DNA stuff at: human mtDNA.
The type of feeling of confusion and distrut for your sense that some Koans attempt to instill.
Ciro Santilli's preferred version of it is physics and the illusion of life.
Some notable references:
- kotobank.jp/word/大疑-556655 quotes passing referenes by
- Nichiren (1272)
What should I do?
- Sasamegoto (1463-64)
The square is without Daigo because there is no doubt
- Nichiren (1272)
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakuin_Ekaku#Taigi_%E2%80%93_great_doubt mentions Hakuin Ekaku's take
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithm_of_a_matrix#Existence mentions it always exists for all invertible complex matrices. But the real condition is more complicated. Notable counter example: -1 cannot be reached by any real .
The Lie algebra exponential covering problem can be seen as a generalized version of this problem, because
- Lie algebra of is just the entire
- we can immediately exclude non-invertible matrices from being the result of the exponential, because has inverse , so we already know that non-invertible matrices are not reachable
- www.linkedin.com/in/howelzy/Epic.
Might know a thing or two about landfills.
- www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/lost-bitcoin-crypto-james-howells-b2406517.htmlThe bizarre saga started in 2013 when Mr Howells, put the hardware from an old laptop that contained 8,000 bitcoins, the world’s leading cryptocurrency, in a black bag in his hallway."I was doing a clear-out in my office and put a lot of items into a bag which I then placed at the front door of my house," he said. "I woke up the next morning and my ex-partner had already taken the bags to the landfill site; she thought she was doing me a favour, it wasn’t her fault."
- www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-67297013
- 2021-08-02 arrested in the USA for extradiction
- 2023-11-06 Stepped down from monero Core Team
In this section we will use the file nodejs/bench_mem.js, tests are run on Node.js v16.14.2 from NVM, Ubuntu 21.10, on Lenovo ThinkPad P51 (2017) which has 32 GB RAM.
Related answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/12023359/what-do-the-return-values-of-node-js-process-memoryusage-stand-for/72043884#72043884
First using
from stackoverflow.com/questions/1221555/retrieve-cpu-usage-and-memory-usage-of-a-single-process-on-linux/40576129#40576129 let's observe the memory usage of some baseline cases.A C hello world with an infinite loop at the end has:
- 2.7 MB
- 770 KB
For a Node.js infinite loop nodejs/infinite_loop.jsThis gives approximately:
topp infinite_loop.js
- RSS: 20 MB
- VSZ: 230 MB
Adding a single hello world to it as in nodejs/infinite_hello.js and running:leads to:We understand that Node.js preallocates VSZ wildly. No big deal, but it does mean that VSZ is a useless measure for Node.js.
topp infinite_hello.js
- RSS: 26 MB
- VSZ: 580 MB
Forcing garbage collection as in nodejs/infinite_hello.js brings it down to 20 MB however:
topp node --expose-gc infinite_hello_gc.js
Finally let's see a baseline for which gives initially:but after a few seconds randomly jumps to:so we understand that
nodejs/infinite_memoryusage.js:node --expose-gc infinite_memoryusage.js
rss: 23851008,
heapTotal: 6987776,
heapUsed: 3674696,
external: 285296,
arrayBuffers: 10422
rss: 26005504,
heapTotal: 9084928,
heapUsed: 3761240,
external: 285296,
arrayBuffers: 10422
seems constant at 3.7 MBheapTotal
is a very noisy, as it starts at 7 MB, but randomly jumps to 9 MB at one point without apparent reason
Now let's run our main test program.
First a baseline case with an array of length 1:This gives the same results as with:
node --expose-gc bench_mem.js n 1
node --expose-gc infinite_memoryusage.js
. The same result is obtained by doing:a = undefined
node --expose-gc bench_mem.js dealloc
Not let's vary the size of which gives:
a bit with:node --expose-gc bench_mem.js n N
N | heapUsed | heapTotal | rss | heapUsed per elem | rss per elem |
1 M | 14 MB | 48 MB | 56 MB | 10 | 30 |
10 M | 122 MB | 157 MB | 176 MB | 18 | 15 |
100 M | 906 MB | 940 MB | 960 MB | 9 | 9.3 |
per elem" is calculated as: rss
- 26 MB, where 26 MB is the baseline RSS seen on n 1
.Similarly "
per elem" deduces the 4 MB (approximation of the above 3.7 MB) seen on n 1
.Note that to reach MAX_SAFE_INTEGER we would need 8 bytes per elem worst case.
Everything below 100 million (8) is therefore very memory wasteful in terms of RSS.
