙悟空). This association is further slightly strengthened by the phonetic choice of 三 San, which Ciro later noticed matches the middle character of Tang Sanzang (唐三藏), the monk in Journey to the West. The given name 西猴 was given by Ciro Santilli's wife, then recent girlfriend, as a semi-joke, and he took it up because the best way to take a joke is to play along with the joker. 三 was chosen by Ciro himself.
- laptop: high end Lenovo ThinkPad
- distro: latest Ubuntu release
- Vim or Emacs: vi/vim. But for The Love, will someone please make an open source C++ integrated development environment that actually just works?
- tabs or spaces: spaces
- Mailing list or Git(Hub|Lab): Git(Hub|Lab), with passion, see Section "Mailing list"
- system or unit tests: system
- programming languages: Python and C++. He'll learn Rust and Haskell once he's rich. As of the 2020s, Rust was picking up some serious steam, so Ciro might end up eating his own words there.
- musical instruments to listen: Chinese Guqin and electric Jazz-fusion guitar
- metric or imperial: metric, for The Love. Science? Standardization? 21st century anyone?
- QWERTY or Dvorak: QWERTY, alas
- birth name: Ciro Duran Santilli
Other people with the same name are listed at Section "Ciro Santilli's homonyms".
19th century illustration of the Journey to the West protagonist Sun Wukong
. Source. Sun Wukong (孙悟空) is a playful and obscenely powerful monkey Journey to the West. He protects Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang, and likes eating fruit, just like Ciro. Oh, and Goku from Dragon Ball is based on him. His japanese name is "Sun Wukong" (same Chinese characters with different Japanese pronunciation) for the love. His given name "Wukong" means literally "the one who mastered the void", which is clearly a Dharma name and fucking awesome in multiple ways. This is another sad instance of a Chinese thing better known in the West as Japanese.
It is worth noting however that although Wukong is extremely charming, Ciro's favorite novel of the Four Great Classic Novels is Water Margin. Journey to the West is just a monster of the week for kids, but Water Margin is a fight for justice saga. Sorry Wukong!
The photo was taken in an open event organized by the awesome Cambridge Synthetic Biology outreach group, more or less the same people who organize: www.meetup.com/Cambridge-Synthetic-Biology-Meetup/ and who helped organize Section "How to use an Oxford Nanopore MinION to extract DNA from river water and determine which bacteria live in it".
Taking part in such activities is what Ciro tries to do to overcome his lifelong regret of not having done more experimental stuff at university. Would he have had the patience to handle all the bullshit of the physical word without going back to the informational sciences? Maybe, maybe not. But now he will probably never know?!
Notice the orange high visibility cycling jersey under the lab coat, from someone who had just ridden in from work as fast as possible as part of his "lunch break". It is more fun when it is hard.
Scribe Jean Miélot, 15th century
. Ciro Santilli fantasizes that he would have make a good scribe in the middle ages, partly due to his self diagnosed graphomania, but also appreciation for foreign languages, and his mild obsession with the natural sciences.
OurBigBook.com is Ciro's view of a modern day scriptorium, except that now the illuminations are YouTube videos.
Chill and eat your bread in peace comes to mind. A scribe, in a library, reading and writing the entire day in peace and quiet. The life!
The job of a Internet-age scribe is basically that of making knowledge more open, legally extracting it from closed copyrighted sources, and explaining your understanding of it to the wider world under Creative Commons licenses on the web. And in the process of greater openness, given a well organized system, we are able combine the knowledge of many different people, and thus make things more understandable than any single/few creator closed source source could ever achieve.
Ciro once saw some cartoon on Wikipedia help pages of a turtle with a book in one hand, and typing into Wikipedia on its computer, TODO find it. That cartoon summarizes well the modern scribe life.
Another analogous version of this fantasy more in touch with Ciro's sinophily is the ideal of the Chinese scholar, notably including their stereotypical attributes such as mastery of the Four arts.
Ciro Santilli piling boxes as a child
. A natural born engineer.Ciro Santilli waving hello in infrared.
More info at: Figure "Ciro Santilli waving hello in infrared".- Homepage: gabrielstaples.com
- GitHub: github.com/ElectricRCAircraftGuy
- Twitter: x.com/eRCaGuy
- Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/4561887/gabriel-staples. Contains a beautiful quote:Yes, sir.
Working hard to make the Internet more complete.
One day Ciro Santilli got an upvote on his answer to "How to use Git bisect?". As often happens, he had a second look at the question and his answer. But weird thing showed up: the question was now open again, and he was certain that some stupid closurist had previously closed it. Upon looking at stackoverflow.com/posts/4713088/timeline, he saw that it was Gabriel that had started the successful reopen vote. - github.com/sponsors/ElectricRCAircraftGuy:
I'd really like to work on open source projects more, but the need for a full-time job makes that difficult. If you can sponsor me, you help me get one step closer to my dream of not having to work a traditional "day job" anymore, so I can contribute more to the open source community, do more to educate, and do more to confront new and challenging ideas.
- x.com/eRCaGuy/status/1305275684592340992: it's hard to say if he's joking about actually getting a reply from Bezos or if he thinks it might actually happen:
I emailed Jeff Bezos today about some concerns I've been having selling on #Amazon. We'll see if he responds. Hopefully in my email I come across respectful. I think my point #3 (that sellers having negative experiences affects their recruiting) is a real, legitimate concern.
Author of gwern.net.
Accounts:He posts insanely much on these websites. It's a bit like Ciro Santilli on Stack Overflow.
