20k genes, 3 billion base pairs. We can handle this!!!
This is really cool. Ciro Santilli would be tempted to participate, but his wife is not a fan, in part due to the loss of privacy of children. Maybe she is right...
Someone should implement a version of that where you can upload your privately sequenced genome and get analytics for free.
This was the first large part of the genome that was sequenced, in 1981: Cambridge Reference Sequence. Presumably they picked it because it is short and does not undergo crossover.
About 16.6 kbp:
- 13 coding genes
- 24 non-coding genes
TODO: many places say "exactly" 16,569, it seems that variable number tandem repeat are either rare or don't occur!
- pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2881260/ 1989 reports a single length polymorphism
By Fred Sanger's group.
As mentioned by Craig Venter in 100 Greatest Discoveries by the Discovery Channel (2004-2005), the main outcomes of the project were:
- it established the ballpark number of human genes
- showed that human genomes are very similar across individuals.
Important predecessors:
This was one of the first notable country-led large scale sequencing efforts of the world.
Sample paper: www.nature.com/articles/ng.3247
UniProt human: www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9BYF1 It is interesting to see in the Mutagenesis how many known mutations can increase or decrease SARS-CoV-2 S protein binding affinity.
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