If we use we see that the memory is now, unsurprisingly, accounted for under Results for different N:We see therefore that typed arrays are much closer to what they advertise (4 bytes per element), even for smaller element counts, as expected.
typed array buffers instead of a simple Array
:node --expose-gc bench_mem.js array-buffer n N
, e.g. for N
1 million:{
rss: 31776768,
heapTotal: 6463488,
heapUsed: 3674520,
external: 4285296,
arrayBuffers: 4010422
|| N
|| `arrayBuffers`
|| `rss`
|| `rss` per elem
| 1 M
| 4 MB
| 31 MB
| 5
| 10 M
| 40 MB
| 67 MB
| 4.6
| 100 M
| 40 MB
| 427 MB
| 4
Now let's try one million objects of type gives:Disaster! Memory usage is up to 70 MB! Why?? We were expecting only about 24, 4 baseline + 2 * 10 for each million int?!
{ a: 1, b: -1 }
:node --expose-gc bench_mem.js obj
rss: 138969088,
heapTotal: 105246720,
heapUsed: 70103896,
external: 285296,
arrayBuffers: 10422
And now an equivalent version using gives the same result.
:node --expose-gc bench_mem.js class
Let's try Array:is even worse at 78 MB!! OMG why.
node --expose-gc bench_mem.js arr
rss: 164597760,
heapTotal: 129363968,
heapUsed: 78117008,
external: 285296,
arrayBuffers: 10422
Let's change the number of fields on the object? First as a sanity check:produces as expected the smae result as:so adding properties one by one doesn't change anything from creating the literal all at once. Good.
node --expose-gc bench_mem.js obj 2
node --expose-gc bench_mem.js obj
node --expose-gc bench_mem.js obj N
:- 1: 70M
- 2: 70M
- 3: 70M
- 4: 70M
- 5: 110M
- 6: 110M
- 7: 110M
- 8: 134M
- 9: 134M
- 10: 134M
- 11: 158M
This doesn't do a hole lot. Ciro Santilli wouldn't really call it a web framework. It's more like a middleware. Real web frameworks are built on top of it.
Examples under: nodejs/express:
- nodejs/express/min.js: minimal example. Visit localhost:3000 and it shows
hello world
. It is a bit wrong because the headers say HTML but we return plaintext. - nodejs/express/index.js: example dump with automated tests where possible. The automated tests are run at startup after the server launches. Then the server keeps running so you can interact with it.
A live example on Heroku can be seen at: github.com/cirosantilli/heroku-node-min
Looks interesting.
It seems to abstract the part about the client messaging the backend, which focuses on being able to easily plug in a number of Front-end web framework to manage client state.
Has the "main web API is the same as the REST API" focus, which is fundamental 2020-nowadays.
Uses Socket.IO, which allows the client Javascript to register callbacks when data is updated to achieve Socket.IO, e.g. their default chat app does:so that message appear immediately as they are sent.
client.service('messages').on('created', addMessage);
Their standard template from which looks promising! They don't have a default template for a Front-end web framework however unfortunately: docs.feathersjs.com/guides/frameworks.html#the-feathers-chat lists a few chat app versions, which is their hello world:But it is in itself a completely boring app with a single splash page, and no database interaction, so not a good showcase. The actual showcase app is feathersjs/feathers-chat.
feathers generate app
on @feathersjs/cli@4.5.0
includes:- several authentication methods, including OAuth
- testing
- backend database with one of several object-relational mapping! However, they don't abstract across them. E.g., the default Chat example uses NeDB, but a real app will likely use Sequelize, and a port is needed
- Front-end web framework: not built-in on generator, but there are some sample repos pointed from the documentation, and they did work out-of-box:
And there is no official example of the chat app that is immediately deployable to Heroku: FeathersJS Heroku deployment, all setups require thinking.
Global source entry point: determine on
as usual, defaults to src/index.js
.The idea is cool. It really unifies front-and back end.
But Ciro Santilli feels the approach proposed by FeathersJS of being a glue between bigger third-party Front-end web frameworks like React and backend (object-relational mapping) is more promising and flexible.
By the current user:
bkill 0
www.wholecellviz.org/viz.php awesome visualization of simtk, paper: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3413483/ A Whole-Cell Computational Model Predicts Phenotype from Genotype - 2013 - Jonathan R. Karr.
Followed up by the E. Coli Whole Cell Model by Covert Lab.
www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/03/07/a-journey-to-the-center-of-our-cells A Journey to the Center of Our Cells (2022) by James Somers comments on M. genitalium in general, and in particular on the JCVI strains.
MacKenzie Bezos' new husband after she divorced Bezos.
Science teacher at the Lakeside School in Seattle.
www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9338723/Who-billionaire-Mackenzie-Scotts-new-husband-Dan-Jewett.html Who IS billionaire Mackenzie Scott's new husband Dan Jewett?
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.