- news.ycombinator.com/user?id=gwern
- www.lesswrong.com/users/gwern LessWrong
- twitter.com/gwern locked 2021: www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/kp2fek/does_anybody_know_what_happened_to_gwern/
- www.reddit.com/user/gwern/
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gwern on Wikipedia. Self summary: gwern.net/wikipedia-resume. Also he is a critic of deletionism on Wikipedia like Ciro Santilli
Ciro Santilli envies this guy a bit. He dumps his brain more or less full time on his highly customized static website partly due to early Bitcoin investments gwern.net/me says:
Also unsurprisingly he likes Haskell:
I mostly contribute to projects in Haskell, my favorite language
Ciro Santilli considers Gwern Ciro Santilli's e-soulmates due to his interest in "dark web things" like Bitcoin and Silk Road, his immense writing output in encyclopedic book-sized articles on a static website, and his desire to live frugally and just research and write all day. Ah, if only Ciro had some old coins!!!
This is likely a pseudonym, his real name not being publicly unknown, e.g. at news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5659278:
Why do you choose relative anonymity?For the reasons I've said in the past. To which I can add personal safety: my Silk Road page is a bit questionable legally, and we all know that there are ways to exploit knowledge of one's True Name and address (even if, as far as I know, I have no enemies willing to resort to, say, 'swatting' me) - one group of stalkers called up a college they thought I worked at to see if they could get me fired or otherwise ruin my day.
He participated in the development of the electrical telegraph, and he did some good modeling work that improved the foundations of the field, notably creating the telegrapher's equations.
He was one of those idealists who just want to do some cool work even if they have to starve for it, people had to get a state pension for him for his contributions. Nice guy. en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oliver_Heaviside&oldid=1230097796#Later_years_and_views:He also never married: www.nndb.com/people/627/000204015/
In 1896, FitzGerald and John Perry obtained a civil list pension of £120 per year for Heaviside, who was now living in Devon, and persuaded him to accept it, after he had rejected other charitable offers from the Royal Society.
Oliver Heaviside c. 1900
. Source. Lots of similar ideologies to Ciro Santilli, love it:
- sandymaguire.me/about/:
- he's an idealist
I might best be described somewhere between independent researcher and voluntarily-unemployed bum. At the ripe old age of 27 I decided to quit my highly-lucrative engineering job and decide to focus more on living than on grinding for the man. It's what you might call a work in progress.
- sandymaguire.me/blog/reaching-climbing/: don't be a pussyOne is also reminded of Gwern Branwen. Sandy is also into self-improvement stuff, so even more like Gwern. This is a point Ciro diverges on. Ciro works actively on self-worsening.
Last Friday was my final day at work. According to my facebook profile, I am now "happily retired." As of today, I don't plan to do another day of "traditional work" in my life. That's not to say that I'll be sitting idle playing tiddly winks. I want to build things, to dedicate my life to independent study, and to get really, really good with building communities. I don't have time for any of this "work" stuff that somehow pervades our entire culture, choking our inspiration and sapping our energy away from the things we'd rather be doing.
- he thinks university is useless:
- sandymaguire.me/blog/where-uni-fails/ Where University Fails (2018), mostly talking about backward design
- sandymaguire.me/blog/gatekept/ rejected from Imperial College PhD program due to grade being slightly too low for their stupid requirements, even though he had a referral already, and an amazing CV
- he likes jazz: sandymaguire.me/blog/too-smart/
Other interesting points:
- sandymaguire.me/blog/sandy-runback/ he changed his own name to Sandy because he didn't like it, he was born Alexander
- algebradriven.design/ closed source books though, ouch. At least they seem to have been made with leanpub though, could be worse.
He's a Haskell person.
Ciro Santilli feels a bit like this guy:
- he's also an idealist, even more than Ciro. So cute. Notably, he he also dumps his brain online into pages that no-one will ever read
- he also thinks that the 2010's education system is bullshit, e.g. settheory.net/learnphysics
- trust-forum.net/ some kind of change the world website. But:is a sin to Ciro. Planning a change the world thing behind closed doors? Really? Decentralized, meh.
Started with Vue.js + Node.js. Details reserved for developers willing to contribute
- antispirituality.net/ his atheism website
One big divergence: obsession with translating every page into every language.
Old French website: spoirier.lautre.net/
singlesunion.org/ so cute, he's looking for true love!!! This is something Ciro often thinks about: why it is so difficult to find love without looking people in the eye. The same applies to jobs to some extent. He has an Incel wiki page: incels.wiki/w/Sylvain_Poirier :-)
Sylvain's photo from his homepage.
Source. He's not ugly at all! Just a regular good looking French dude.Why learn Physics by yourself by Sylvain Poirier (2013)
Source. fuseki.net/home/List-of-Patreon-Subs-with-Justification.html describes him well:
Outsider, formerly homeless, extreme person interested in CS and culture. Self-publishes a website with thousands of tutorial / opinion pages. Possibly similar to Sam Sloan - extremely productive, wide interests, obsessive, and pretty disagreeable.
Homepage xahlee.org/ says:Nice Second brain vibe.
Siphon my knowledge into your brain. Assimilate my sensibilities to your spine.
Let's see:
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/xahlee/
- youtu.be/a6J62TwOreY?t=271 OMG he also uses a Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard-like keyboard! Maybe there is something here after all.
- he's also a mad tutorial writer: xahlee.info/Wallpaper_dir/c4_Derivation.html#gc2.2.2.1 like Ciro's Stack Overflow
- www.patreon.com/xahlee £835.2/month from ony 27 members as of 2023, holy crap not bad!
- he was in a bad spot as of 2014: xahlee.info/emacs/misc/xah_as_good_as_dead.htmlThread: www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/25pypq/im_about_as_good_as_dead_the_end_of_xah_lee/
i live on $3 per day for food in past 3 years. Eating noodles and oats with salt
One is reminded of Chill and eat your bread in peace and Quote "Omar Khayyam's chill out quote". xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah.html autobiography is also of interest.