The name is completely random, "wild beast". Are platypuses not "wild beasts"? They have a freaking poison!!
They split up from the rest of the mammals after the monotremes.
Every other mammal has a placenta.
This baby in pouch thing just feels like a pre-placenta stage.
As of 2020, account for about 20% of the known mammal species!!! mentions some reasons:
- they can fly, so they can move out further
- their eating habits are highly specialized
When one specific species is implied, we will mean Mus musculus by default.
Exciting... sometimes cruel. But too exciting not to do:
Databases and projects:
- The Jackson Laboratory
Databases and projects:
- The Knockout Mouse Project (2004)
This is the level at which human and all extinct siblings lie, with no other extant species, all others were killed or fucked to death: Section "Interbreeding between archaic and modern humans".
- 3 Gbps
- 20k genes
- 37.2 trillion cells[ref]
gunzip --keep GRCh38_latest_genomic.fna.gz
The key cladograms:
- Hominoidea level for extant species separation
- Australopithecine level for extinct species separation:
How Humans Lost Their Fur by PBS Eons (2020)
Source. Says it is linked to bipedalism to help hunting in hot weather. But could only happen fully after the invention of fire, otherwise you'd be too cold at night.Frozen and cut on Microtome at 1mm intervals.
They actually use fingerprint minutiae, not raw images, which is cool.
Possibly not made not possible from userland due to privacy issues. Apparently not even kernelland can see it, only
- Stack Overflow:
- Reddit:
The point of these is that they are good for transfection apparently.
20k genes, 3 billion base pairs. We can handle this!!!
This is really cool. Ciro Santilli would be tempted to participate, but his wife is not a fan, in part due to the loss of privacy of children. Maybe she is right...
Someone should implement a version of that where you can upload your privately sequenced genome and get analytics for free.
This was the first large part of the genome that was sequenced, in 1981: Cambridge Reference Sequence. Presumably they picked it because it is short and does not undergo crossover.
About 16.6 kbp:
- 13 coding genes
- 24 non-coding genes
TODO: many places say "exactly" 16,569, it seems that variable number tandem repeat are either rare or don't occur!
- 1989 reports a single length polymorphism
By Fred Sanger's group.
As mentioned by Craig Venter in 100 Greatest Discoveries by the Discovery Channel (2004-2005), the main outcomes of the project were:
- it established the ballpark number of human genes
- showed that human genomes are very similar across individuals.
Important predecessors:
This was one of the first notable country-led large scale sequencing efforts of the world.
Sample paper:
UniProt human: It is interesting to see in the Mutagenesis how many known mutations can increase or decrease SARS-CoV-2 S protein binding affinity.
Carnivores, ungulates, hedgehogs.
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