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Simulates vintage hardware synthesizers, and includes some pretty complex ones!
Aims to show an UI that looks exactly like the synthesizers in question.
This is a really good piece of software. You can search on YouTube how some classic synths, work, and the immediately start playing them!
Synthesizes MIDI input. vmpk +
+ Advanced Linux Sound Architecture hello world: only very basic effects it seems: chorus effect and reverberation. The main way to add instruments to it is via SoundFont files.
Qt front-end for FluidSynth.
gothinkster/realworld implementation by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-10 +Created 1970-01-01
Setups we've tried:
- backend:
- randyscotsmithey/feathers-realworld-example-app worked with React and Vue.js
- the React setup failed as shown at:
- gothinkster/django-realworld-example-app
- the Nest.js failed on Ubuntu 20.10 as per
- frontend:
Ciro Santilli lived there from 1995 to 1997.
2.5.0 manual prebuilt download install on Ubuntu 20.04 just worked. Launch directly from unzip without install. Play with examples under
Their docs are a reasonable way to learn Csound:
This is an extremely widely used technique as of 2020 and much earlier.
If allows you to amplify "any" sequence of choice (TODO length limitations) between a start and end sequences of interest which you synthesize.
If the sequence of interest is present, it gets amplified exponentially, and you end up with a bunch of DNA at the end.
You can then measure the DNA concentration based on simple light refraction methods to see if there is a lot of DNA or not in the post-processed sample.
Even Ciro Santilli had some contact with it at: Section "How to use an Oxford Nanopore MinION to extract DNA from river water and determine which bacteria live in it", see: PCR!
One common problem that happens with PCR if you don't design your primers right is:
For some reason Chinese people (and their sphere of influence such as Japan) are obsessed by numbered lists, e.g. stuff like Four Beauties, Four Treasures of the Study and so on!
The concept does exist in the West (e.g. The Seven Wonders of the World), but clearly the Sinosphere is much more obsesse by it!
conflict is basically what you always want to see, either by setting it as the default as per config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3
git checkout --conflict=diff3
With this, conflicts now show up as:
++<<<<<<< HEAD
++||||||| parent of 7b0f59d (6)
+ 6
++>>>>>>> 7b0f59d (6)
is the SHA-2 of commit 6.instead of the inferior default:
++<<<<<<< ours
+ 6
++>>>>>>> theirs
We can also observe the current tree state during resolution:so we understand that we are now at 5 and that we are trying to apply our commit
* b4ec057 (HEAD, master) 5
* 0b37c1b 4
| * fbfbfe8 (my-feature) 7
| * 7b0f59d 6
* 661cfab 3
* 6d748a9 2
* c5f8a2c 1
So it is much clearer what is happening:and so now we have to decide what the new code is that will put both of these together.
- master changed the code from
- our feature changed the code from
Let's say we decide it is
5 + 6 = 11
and continue rebasing:git add .
git rebase --continue
We now reach:and the tree looks like:So we understand that:and after resolving that one we now reach:
++<<<<<<< HEAD
++||||||| parent of fbfbfe8 (7)
+ 7
++>>>>>>> fbfbfe8 (7)
* ca7f7ff (HEAD) 6
* b4ec057 (master) 5
* 0b37c1b 4
| * fbfbfe8 (my-feature) 7
| * 7b0f59d 6
* 661cfab 3
* 6d748a9 2
* c5f8a2c 1
- after the previous step we added commit 6 on top of 5
- now we are adding 7 on top of the new 6 (which we decided would contain
* e1aaf20 (HEAD -> my-feature) 7
* ca7f7ff 6
* b4ec057 (master) 5
* 0b37c1b 4
* 661cfab 3
* 6d748a9 2
* c5f8a2c 1
Pinned article: ourbigbook/introduction-to-the-ourbigbook-project
Welcome to the OurBigBook Project! Our goal is to create the perfect publishing platform for STEM subjects, and get university-level students to write the best free STEM tutorials ever.
Everyone is welcome to create an account and play with the site: We belive that students themselves can write amazing tutorials, but teachers are welcome too. You can write about anything you want, it doesn't have to be STEM or even educational. Silly test content is very welcome and you won't be penalized in any way. Just keep it legal!
We have two killer features:
- topics: topics group articles by different users with the same title, e.g. here is the topic for the "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus" of different users are sorted by upvote within each article page. This feature is a bit like:
- a Wikipedia where each user can have their own version of each article
- a Q&A website like Stack Overflow, where multiple people can give their views on a given topic, and the best ones are sorted by upvote. Except you don't need to wait for someone to ask first, and any topic goes, no matter how narrow or broad
This feature makes it possible for readers to find better explanations of any topic created by other writers. And it allows writers to create an explanation in a place that readers might actually find it. - local editing: you can store all your personal knowledge base content locally in a plaintext markup format that can be edited locally and published either:This way you can be sure that even if were to go down one day (which we have no plans to do as it is quite cheap to host!), your content will still be perfectly readable as a static site.
- to to get awesome multi-user features like topics and likes
- as HTML files to a static website, which you can host yourself for free on many external providers like GitHub Pages, and remain in full control
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