MLperf v2.1 ResNet by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Ubuntu 22.10 setup with tiny dummy manually generated ImageNet and run on ONNX:
sudo apt install pybind11-dev

git clone
cd inference
git checkout v2.1

virtualenv -p python3 .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install numpy==1.24.2 pycocotools==2.0.6 onnxruntime==1.14.1 opencv-python== torch==1.13.1

cd loadgen
CFLAGS="-std=c++14" python develop
cd -

cd vision/classification_and_detection
python develop
wget -q
export MODEL_DIR="$(pwd)"
export EXTRA_OPS='--time 10 --max-latency 0.2'

DATA_DIR="$(pwd)/fake_imagenet" ./ onnxruntime mobilenet cpu --accuracy
Last line of output on P51, which appears to contain the benchmark results
TestScenario.SingleStream qps=58.85, mean=0.0138, time=0.136, acc=62.500%, queries=8, tiles=50.0:0.0129,80.0:0.0137,90.0:0.0155,95.0:0.0171,99.0:0.0184,99.9:0.0187
where presumably qps means queries per second, and is the main results we are interested in, the more the better.
produces a tiny ImageNet subset with 8 images under fake_imagenet/.
fake_imagenet/val_map.txt contains:
val/800px-Porsche_991_silver_IAA.jpg 817
val/512px-Cacatua_moluccensis_-Cincinnati_Zoo-8a.jpg 89
val/800px-Sardinian_Warbler.jpg 13
val/800px-7weeks_old.JPG 207
val/800px-20180630_Tesla_Model_S_70D_2015_midnight_blue_left_front.jpg 817
val/800px-Welsh_Springer_Spaniel.jpg 156
val/800px-Jammlich_crop.jpg 233
val/782px-Pumiforme.JPG 285
where the numbers are the category indices from ImageNet1k. At see e.g.:
  • 817: 'sports car, sport car',
  • 89: 'sulphur-crested cockatoo, Kakatoe galerita, Cacatua galerita',
and so on, so they are coherent with the image names. By quickly looking at the script we see that it just downloads from Wikimedia and manually creates the file.
TODO prepare and test on the actual ImageNet validation set, README says:
Prepare the imagenet dataset to come.
Since that one is undocumented, let's try the COCO dataset instead, which uses COCO 2017 and is also a bit smaller. Note that his is not part of MLperf anymore since v2.1, only ImageNet and open images are used. But still:
export DATA_DIR="${DATADIR_BASE}/val2017-300"
mkdir -p "$DATA_DIR_BASE"
mv annotations val2017
cd -
cd "$(git-toplevel)"
python tools/upscale_coco/ --inputs "$DATA_DIR_BASE" --outputs "$DATA_DIR" --size 300 300 --format png
cd -
./ onnxruntime mobilenet cpu --accuracy
fails immediately with:
No such file or directory: '/path/to/coco/val2017-300/val_map.txt
The more plausible looking:
./ onnxruntime mobilenet cpu --accuracy --dataset coco-300
first takes a while to preprocess something most likely, which it does only one, and then fails:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ciro/git/inference/vision/classification_and_detection/python/", line 596, in <module>
  File "/home/ciro/git/inference/vision/classification_and_detection/python/", line 468, in main
    ds = wanted_dataset(data_path=args.dataset_path,
  File "/home/ciro/git/inference/vision/classification_and_detection/python/", line 115, in __init__
    self.label_list = np.array(self.label_list)
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 2 dimensions. The detected shape was (5000, 2) + inhomogeneous part.
Analytical chemistry by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Netron by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
SPARQL by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Helium by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Superfluid helium-4 by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Also sometimes called helium II, in contrast to helium I, which is the non-superfluid liquid helium phase.
Video 1.
Superfluid helium Resonance Experiment by Dietterich Labs (2019)
Aluminium by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Steel by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
A phase of Fe-C characterized by the low ammount of carbon.
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It is hard to say if this channel is good because of the awesome information, or if because of the absolute cutness of that British presenter. Maybe it is both.
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This is apparently the most important III-V semiconductor, it seems to actually have some applications, see also: gallium arsenide vs silicon.
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Counties of the United Kingdom by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
There are few different versions. The most important as of 2020 are:
No one is capable of offering an official/more generalized (why can't Google Maps do this properly?) map than these people:,-4.500/zoom=7 So so be it.
Video 1.
English counties explained by Jay Foreman (2021)
Plutonium by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
What a material:
  • only exists in trace amounts in nature,but it can be produced at kilogram scale in breeder reactors
  • it is only intentionally produced for one application, and one application only basically: nuclear weapons
Video 1. Source. Plutonium for self-respect scene from the 1987 film Edge Of Darkness
Video 2.
Burning and Extinguishing Characteristics of Plutonium Metal Fires by RobPlonski
. Source. Commented by this dude:
Pinned article: ourbigbook/introduction-to-the-ourbigbook-project
Welcome to the OurBigBook Project! Our goal is to create the perfect publishing platform for STEM subjects, and get university-level students to write the best free STEM tutorials ever.
Everyone is welcome to create an account and play with the site: We belive that students themselves can write amazing tutorials, but teachers are welcome too. You can write about anything you want, it doesn't have to be STEM or even educational. Silly test content is very welcome and you won't be penalized in any way. Just keep it legal!
Video 1.
Intro to OurBigBook
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We have two killer features:
  1. topics: topics group articles by different users with the same title, e.g. here is the topic for the "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus"
    Articles of different users are sorted by upvote within each article page. This feature is a bit like:
    • a Wikipedia where each user can have their own version of each article
    • a Q&A website like Stack Overflow, where multiple people can give their views on a given topic, and the best ones are sorted by upvote. Except you don't need to wait for someone to ask first, and any topic goes, no matter how narrow or broad
    This feature makes it possible for readers to find better explanations of any topic created by other writers. And it allows writers to create an explanation in a place that readers might actually find it.
    Figure 1.
    Screenshot of the "Derivative" topic page
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    Video 2.
    OurBigBook Web topics demo
    . Source.
  2. local editing: you can store all your personal knowledge base content locally in a plaintext markup format that can be edited locally and published either:
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    This way you can be sure that even if were to go down one day (which we have no plans to do as it is quite cheap to host!), your content will still be perfectly readable as a static site.
    Figure 5. . You can also edit articles on the Web editor without installing anything locally.
    Video 3.
    Edit locally and publish demo
    . Source. This shows editing OurBigBook Markup and publishing it using the Visual Studio Code extension.
    Video 4.
    OurBigBook Visual Studio Code extension editing and navigation demo
    . Source.
  4. Infinitely deep tables of contents:
    Figure 6.
    Dynamic article tree with infinitely deep table of contents
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